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Three Tips to Build Your Consistency in Content Creation

Three Tips to Build Your Consistency in Content Creation

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Three Tips to Build Your Consistency in Content Creation

Building your consistency in content creation is crucial for any entrepreneur looking to maintain and grow their business. Let's dive into why consistency in organic content creation is not just beneficial but essential and how you can strengthen this with simple, actionable steps.

The Challenge of Content Consistency

One challenge I've overcome is being consistent with creating content. Here’s the thing: I’ve been all over the place and understand what a struggle it can be. It seems like it should be super simple, right? Well, it is not. As entrepreneurs, we juggle so many tasks that it's easy to lose focus on what truly matters – being intentional and consistent with our content.


The Importance of Consistency in Content Creation

Consistently putting out new organic content is crucial, no matter how booked you may feel. It's easy to think you're all set with a full roster of clients and a waitlist. But ask yourself, how many potential clients have moved on because you weren't actively engaging them? 

As an entrepreneur, there’s so much for you to do that you can just be all over focusing on all the different things. If you’re not continuously expanding your waitlist, you could get yourself into trouble. 

What happens if you decide to switch gears from one-on-one clients into group coaching, membership, or a mastermind?

And if you need consistency in organic content creation, will your audience even remember who you are? If you do not continue to provide your list with consistent content, will they even know who you are or why they are receiving this email from you? Likely not. With the ongoing changes in email filtering by platforms like Google and Yahoo, consistency matters. Having an email marked as spam is a risk we cannot afford.

The Reality of Content Creation

Now, this is important: feeling like organic content creation is hard and overwhelming is normal because it is. You’re not alone. Even if you love to create content, it can be time-consuming without a sound system. Those daunting tasks often get pushed aside. Let’s be real; it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the oil. Unfortunately, you may not notice the quiet squeak of your inconsistent content creation until the wheels lock up.


Three Tips to Build Your Consistency in Content Creation

Friend, here are three simple things to build your consistency in content creation.

One: Done is Better Than Perfect.

Embrace messy, imperfect action. My mantra, “Business is easy when I take messy, imperfect action,” has been a business blessing. Until I let go of the thought that my content must be “perfect,” it became a lot less difficult to create. The amount of time that I spent creating it went down considerably. Because done will beat perfect in a race any dang day of the week.

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Three Tips to Build Your Consistency in Content Creation

Two: Start a Story Bank

Begin to squirrel away all those random stories to be used and help with consistency in content creation. You can easily create this in Google Sheets and insert dropdowns with different categories, such as lessons learned, funny, business fails, life fails, favorite quotes, and truisms. You can pick the categories that work for you. You’re story bank will be filled with ideas for creating content for your online business. 

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Three: Create a Simple Content System

You had to know this one was coming, right? Creating a simple content process so that you know what to do next in the creation process builds consistency in content creation.

An easy approach to creating a content system is simply to create a checklist of all the steps you need to take from idea to publication. 

Here are a few other checklists in your content system.

  • Organize your social media process by creating a checklist.
  • Checklist for repurposing content.
  • Sending to your email list content process checklist. 
  • What to do when you’re not inspired to create content: Start a list of what works for you to get motivated again. 


If you need help with where to start with creating your content system, book a Content Creation Simplified Session. If you’re curious about what this is, listen to episode 058, where you get to go behind the scenes in a Content Creation Simplified Session.

It’s Time To Wrap This Up

Let’s recap the three tips for building your consistency in content creation. 

  1. Done will always beat perfect in a race. Take messy, imperfect action.
  2. Create a story bank that you can use in your organic content creation. 
  3. Finally, create a simple content system that includes a checklist for all your processes. 


Remember, here is the link to sign up for a Content Creation Simplified Session. Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate you, and I hope you have a wonderful week.

Simplify Your Digital Life: Take Control of Google Drive, Eliminate Chaos!

  • Are you tired of the digital clutter in your Google Drive causing chaos, wasting your time, and risking important files?
  • Imagine the frustration of missing files during crucial moments, the stress of duplicated documents, and the overwhelming clutter that hinders productivity.

Grab our free guide and take the first step towards a well-organized and efficient Google Drive.

Say goodbye to the chaos and hello to digital content organization!

Is Trello the right project management software for you?

Is Trello the right project management software for you?

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Is Trello the right project management software for you?

When it comes to organic content creation, are you all over the place? Is your content strategy laughable and not a true asset to your small business? Are tasks slipping through the cracks and getting missed? Have you attempted to solve this with project management software in the past and failed? Was it the right one? Is Trello the right project management software for you? Here are 3 questions to ask yourself.

Are you all over the place with content consistency?

There are a number of podcasts I follow that haven't released an episode for months, and I find that surprising. It piques my curiosity if they had a good checklist in a project a management tool, would that keep them from feeling overwhelmed with creating consistent content?

If I’ve learned anything in all my experience with working with online coaches and course creation, every one of them is triggered by overwhelm differently. 

I’m sure this will come as a shocker, each one of us has our own threshold for overwhelm. We all think in different ways; some project management software can overwhelm one business owner while it clicks for another.

Is Trello the right PM software for you? Here are 3 questions to ask yourself to find out.

Simplicity and Ease

Trello is the right project management software for you; let’s find out with our first question.

Do I value simplicity and ease in a project management tool, or do I prefer more complex solutions?

One thing you know for sure is that you are busy. You are juggling a lot of schedules and people; you need a simple solution.

Even the thought of implementing project management software makes your palms sweaty.

Maybe you’re happy with a piece of paper or a Google doc.

I’m guessing if you’re listening to this, it is for a good reason.

When you sit down at your desk, do you find yourself wasting your time and energy? I certainly did when I started my business. See, I found that transitioning from employee to business owner was quite challenging.

The problem is managing a business can be overwhelming, especially when you wear many hats. A user-friendly project management software is essential.

Designed for simplicity, Trello makes it easy to use.

We can easily manage our content creation with its clean and clutter-free interface.

This leads up to question two as we explore: is Trello the right project management software for you?

Visual Layout

Is visual organization and layout crucial for helping me stay organized and focused on my tasks?

If the answer is yes, you’re a girl after my own heart! If flexibility in making your space beautiful and visually appealing is important to you.

Trello is for the business owner who needs to see the big picture in front of you.

If you define yourself as not naturally organized, Trello is the one you should consider.

Trello drag-and-drop feature to rearrange the content cards to go from idea to posting to repurposing.

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Is Trello the right project management software for you?

Basic Planning and Tracking

Do I require basic planning and tracking capabilities to manage my content creation and business tasks effectively? This is the third and final question: is Trello the right project management software for you?

Have you ever described yourself as not being very good with technology? This is a key reason why you’ve been unsuccessful in the past with project management software.

Do you find yourself forgetting to do something? Content tasks somehow seem to slip through the cracks.

Trello is a great choice if you want a streamlined content creation process to make the most of your limited time.

You’re able to set up the cards with your to-do list. One way to set up your content Trello board is by the milestone steps in your workflow. If you are going to set up your board like this, your column heads could be

  • Idea Bank
  • Outline
  • Record
  • Write
  • Edit
  • Scheduled
  • Published
  • Promote
  • Metrics
  • Done

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Discover the Secret to Effortless Content Creation –

From Overwhelmed to Thriving: Your Content Creation Simplified Journey Starts Here!

Another option to set up your content Trello board would be by batch days. Instead of milestones, the columns on your board can be set up with your batch creation days.

What that could look like is:

  • Monday | Outline
  • Tuesday | Record
  • Wednesday | Keyword Research
  • Thursday | Write
  • Friday | Schedule

All you need to do is move your card from one column to the next in your batching days.

Still not sure if Trello is the right solution for you? Book a 1-hour content creation simplified virtual session, and we can figure out a project management software that will work for you. 

Here are the three questions to ask yourself to find out if Trello is the right project management software for you.

1. Do I value simplicity and ease in my project management tool, or do I prefer a more complex solution?
        a. Remember, Trello is designed with simplicity in mind. It's clean and clutter-free.


2. Is visual organization and layout critical for helping me stay organized and focused on my tasks?
        a. If you need to see the big picture in front of you, or you're not naturally organized, Trello may be the project management software for you.


3. Do I require basic planning and tracking capabilities to manage my content creation and business tasks effectively?
        a. So, if you've ever described yourself as a person who is not very good with technology.
        b. Or you find that you're forgetting to do things frequently with your busy schedule. Trello may be the task management or project management software for you.


Time To Wrap This Up

Whatever project management software you select, it must make your life easier, your business smoother, and your dreams of growing your business achievable in between your kids' drop off, pick up, and that busy carpooling schedule.

I'm very grateful that you've chosen to spend time with me today. Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate you, and I hope you have a wonderful week.

Unlocking Content Creation: 3 Tips for Creating Content

Unlocking Content Creation: 3 Tips for Creating Content

Small Business Owner working at desk: Headline is Unlocking Content Creation: 3 Tips for Creating Content

Do you often find yourself flying by the seat of your pants when it comes to content creation? You know, hopping from one incomplete task to another, never quite wrapping anything up. As the day winds down, you shut the office door, feeling a bit bewildered about what you've accomplished. I often throw around terms like systems, processes, and workflows, but do they feel like jargon in the midst of your daily chaos? Sometimes, simplicity is the key. Here are three straightforward tips for creating content that leaves you with a sense of accomplishment rather than leaving you wondering.

Tips for Creating Content: Storage

Yes, storage really is the first in my tips for creating content. Having one centralized system for storing your content is crucial. I've always been a fan of Google Drive, but there are numerous options available – Dropbox, OneDrive, iCloud, to name a few. The key is to choose the one that doesn't overwhelm you.

I lean towards Google Workspace because it not only offers storage but also includes tools like Docs, Sheets, Forms, and more. It's an all-in-one solution that simplifies content management. Plus, it makes finding files easy, especially if you tend to misplace them.

Consistency is key. If you've been hopping between various free storage platforms, it's time to streamline. Consider creating a Table of Contents in Notion or Airtable (or your preferred platform) that contains links to all your files scattered across different cloud storage services. Whenever you create a new online file, simply copy the link into your Storage Table of Contents.

The goal is to have one go-to place where you can effortlessly locate all your content

How to set up Google Drive to never lose a file.

The Power of Checklists in Content Creation

You've probably heard this one before, but here's the question: are you really doing it? Are you using a checklist to streamline your content creation process? Let's be honest; a checklist might not sound groundbreaking, but it's a powerful tool. With a checklist in hand, you have a clear roadmap to ensure you cover all the necessary steps, from outlining your content to writing, publishing, and promoting it.

Surprisingly, not everyone swears by the power of a good checklist. Some might think it's unnecessary because they've done it countless times before. But here's the thing: familiarity can lead to complacency, and that's when things tend to slip through the cracks.

Here's the second tip in my tips for creating content: take the time to create a simple checklist. And here's the bonus – that incredible feeling of satisfaction that comes from ticking items off the list. It's undeniable proof that you've accomplished something today.

Be Confident In Your Content

When I think back and read the content I created earlier in my business, all I can say is oh bo

Do you know what I was missing? It was confidence in my content. It wasn’t that I lacked the skills to create content; what I truly lacked was self-belief. Without the unwavering confidence in myself, the journey to create content was an uphill battle. When you don’t believe that what you have to say is helpful, your mind works tirelessly to confirm that belief. Because it prefers being right over being wrong, it prefers to keep you safe. 

Here's a crucial tip for content creation: believe in what you're writing. Believe in your expertise and your ability to help others solve their problems. You've already done it for yourself, and that's the foundation of your authority. Confidence is your greatest ally on this journey.

Small Business Owner working at desk: Headline is Unlocking Content Creation: 3 Tips for Creating Content

While I know I said three tips for creating content, I want to slip in one more.

Knowing the results associated with the keywords you're trying to rank for is vital. Your chosen keywords must be genuinely relevant to your services.

Before dedicating too much time to creating content around a specific keyword, take a moment for a quick Google search. Examine the results that appear.

When you look at what shows up on page one of Google, ask yourself if those results align with your business. This is a crucial step, one that I've recently added to my keyword research checklist.

Small Business Owner working at desk: Headline is Unlocking Content Creation: 3 Tips for Creating Content

In a recent scenario where I conducted a keyword gap analysis for a client's website compared to their competition, it became clear that not all keywords are created equal. Despite extensive research, one target keyword for content creation failed to bring up anything remotely related to my client's business in a Google search.

Here's the bottom line: while aiming for page one of Google is a goal, if a keyword generates results completely unrelated to your services, it's not the right target keyword. Don't hesitate to shift your focus to something more suitable.

As a bonus tip, always perform a Google search using your target keyword to ensure the results align with your content and goals.

It’s Time To Wrap This Up

What do you think? I hope you found these tips for creating content valuable and outside the box. 

If you are looking for assistance with creating your content checklist or organizational system, please book a mini-session, and I’ll create a process that will work for you

Book A 1-Hour Virtual Session

Discover the Secret to Effortless Content Creation –

From Overwhelmed to Thriving: Your Content Creation Simplified Journey Starts Here!

Simplify Your Digital Life: Take Control of Google Drive, Eliminate Chaos!

  • Are you tired of the digital clutter in your Google Drive causing chaos, wasting your time, and risking important files?
  • Imagine the frustration of missing files during crucial moments, the stress of duplicated documents, and the overwhelming clutter that hinders productivity.

Grab our free guide and take the first step towards a well-organized and efficient Google Drive.

Say goodbye to the chaos and hello to digital content organization!