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Oh my goodness, you guys! I've got another question to answer for you week. In this episode, we're diving into what I believe are the top five organic content workflows every business owner should have. Think of these as the bread and butter—or maybe the sourdough and butter, because who doesn't love some good sourdough?—of content management. Trust me, these are game-changers. And the best part? I've got quick daily steps that you can take in under 10 minutes to make these workflows work for you.

First Content Workflow: Long Form Content

What's the first workflow in the five organic content workflows we're diving into? Naturally, it's all about your long-form content, be it your podcast or blog post. I’m curious: have you tried the new Reese's animal crackers? Just kidding! But seriously, what wording do you use for your long-form content? Is it pillar content, core content, or your main content? I'm genuinely curious because everyone seems to have their own lingo.

Why is it important? Your long-form content is your chance to really connect with your ideal client. It's like having that heart-to-heart over coffee. But through your blog post or your podcast.


Quick Daily Action For Your First Content Workflow

Ready for a quick daily action to kickstart your workflow for long-form content? I recommend setting aside just 10 minutes to jot down the key steps involved in publishing your podcast or blog post. 

This simple exercise will help you establish your own workflow. If you're still figuring things out, no worries! Feel free to jot these steps down in your calendar blocks as you go. Remember, the more you focus on something, the better it gets, and you'll soon have a clear understanding of your process.


Second Content Workflow: Content Calendar

Moving on to the second workflow, you should consider content calendars in our five organic content workflows. Why are they so important? I've touched on this before, but it bears repeating. A content calendar acts like your content's personal assistant. It keeps you organized and ensures you're consistently putting your best foot forward. Moreover, it eliminates decision fatigue and the stress of not having content ready to post.

How do you go about creating a content calendar workflow? A good place to start is by looking at your idea bank. What content ideas have you already gathered? Alternatively, your initial step could be to lay out and color-code your posting schedule—deciding what to post, on which platform, and when. As a solo entrepreneur, don't spread yourself too thin by having too many platforms.

Quick Daily Action For Your Second Content Workflow

Ready for a quick five-minute action? Focus on outlining the various steps you take when creating your content calendar. Aim for small, repeatable steps that you can document. Whether you use Asana or another project management system, having these steps laid out will save you time and mental energy in the long run.


Third Content Workflow: Short Form Content

Absolutely, you need a workflow for your short-form content, which is a crucial part of your overall content system. How do you go about crafting those captions? Deciding on a carousel or a single image? Do you have a specific aesthetic for your Instagram feed, or are you more of a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of person? Whatever your style, a caption bank can be a lifesaver.

Here's the deal: you can recycle those captions. No, not every week, but consider a 60-day or even a 180-day rotation. Just plug them into your project management tool; you know I use Asana. Perhaps a  Google Docs or even your Google Calendar would be simpler for you. It doesn't have to be fancy. These captions will pop up in your content bank every 60 or 90 days, giving you a ready-to-go option when planning your posts.

What's your game plan for short-form content? Start with your caption bank, then decide whether to go for a reel or a carousel. The Google Calendar idea from earlier that’s how it all started for me. I used to recycle my posts in my Google Calendar. Even now, I have a few remaining on my calendar. When they pop up, it's a fun reminder of my early business days.

Having a caption bank helps me stay organized and on top of my content planning. It also allows me to refresh my content and ensure it's still relevant.

Quick Daily Action For Your Third Content Workflow

Here is your 10-minute quick win—to scroll through your social media feed. Add a post to your caption bank if it has done exceptionally well. Remember, old posts can be gold; they can inspire new content. If you haven't started a caption bank yet, maybe that's your action item for the day. Incorporating these five content workflows, including one for short-form content, can make a world of difference in your content strategy.

Fourth Content Workflow: Email Marketing

The fourth item on our list is email marketing. Email marketing allows you to connect with your ideal clients in a very personal way. Unlike your blog posts, emails allow you to offer exclusive tips and information. If someone has opted into your email list, they're special and deserve that extra touch in your communications. 

Now, let's talk workflow. Having a Google Docs template for your email marketing can be a game-changer. It should include your subject line, pre-text, and a general opening that sets the tone. This way, you're not starting from scratch every time you draft an email. 

Just like you have an idea bank for your blog, consider having one for your email marketing. This is where you store those exclusive tidbits you only share with your subscribers. So, when it's time to create new email content, simply consult your idea bank for inspiration. This could align with the content you've created that week or be something entirely different that resonates with you.


Quick Daily Action For Your Fourth Content Workflow

To make this workflow efficient, spend 10 minutes outlining the steps involved. Do you use images? If so, add “finding images” to your workflow. From selecting a topic and writing the email to scheduling it and even resending to those who didn't open it initially—each step is crucial.

By having a well-defined workflow for your email marketing, you ensure that you're consistently delivering value to your subscribers without missing a beat.

Fourth Content Workflow: Email Marketing

So, rounding out our list of five organic content workflows is none other than repurposing content. Remember our chat about master posting a week or two ago?

Well, repurposing fits right into your five organic content workflows by taking that core or long-form content and breathing new life into it.

Here's the thing: you can find an older blog post and rewrite it, making it more relevant and compelling. The steps are virtually the same as when you're crafting new long-form content. You'll be rewriting, finding new images, and perhaps even recording a new podcast or YouTube video to accompany it. If your original piece was a podcast, why not transcript  the episode and create a blog post out of it? When you’re juggling everything, the goal of the business is to make things simple to accomplish.

Quick Daily Action For Your Fifth Content Workflow

What's your daily action for the final piece of your five organic content workflows? It's straightforward. Spend some time outlining the steps you'd follow to refresh and republish older content. Start by creating a process to pick the older posts that need to be refreshed. What are the posts that are no longer relevant to your business? What are the posts that have low SEO or Readability Scores with your SEO plugin? This ensures you're always delivering value to your ideal clients without the need to start from scratch every single time.


Time To Wrap Up The Five Content Workflows

And there we have it, friends! Those were the five organic content workflows that I believe every savvy business owner should have in their arsenal. Whether it's long-form content, a content calendar, short-form content, email marketing, or repurposing, each workflow is a game-changer in its own right.

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