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Content Creation Day Checklist: How to Create Consistent Content

Content Creation Day Checklist: How to Create Consistent Content

Miss Task Blog Small Business Owner working at desk | Headline is Content Creation Day Checklist: How to Create Consistent Content
Ever find yourself in those cycles where creating consistent, organic content feels like an uphill battle you'd rather avoid? We've all been there. Between juggling a million things, the thought of sitting down to write a blog post, record a podcast, or film a video can be overwhelming. But what if I told you there's a way to break the cycle? Enter Content Creation Day—a focused time to tackle your content needs. The struggle to drive traffic to your website is real, but it doesn't have to be your forever story.

Your Content Creation Day

Imagine dedicating just one day to content creation in order to help break the cycle by getting you ahead of your content. Yes, a whole day where you focus solely on creating killer content for your business. This is what we call a Content Creation Day, and it's about to become your secret weapon. Now, let's dive into how to make the most of it.

How to Rock Your Content Creation Day

First things first, you must be in the right state of mind for a successful content creation day. You’ll want to come into the day excited about what you are about to create.

To start, do you know when you have the most creative energy? As it ebbs and flows, you can begin to see a pattern if you pay attention. Take advantage of those days and plan your content creation day around them. Block out a few hours leading up to that day to figure out your content calendar so that you can begin to think about your topics. Really get on board and commit to creating some amazing content.

Prep Work Prior To The Big Day

Any great day requires prep work to ensure it goes as well as you hope. Remember, there is no such thing as perfect. Just a plan to get things done and the willingness to follow through to make it happen. So, here's what you should consider.

Before your big content creation day, here is what I would consider prep work. Creating content is much smoother for me personally when I have completed the tasks before I begin. By that, I mean I’m not finding myself going down rabbit holes on the internet looking at new planners or clothes.

You might be wondering how I get myself in trouble researching content. They will have all those dang Pinterest ads in my scroll. Before I know it, I’m on some website oohing and ahhing over something, generally planners and clothes. I know, right, that’s not helpful.

Because I know myself, all the research is done beforehand. But you do you if you're a willpower master and don’t often find yourself chasing down shiny objects, you can do the prep during your Content Creation Day.

Prep Work:

Firstly, all the ideas! Do you have an idea bank to pull from? Yes? Good, go to your idea bank for topics that align with your promotional calendar. Cause, friend, your content and promotional calendar go hand and hand. The podcast episode that goes with this blog post probably includes a comment about peanut butter and jelly or crackers and cheese.

No idea bank? No worries, but start one now. You’ll want to brainstorm ideas. Think about your ideal client. What are their pain points? What solutions can you offer?

Don’t forget this should be in alignment with your upcoming promotional calendar. If you’re a health and wellness coach, listening when this is released, the new year is a few weeks away. This is your golden time, right now your content must be building up your email list and bringing your future potential clients into your funnel.

Out of all your ideas, what do you want to prioritize for your content creation day? Choose topics that align with your promotional calendar and sprinkle in some SEO magic with keywords that have the right search volume for you.

It Sits On The Border of Prep and Content Creation Day

Now, here’s something that’s a bit of a gray area: what will work better for you? Create an outline beforehand or during your content creation day. Your outline is your content roadmap. This keeps you focused and ensures you don't leave out any points.

Do you want to batch your outlines before the big day, or do you want to whip it out before each piece of content? When I’m reaching my keywords, this is when I work on my outline, so that I can use phrases and words that my ideal client is searching for. If you’re new here Ubersuggest is where I do all my keyword research.

Miss Task Blog Small Business Owner working at desk | Headline is Content Creation Day Checklist: How to Create Consistent Content

On Your Creation Day

So, what’s the game plan for the day? That’s simple all you do is batch create content, take breaks, and repeat! Depending on your process, this may be batch recording all the podcast episodes or writing all the blog posts. You’ll be focused on creating content for your primary platform. 

At the end of the day circle back and review and revise. Of course, before you hit publish, look at it again with fresh eyes and give it a once-over. Make sure it's polished and ready to shine.

Miss Task Blog Small Business Owner working at desk | Headline is Content Creation Day Checklist: How to Create Consistent Content

The Future You: Is a Consistent Content Creator

Looking ahead, let's talk about Future You—the entrepreneur who doesn't break a sweat when it comes to content creation. How did she get there? By making Content Creation Day a habit.

Habits of Future You

Workflow Mastery: Future You has a system that makes content creation a breeze.

Idea Bank: She never runs out of ideas because she's been squirreling them away.

Strategic Mindset: She knows her ‘why' and aligns her content accordingly.

Time Management: Future You loves the Pomodoro Technique. It keeps her focused and productive.

Reprogram Your Mindset

By now, you're probably wondering, “How do I become this consistent content creator?” It starts with a decision to change your thoughts around creating consistent content. It begins with your mindset. What you tell yourself matters, it shapes reality. Start by reframing how you view content creation. Instead of a chore, see it as an opportunity to connect and provide value. Speak it, believe it, and you'll live it.

Time To Wrap This Up!

In conclusion, your Content Creation Day is more than just a productivity hack; it's a transformative practice. It's about shifting from a place of struggle to a space of ease and flow. And the best part? You're not alone on this journey.

You've got this, and your future self will thank you for it.

Thank you so much for reading, I appreciate you and I hope you have a wonderful week

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Say goodbye to the chaos and hello to digital content organization!

6 Tips to Master Your Guidelines for Posting Content

6 Tips to Master Your Guidelines for Posting Content

Do you know I have a form on my website to submit questions or episode ideas for me? Well, I'm going to cover one that I received. And the question is, “Can you share with me strategies and guidelines for posting content in terms of a timetable?” Refill your coffee because we're going to go ahead and answer that question today.

Why You Need Guidelines for Posting Content

I love it, when I get questions from my listeners, it makes things so easy. I don't have to guess what questions you have. Isn't that such a wonderful thing? So today, we're going to cover the guidelines for posting content so that you can master this for yourself. 

I was so excited actually to receive this question. It's a topic that is near and dear to my heart because I know that I've struggled with it myself.

Determine Your Posting Frequency

Before diving into the types of content you want to create, let's lay the foundation with your posting frequency. It's all about what's doable for you, given your time and energy resources. And hey, let's not forget your audience and the kind of time and energy they have to consume your content. Whether it's videos, podcasts, or social media updates, each has its own time commitment.

Here's your quick action step: Grab a timer and set it for five minutes. 🕒 During that time, jot down how much time you can dedicate to creating content each week. Knowing your “time bank” will help you decide if you're aiming for daily, weekly, or bi-weekly posts. Trust me, consistency is your golden ticket here.

The Magic of a Content Calendar 🗓️

Once you've nailed down your posting frequency, the next step in your guidelines for posting content is creating a content calendar. Trust me, this is your secret weapon against decision fatigue and last-minute scrambles.

Imagine it's Tuesday night, and you suddenly remember your blog or podcast is supposed to go live on Wednesday morning. Yikes! A content calendar saves you from those “Oh no!” moments and keeps you consistently on track.

Here's the deal: A well-planned content calendar helps you map out not just what to post, but when to post it. Take your core content—whether it's a blog post, podcast, or video—and sprinkle it throughout the month. This way, you can keep directing your audience back to that cornerstone piece.

Quick Action Step: 🎯

Spare just 10 minutes to set up a basic content calendar. Whether you're a Google Sheets guru or a paper planner enthusiast, jot down the dates and topics you want to cover.

Pro tip: I keep my content calendar in two places—my paper planner and Notion. Why? Because jotting it down on paper first helps my brain process it better.

Then, I transferred it to Notion for easy digital access. So, if I'm ever away from my computer, a quick flip through my paper planner keeps me in the loop.

The Power of Scheduling Tools in Your Content Posting Guidelines

When it comes to guidelines for posting content, a scheduling tool is your unsung hero. I'm a big fan of Metricool, and let me tell you why—it's like having a mini-assistant that handles all your posting needs.

RSS Feed Magic

First off, Metricool lets you set up an RSS feed that pulls directly from your website. What's the big deal? Well, it automatically shares your latest blog posts across your social media channels as soon as they go live. Talk about a time-saver!

Recycle and Reuse

But wait, there's more! Metricool can also recycle your posts. Imagine your blog post from October popping back up in your followers' feeds months later. I have mine set to resurface every 90 days, keeping my content fresh without the extra work.

Quote Me on This

Love sharing quotes? Me too! Metricool has you covered. You can set up a feed of your favorite quotes to be published at intervals on your chosen social media platforms.

Canva Compatibility

Another perk? Metricool plays well with Canva. Create your images in Canva, add your copy, and schedule it directly to Metricool.

A quick tip: don't write your captions directly in Canva. Use a caption bank to store pre-written captions, making it a breeze to copy and paste when scheduling.

Quick Action Step: 🎯

Take 10 minutes to explore Metricool or another scheduling tool. Schedule a test post for tomorrow to see how it feels.

Remember, a little planning goes a long way. You could spend just an hour a week—or even a month—planning and scheduling your content. The best part? Once it's set, it's on autopilot.

Spice Up Your Content Mix 🌶️

Variety isn't just the spice of life; it's the secret sauce in your content strategy. Your audience wants to have a mixture of different content types—from blog posts and social media videos to infographics.

Why? Because mixing it up keeps them engaged and curious. They'll think, “Wow, this infographic is so helpful, what else do they have?”

Quick Action Step: 🎯
Set a timer for 10 minutes and brainstorm a list of various content types you'd like to experiment with this month. Then, pick one new format to try out. Variety keeps your audience coming back for more, so don't be afraid to shake things up!

Timing is Everything in Content Posting Guidelines

When it comes to guidelines for posting content, timing is crucial. You want your content to go live when your audience—especially if you're targeting busy work-from-home moms—is most likely to engage. While algorithms can be unpredictable, you can still play the odds by posting at peak times.

Why Metricool is a Game-Changer 🌟

Here's where Metricool comes in as a lifesaver. It shows you the “hot times” when people are most active on each platform. This allows you to strategically schedule your posts for maximum visibility. No need to dive into analytics; Metricool has got you covered.

Quick Action Step: 🎯

Spare just five minutes to check the analytics on your social media platforms. Identify when your audience is most active and adjust your scheduling tool accordingly. If you're using Metricool, this info is already at your fingertips.

Monitor, Adjust, and Refine Your Content Posting Guidelines

The last but certainly not least step in your guidelines for posting content is to keep an eye on your metrics. Monitoring and adjusting are not just buzzwords; they're essential practices to get the most bang for your buck. Or in this case, your time.

Are people engaging with your posts? Are certain topics gaining more traction? Use this data to refine your strategy.

Quick Action Step: 🎯

Carve out 10 minutes at the end of each week to review your metrics and analytics. Make notes on what's working and what needs tweaking, then adjust your content calendar accordingly.

Pro Tip: The CEO Report 📝

Want to make this process even easier? Create a “CEO Report” using a Google Form. Include questions that prompt you to review your week's metrics and performance.

Fill it out weekly to keep a running history you can refer back to. I've got mine set up in Notion, and it's a game-changer.

It's time to wrap this up!

Okay, friends. It's time to wrap this up. I hope that you found these tips to be helpful.

And this answered the specific question that you asked me to cover. If not, I guess. Let me know, and I will try again. 

Quick Recap: Your Ultimate Guide to Content Posting Guidelines

  1. Determine Your Posting Frequency: Figure out what's doable for you and stick to it. Consistency is key!
  2. Create a Content Calendar: Say goodbye to last-minute stress and hello to a well-planned content strategy.
  3. Leverage Scheduling Tools: Tools like Metricool can be your best friend, automating your posts and optimizing timing.
  4. Mix Up Your Content Types: Keep your audience engaged with a variety of content formats.
  5. Timing is Everything: Post when your audience is most active for maximum engagement.
  6. Monitor and Adjust: Keep an eye on your metrics to refine your strategy continually.

Thank you so much for your time I appreciate you, and I hope you have a wonderful week.

Book A 1-Hour Virtual Session

Discover the Secret to Effortless Content Creation –

From Overwhelmed to Thriving: Your Content Creation Simplified Journey Starts Here!

Get Out of the Content Creation Loop

Get Out of the Content Creation Loop

Miss Task | Content Creation Loop | Small Business Owner working on her computer

Hey there, friend! Are you feeling stuck in the content creation loop? Trust me, you're not alone. The idea behind repurposing your existing content is to get out of the loop and make your life much easier.

Repurposing your existing content gives you more time to focus on other important tasks. Plus, you can create more content with the same amount of effort. Finally, repurposing your existing content can help you reach a wider audience.

The Struggle of the Content Creation Loop Is Real

Juggling family life and running an online business is no small feat. The to-do list seems endless, and falling into the content creation loop can feel like another full-time job. But here's the silver lining: you can streamline your workflow and reclaim your time with the right systems and strategies. So, refill that coffee mug, and let's get to it!

Content Creation Loop Signs

  • You're constantly brainstorming new content ideas.
  • You feel overwhelmed by the publishing schedule.
  • You're sacrificing family time to keep up with content demands.
  • You're spending too much time and energy creating content and not enough time promoting it. 
  • It's exhausting and overwhelming for you.
  • Don't even get you started on the tech challenges. 

Why You Should Escape the Content Creation Loop

1. Save Time and Resources

Creating new content from scratch is a time-suck. You brainstorm, research, write, edit, and publish—each step eating away precious hours. But what if you could escape the content creation loop by giving an old piece of content a new life? 

Added Tips: 

  • Use content templates for common post types.
  • Batch create content to save time.
  • Outsource tasks that don't require your expertise.

2. Increase Visibility and Reach

The internet is a big place, and not everyone hangs out in the same corners. Repurposing your content allows you to meet your audience where they are. 

Added Tips: 

  • Use analytics to identify which platforms your audience frequents.
  • Tailor your message to fit the platform's culture and norms.

3. Dive Deeper into Topics

Repurposing lets you explore subtopics you might have skimmed over initially. For instance, by updating an old blog post with new insights, you can make it even more valuable for your readers.

Added Tips: 

  • Use reader comments and questions as inspiration for new subtopics.
  • Update old posts with new data, graphics, or expert quotes.

4. Unlock New Opportunities

Repurposing isn't just about recycling; it's about amplifying your voice and expertise. Refreshing old content can catch the eye of industry leaders, opening doors to collaborations, speaking gigs, or business partnerships.

Added Tips: 

  • Use social media to tag and engage potential collaborators.
  • Keep an updated portfolio to showcase your expertise.

It's Time To Wrap This Up

Repurposing content isn't just a time-saving hack; it's a strategic move. It maximizes your efforts, broadens your reach, deepens your authority, and can even open new doors. So, the next time you create a piece of content, think of it as a starting point, not the finish line.

Your Action Plan to Break the Content Creation Loop

1. Audit your existing content.

2. Identify repurposing opportunities.

3. Create a repurposing workflow.

4. Implement and track results.

Thank you for your time. I appreciate you, and I hope you have a wonderful week!

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Discover the Secret to Effortless Content Creation –

From Overwhelmed to Thriving: Your Content Creation Simplified Journey Starts Here!