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Small Business Owner working at desk: Headline is Unlocking Content Creation: 3 Tips for Creating Content

Do you often find yourself flying by the seat of your pants when it comes to content creation? You know, hopping from one incomplete task to another, never quite wrapping anything up. As the day winds down, you shut the office door, feeling a bit bewildered about what you've accomplished. I often throw around terms like systems, processes, and workflows, but do they feel like jargon in the midst of your daily chaos? Sometimes, simplicity is the key. Here are three straightforward tips for creating content that leaves you with a sense of accomplishment rather than leaving you wondering.

Tips for Creating Content: Storage

Yes, storage really is the first in my tips for creating content. Having one centralized system for storing your content is crucial. I've always been a fan of Google Drive, but there are numerous options available – Dropbox, OneDrive, iCloud, to name a few. The key is to choose the one that doesn't overwhelm you.

I lean towards Google Workspace because it not only offers storage but also includes tools like Docs, Sheets, Forms, and more. It's an all-in-one solution that simplifies content management. Plus, it makes finding files easy, especially if you tend to misplace them.

Consistency is key. If you've been hopping between various free storage platforms, it's time to streamline. Consider creating a Table of Contents in Notion or Airtable (or your preferred platform) that contains links to all your files scattered across different cloud storage services. Whenever you create a new online file, simply copy the link into your Storage Table of Contents.

The goal is to have one go-to place where you can effortlessly locate all your content

How to set up Google Drive to never lose a file.

The Power of Checklists in Content Creation

You've probably heard this one before, but here's the question: are you really doing it? Are you using a checklist to streamline your content creation process? Let's be honest; a checklist might not sound groundbreaking, but it's a powerful tool. With a checklist in hand, you have a clear roadmap to ensure you cover all the necessary steps, from outlining your content to writing, publishing, and promoting it.

Surprisingly, not everyone swears by the power of a good checklist. Some might think it's unnecessary because they've done it countless times before. But here's the thing: familiarity can lead to complacency, and that's when things tend to slip through the cracks.

Here's the second tip in my tips for creating content: take the time to create a simple checklist. And here's the bonus – that incredible feeling of satisfaction that comes from ticking items off the list. It's undeniable proof that you've accomplished something today.

Be Confident In Your Content

When I think back and read the content I created earlier in my business, all I can say is oh bo

Do you know what I was missing? It was confidence in my content. It wasn’t that I lacked the skills to create content; what I truly lacked was self-belief. Without the unwavering confidence in myself, the journey to create content was an uphill battle. When you don’t believe that what you have to say is helpful, your mind works tirelessly to confirm that belief. Because it prefers being right over being wrong, it prefers to keep you safe. 

Here's a crucial tip for content creation: believe in what you're writing. Believe in your expertise and your ability to help others solve their problems. You've already done it for yourself, and that's the foundation of your authority. Confidence is your greatest ally on this journey.

Small Business Owner working at desk: Headline is Unlocking Content Creation: 3 Tips for Creating Content

While I know I said three tips for creating content, I want to slip in one more.

Knowing the results associated with the keywords you're trying to rank for is vital. Your chosen keywords must be genuinely relevant to your services.

Before dedicating too much time to creating content around a specific keyword, take a moment for a quick Google search. Examine the results that appear.

When you look at what shows up on page one of Google, ask yourself if those results align with your business. This is a crucial step, one that I've recently added to my keyword research checklist.

Small Business Owner working at desk: Headline is Unlocking Content Creation: 3 Tips for Creating Content

In a recent scenario where I conducted a keyword gap analysis for a client's website compared to their competition, it became clear that not all keywords are created equal. Despite extensive research, one target keyword for content creation failed to bring up anything remotely related to my client's business in a Google search.

Here's the bottom line: while aiming for page one of Google is a goal, if a keyword generates results completely unrelated to your services, it's not the right target keyword. Don't hesitate to shift your focus to something more suitable.

As a bonus tip, always perform a Google search using your target keyword to ensure the results align with your content and goals.

It’s Time To Wrap This Up

What do you think? I hope you found these tips for creating content valuable and outside the box. 

If you are looking for assistance with creating your content checklist or organizational system, please book a mini-session, and I’ll create a process that will work for you

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From Overwhelmed to Thriving: Your Content Creation Simplified Journey Starts Here!

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