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Creating A Vision For Your Online Business

Creating A Vision For Your Online Business

Creating A Vision For Your Online Business

Creating A Vision For Your Business

Have you given thought about creating a vision for your online business? With all the day in and day out of running an online business keeping an eye on the vision of where you want to go can get shoved to the wayside. Whether you create a vision board, doodle about it in a notebook or write it out in detail. Visually seeing the results that you’d like to receive in your business can be extremely helpful.

The concept of creating a vision board isn’t anything new. It’s all part of the Law Of Attraction that you hear so much buzz about. I love me some LOA!

If you’re not into the Law Of Attraction, a little too woo-woo for you? Then I suggest you learn about Cameron Herold Vivid Vision. Here is a quick 11ish minute video of Cameron speaking about a Vivid Vision for your business.

Do you enjoy to read?

Cameron Herold covers this subject in his books: Vivid Vision and Double Double.

Do you

Do you see yourself getting to your vision of what you want for your business? Maybe you’ve already reached your first vision and are working at creating a vision to take you even further.

Besides creating your vision, have you created a plan mapped or did a mind map of how you think you can get there?

Track The Achievement

Do you track your achievements along the way so that you’re able to look back when you’re feeling defeated and overwhelmed with all the aspects of creating a vision into reality?

Maybe you’ve gotten over the first six-figure hump, but now are getting stuck in the daily grind of managing it all now and not able to move forward. It may be time to sit down again and begin creating a vision to take your business to the next level.

James Wedmore talked about this on his podcast Episode 254: How to Prevent Your Business from Crashing Down.. Without creating a vision for your business the path and belief to get there may not happen.

A little foggy

For the first few years of my business, my vision was foggy. I wanted to help everyone do everything. You know the saying a jack of all trades master of none? Trying to be all the things is stressful. Trying to help all the people is stressful.

I've since narrowed my focus down into two areas. Web Design because it is a beautiful creative outlet and online business management (OBM). Because I love the operations and managing of the business that an online business manager gets to concentrate on.

But it took really turning inward and looking at what were the things that I did that brought me joy and excitement, and releasing the things that caused me stress and overwhelm. It was simply a matter of trusting my own self and creating a vision of what I truly loved offering in my business.

This quote is from Life, The Truth, and Being Free by Steve Maraboli, “If you don’t know exactly where you’re going, how will you know when you get there?”

Guide To Quarterly Planning For Your Online Business

Guide To Quarterly Planning For Your Online Business

Guide To Quarterly Planning For Your Online Business

Guide To Quarterly Planning For Your Online Business

Are you quarterly planning for your online business? I’m not talking about a huge extensive plan, just getting your projects laid out for the next quarter. Where you want to focus your time and energy.

Let Me Guide You Through A Quarterly Planning…

At the end of last year did you get an idea of the types of projects that you wanted to complete in the up coming year? If not, no big deal. Do it now.


Brainstorm an exhausted list of all the projects that you want to accomplish in the next four to five quarters. When I say exhausted, I mean braindump all the ideas and information from your head on the list. No project is too small or simple for the list. Write down everything that pops into your head, no judgment.

Narrow It Down

Get out your pen and paper and get the projects out on paper. I like to highlight, cross off and of course color code.

Quarterly Planning For Your Online Business post by Miss Task


With your brainstorm list, figure out which projects are aligned with the vision and mission of your online business.


Select projects that are aligned with your online business and rank each of the tasks by importance. This will aid in where you need to start.


Each quarter will be assigned three projects to achieve! Basically, one per month. Start with the projects that have the most impact on the growth of your online business or is the quickest path to cash. Either highlight the three tasks for Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 with a different color or note the Q in front of the task.


Now on to quarterly planning for your online business

Now, it's time to organize your next quarter plan. From your list above what did you select as projects to work on for the upcoming quarter?

Do you have a project management application?

If you have a project management system you can set this all up inside so you know what to do when. If not, paper will work just fine.

At the top, write out your online business mission, vision, and goals for the upcoming quarter. Under this break it into three columns. One for each project.

Under the Project Header

Now we are going to put in all the tasks that need to be completed by who and when. Will you need any resources, such as a new software application, to complete the task?

Not all the tasks must be completed by you. It’s very important that you stay in your lane and delegate out the tasks that can be done by someone else.


Little Side Note

If you’re planning a large launch to take place in the next quarter and you know all focus needs to go into this. This would be your only project for the quarter.

Would you like a daily calendar printable?

Would you like a daily calendar printable?

Would you like a daily calendar printable?

Hey! Thought I would share this daily calendar printable that I created! Page one is the calendar with the time breakout for the day that you'll want to schedule. Hello, accomplishment! It also has a little spot to write your gratitude, goals and daily affirmation to keep it front and center!



Page two is blank with grid dots for whatever your little heart desires! Here are a few ideas for page two.

Remind Me Please!

Those important birthdays or appointments that you must remember.


What key projects are you going to focus on in today? Take some time to plan out reasonable goals that are achievable in one day. Maybe you need space to brainstorm an idea.

Must Do

What task must you do no matter? Plan when you're going to complete those tasks. Get them scheduled and completed. If you're like me a long task list is overwhelming. Keep it simple! The longer I run a business the more I understand that keeping things simple is the best. Things pop up during the day that will take your time. It's best to keep those must-do tasks ones that are revenue generating.


What are you thankful for today? Somedays I'm thankful for coffee and fake eyelashes. Just sayin' I appreciate all that brings me joy.


Do you write down a daily affirmation? Louise Hay and her affirmations help me to align to the good in my life and to remember that things are fine and I'm right where I need to be.


What is your goal for the day? Is a business goal, a personal goal? Write it down to remind yourself what you're working towards.



Download this free printable! It will give you instant access to this printable and anytime I create a new or revised printable I'll send it your way!

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