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Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Transform Your Business with the Mindful Yes Mindset

You've finally just shy of the six-figure revenue mark in your online business; you’ve reached this point through sheer will, determination, and hustle. Lots and lots of hustle. You know what got you here will not grow you any further. Because you’re burnt out and exhausted from saying yes to everything and anything that needs to be done to grow your online business. You’re tired of wearing all the hats in your business. It is time to say no to the distractions that keep you from focusing on what matters the tasks necessary to grow your business.

You Know That You Have To Say No To Doing It All

Overcoming the yes to everything mindset, starts with knowing what you need to say no to doing. It is figuring out the tasks that are distracting you and keeping you stuck. It is that mindset that keeps you holding on tight out of fear that it will not be done right. You have to let go of control in areas of your business that you can offload to a virtual team member.

If you’re like others, this brings on a whole new set of worries because now you’ll be required to manage a team member.

It is time for you to say no to doing all the things in your business. 

With continued growth, it has you questioning what tasks you must say yes to and tasks that you must say no to. 

What are the tasks you want to let go of? What are the ones that maybe you love to do, but someone else can do this easily to allow you more time to work with more clients? 

For me, it was the realization that I was holding on to all the pieces of the content creation because I love that piece. Obviously, since content management is the main service I offer in my business. By keeping all the things to get my podcast from recorded to published, it limited the number of clients I could take on. For me, the decision to say no to all the steps after the podcast was recorded became a lot simpler. 

Once I realized that it was time to expand my content creation team past me. Once I said yes to hiring and let go of control, I felt a weight off my shoulders. 

You see, long-form content is necessary for marketing and lead generation in your business. Ask yourself, does this get your “yes”? Are you the one that needs to do it all? 

Perhaps, it is something else that needs to be a hard no and what must be a mindful yes in your business. Here are the steps to help you figure out how to Say No to the Distractions that Keep You from Focusing on What Matters.

Recognize the Weight of “Yes To Everything”

Your business journey to this point has been marked by an incredible willingness to embrace every opportunity. The yes to everything mindset has served you well to grow your business. You only have so many hours in the day and let’s be real your family needs you too.

Overcoming the yes-to-everything mindset begins by asking yourself: At what expense? Each “yes” carries weight, impacting not only your schedule but also your well-being and focus. The feeling of perpetual overwhelm is a sign—it's time to evaluate what truly deserves your time and energy.

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Transform Your Business with the Mindful Yes Mindset

3 key points I want you to consider for a Mindful Yes:

1. Let the Pressure of Guilt Make the Decision:

When faced with difficult decisions, it's common for business owners like you to feel the pressure to say “yes” to everyone and everything. This mindset stems from a desire to please and a fear of missing out. However, it's important to understand that it's okay to say no to certain tasks or opportunities. Instead of relying on mindfulness, you allow the pressure of guilt to make the decision for you. Trust your gut and listen to your inner voice, which will guide you towards saying no to the things that don't align with your priorities.

2. Sacrificing Time with Clients or Family:

One consequence of saying yes to everything can be giving up valuable time with your clients or family. When you take on too many commitments, you risk neglecting the people who matter most to you. Remember, saying no to some tasks or projects allows you to give more time to those who truly deserve your attention. Prioritizing your relationships and making time for self-care are key factors in maintaining a successful and fulfilling coaching career.

3. Guilt for Saying Yes:

The guilt associated with saying no can weigh heavily on your mind. You may feel like you're letting others down or missing out on that one valuable opportunity. However, it's important to remember that saying yes to everything often leads to overwhelm and burnout. By learning to say no, you can minimize the guilt associated with your decisions. Remember that saying no lets you focus on what truly matters and make conscious choices about your time and commitments.

When you say yes to something that is not in alignment with your life and business, you’ll likely have to say no to something that would be a better fit. Or if you said yes, you'll have to back out. Or worse, you'll say yes and have to miss time with your family. 

Friends, I learned this lesson before I started my business journey, but I’m saving that story for my email list.

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Discover the Secret to Effortless Content Creation –

From Overwhelmed to Thriving: Your Content Creation Simplified Journey Starts Here!

How to Pick Your Mindful Yes:

1. Listen to Your Body:

Your body is often a giveaway when it comes to decision-making. Are you feeling drained or exhausted? Are you experiencing physical discomfort or stress? If yes, it's a sign that you need to say no. Listen to your body's cues. Saying no to things that are draining your energy or distract you from the bigger picture opens up room to say yes to the opportunities that truly energize and will impact your business growth.

2. Evaluate the Significance:

Before saying yes to anything, take a moment to evaluate the significance it holds in your life and business. Consider how it will align with your values and help you achieve your goals. If it's not a top priority or doesn't align with your long-term impact, it's okay to say no. Remember that saying no to less important tasks opens up space for more meaningful work. If you’re not sure, it is okay to sleep on it. If someone needs an answer right now without giving you time to figure out if it fits into your life, it may be a good idea to say no. 

Time To Wrap This Up

As a just about six-figure coach, you have achieved success through hard work and hustle. However, as you continue to grow, it becomes necessary to prioritize your time and energy. By shifting your mindset from “yes to everything” to “choosing the right yes,” you can say no to the distractions that keep you from focusing on what truly matters. Trust your gut, are saying yes out of guilt, or is it because it is a true yes? Don’t let the pressure of guilt steamroll you into the wrong decision. Be mindful of what gets your yes. 

Listen to your body to guide you in making the right decisions, prioritize your time with clients and family, and evaluate the significance of each opportunity before saying yes. By following these steps, you can overcome your “yes to everything” mindset and unlock greater success in your business journey.

Friend, if you’re ready to say no to all the things and focus on growing your audience and impact with less overwhelm, I’d love to help you maximize your podcast so you can stop saying yes to all the things and posting to all the places and focus on creating the content, bringing on another client and giving more time to what matters most, your family. If this sounds like what you’ve been hoping for, please consider hiring us as your content creation team. With our easy done-for-you content repurposing service, we turn your podcast into eight pieces of content to grow your audience and impact in less time.

Here is the link to discover if this is the missing piece in your consistent content creation. 

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Small Business Owner working at desk: Finding Work Life Balance for Entrepreneurs This Thanksgiving