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New Year Planning! Annual Plan for Online Entrepreneurs

New Year Planning! Annual Plan for Online Entrepreneurs

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Small Business Owner working at desk: Start the New Year Strong! Plan Your New Year An Annual Planning Blueprint

Can you believe another year has flown by? I don’t know about you, but this year has been a journey of ups and downs. I frequently have to remind myself that the LORD's plan is always greater when things do not go exactly how I planned. With that said, an annual plan provides a compass so you don't lose sight of what's important when you hit the bumps in the road.

Successful online business owners understand that business ebbs and flows. What you need to hold tight to is your why. That is what will keep you going during the struggles, and thankful in times of prosperity. Understanding what drives you towards your goals or why you are so passionate about taking yourself on this unknown journey of entrepreneurship. Your why, along with your what or the vision you have of where you want to go in the next year, three years, and even five years. Does this mean that every detail is planned? Nope, not at all. It's important to plan your year as a small business owner. But, even more essential to plan each quarter. That’s when you dive into the details.

Let's start the new year strong by creating a purposeful success plan. I'm sharing everything that's in my annual planning process. Download the Free Quarterly Planning Guide for Small Online Business Owners. It will be a resource that you will use time and time again.

If you’d like this in a Google Doc, I’ll put the link to get your hands on the Annual Toolkit for only $27! Here is the link to buy it now!

Why Create an Annual Plan?

Are you thinking, what the heck, Michele? Why do you need an annual plan? In the past, you may have flown by the seat of your pants and felt that worked well. However, if you intend to grow your business and become CEO, you must act like a CEO. What has worked in the past to get you to this point will not be what scales your business to the next level. 

You see, an annual plan provides many benefits:

  • It lets you set goals and work towards achieving them
  • Keeps you focused on what matters most to you 
  • Reduces the chance you'll lose sight of your priorities,
  • Provides direction and alignment for the year ahead
  • Helps you feel in control and on top of your business
  • Allows for less hustle to get everything done

Map Out Your Year

When we map out the year, this is our roadmap of where we want to go in the upcoming new year it allows you to focus on the big picture. 

Creating your roadmap for the full year allows you to schedule important events and commitments around your life when you block out vacation days. 

When you map out the year, you begin to understand your time bank—knowing what you can take on and still allowing yourself three-day weekends and spending time with your kids during the summer. 

It provides direction without getting stuck in the details. When you create your annual budget. Plan your launch schedule around your life and not your life around your business. Decide what major initiatives to undertake for the year, not only with your business but with your life, too. 

Because whether it is a business project or a personal project, it is important to keep it to one major initiative at a time. When you take on too much, you’ll not have enough time in the day to do all the things in the end, leaving you feeling like you’re failing.

​Begin With Reflection

Take a moment to reflect on what has happened in the past year before planning ahead. Allow yourself to identify successes and areas that need improvement. This will help you focus your energy on the initiatives that will have the most impact. Your wins and failures can teach you a lot. Take some time to reflect on what is most important to you. Write about the life you envision for yourself in the future.

Here are a few journal prompts to get you started:

  • What went really well that you want to repeat?
  • What are you most proud of?
  • What challenges did you face?
  • What changed you?
  • What do you want to do differently next year?
  • Remember, there is no failure, only feedback. What feedback did you receive?

Not much of a journaler? Don't worry; instead, write out an exhaustive list of key points and things you’d like to improve. As with everything, it has to work for you.

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Start the New Year Strong! Plan Your New Year An Annual Planning Blueprint

How Happy Are You Really? 

Inside Notion, I have a daily journal. One of the fields is my daily happiness. By keeping track of this daily, I’m able to go into my monthly and yearly roll-ups and see how happy I really am in my day-to-day life.

Next, let's do a self-assessment to determine how happy you are with your life and online coaching business. Let me break this down for you, how happy are you with each of these categories in your life? One is not happy at all something must change, and ten means you’re over the moon happy.

  1. Money
  2. Personal Growth
  3. Self Care (Mind-Body-Spirit)
  4. Family and Friends
  5. Love and Relationships
  6. You Time (Fun and Leisure)
  7. Home Environment
  8. Online Business

Reflect On Your Assessment

  • What scored high in your self-assessment?
  • Why do you feel these things are working?
  • What is not working in your life and online business?
  • What scored low on your self-assessment?
  • Why do you feel these things are not working?
  • Where do you need to give yourself grace?

Vision Planning for the New Year

If you have a journal, now is the perfect time to get it out to dream about your future life. Really, let your mind wander as you think about what you’re aspiring to achieve in the new year. Step into your future self and what is different in your future life. In one year, where do you hope to be? I believe this is very important; what do you want your feelings to be one year from now?

I’m not stopping there; here is a list of questions for you to journal on in order to gain even more clarity.

  • Where are you now in your present life?
  • Who do you want to become in the new year?
  • Where do you want to be in your life and online coaching business?
  • Where do you hope to be one year from now? 
  • What does your ideal life look like? 
  • What does your ideal schedule look like? 
  • Where are the gaps between who you are now and who you want to become?
  • What's holding you back? Let go of limiting beliefs.
  • Looking back at your self-assessment, where are you not in alignment?
  • What matters most in life to you?
  • What makes me the happiest?
  • What is one word to describe your focus for the year? Is it family, consistency, joy, or health?
  • My word for the upcoming year for my business is focus. One focus instead of trying to focus on too many things. Yes, I'm taking my own advice and not trying to accomplish too many things. 
  • My word for my personal life is less. I want to consume less, have less, and do less. I think those two work well together.

What is holding you back? Be honest with yourself; what beliefs or shoulds are you holding on to that are no longer serving you?

Once you have answered the following questions, go to Canva or Pinterest and create your vision board. On Pinterest, create a secret board and pin those images you want to embody in the new year. As for Canva, design an image for your desktop to keep your vision board and goals front and center!

Create a vision board with images representing your ideal future. Keep it visible as motivation.

Another thing that I do inside of Notion is my vision board. I find an image to represent one thing I envision in my life. Then, I write down why I want this and how it will make me feel.

Once I have my vision and goals inside of Notion, I create a vision board for my desktop. I have two monitors. One that has my vision board for the year. My main monitor has my vision board for the month. Yes, I create a vision board each month to focus on one thing.

Long-Form Content Planning

What is your content strategy for the year ahead? Does your long-form content lead up to your live launches? Does your pillar content support your revenue stream?

The long-form content in your business is a door away to working with your business; it should be given the proper amount of time. Does your long-form content showcase your skills and the benefits of your services?

Do you have a process to refresh, reuse, and repurpose your content? If you take the time to create the content, make sure you have a plan to spread the word without leading you to feel exhausted and overwhelmed.

Psst… I still have a few founding client spots if you’d like to lock in our Content Repurposing Services before the pricing goes up. Just saying. (:

Yay! Goal Planning

With your vision in mind, set goals for the year. Do you know what motivates you to accomplish your goals? Do you need outside accountability? If that’s the case, find yourself an accountability bestie. What if you’re not really sure?

In the past, I’ve mentioned Gretchen Rubin's book The Four Tendencies; here is a link to the quiz to find out your tendency: What, I know, right? It boils down to this: what drives you to take action to achieve your goals?

UPHOLDER: “I do what others expect of me—and what I expect from myself.”
QUESTIONER: “I do what I think is best, according to my judgment. If it doesn’t make sense, I won’t do it.”
OBLIGER: “I do what I have to do. I don’t want to let others down, but I may let myself down.”
REBEL: “I do what I want, in my own way. If you try to make me do something—even if I try to make myself do something—I’m less likely to do it.”
Gretchen Rubin, The Four Tendencies

Set Your Goals

  • What do you want to achieve this next year?
  • Launch a new service or product.
  • Hit your ideal income amount.
  • Achieve important business outcomes.
  • Make commitments to what you'll achieve
  • Address expected challenges
  • Get the resources you'll need (team, tools)

Are your goals in alignment with your vision? Be committed to achieving them. If you’re not committed to achieving your goals, who will be? I’ve mentioned this before: is it the right goal if you’re unwilling to dedicate time to your goal?

 Plan Your Budget

An essential part of annual planning is creating a budget for the year ahead.


  • What are your financial goals for the new year? Not sure what financial goals to set? Here is a list:
    • Revenue goal
    • Spending goal
    • Savings goal
  • How much do you want to pay yourself this year?
    • Make sure your products and services are priced right to hit these goals. Have you done the math on your revenue goals versus the price of your offer?

Do you know if it is even possible to hit your revenue goals with how you have your services priced? 

I have a free resource, Know Thy Number. It has a bonus tab to Price for Profit. If you’ve not created a budget or do not have a clue how to price your services for profit, grab that free resource here:

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Small Business Owner working at desk: Start the New Year Strong! Plan Your New Year An Annual Planning Blueprint

Get started on tracking your results today with our free Know Thy Numbers resource!

Simply click the link below to access the Google Sheet and make it your own.

Don't miss out on this valuable tool for analyzing and measuring the success of your content marketing efforts.

Free Resource for coaches and course creators. Track your results to grow your business.

 Map Out Your Launches and Promotions 

The final piece to include in your annual planning is your launches, promotions, and time off:

  • Block out vacation days and regular days off first
  • Decide your quarterly focus areas
  • Schedule promotions and launches  
  • Allow time for new offer creation

One of the key reasons you map all of this out at a high level? It gives you a 10,000-foot view of your year. It allows you to avoid planning promotions or launches during your scheduled time off. I promise you, your family does not want to go on vacation while you’re in the middle of a launch. That would not be a vacation for anyone. 

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Start the New Year Strong! Plan Your New Year An Annual Planning Blueprint

Time To Wrap Up New Year Planning

Wow, we made it to the end! You have everything you need for annual planning success! Download the FREE Quarterly Planning Resource to get started. 

Or, for $27, get the Annual Planning Google Doc template to use again and again.  Feel free to reach out with any questions. Here is the link to buy it now! Cheers to an amazing 2024!

Get It Now for only $27!

Happy planning!

Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate you and hope you have a wonderful week!

The Secret to Sales Success: A Simple Overview of a Digital Marketing Sales Funnel

The Secret to Sales Success: A Simple Overview of a Digital Marketing Sales Funnel

Michele from Miss Task Simple Overview of a Digital Marketing Sales Funnel

Are you a new small business owner in the online space? Perfect, today we’re going to walk through a digital marketing sales funnel and learn how to generate leads for your digital product.

The digital marketing sales funnel explained.

Your digital marketing sales funnel is how to generate leads online. It is for prospective clients to find you and your digital products.

The goal of your digital marketing sales funnel is to let your ideal prospect know more about you, what your digital products solve, and whether they are interested in working with you in the future.

Start With The End Of Your Funnel Mind

I’ll frequently tell you to start with the end if you've been around here. In addition to planning your day and projects, working backward from the end is also necessary when planning your marketing and sales campaigns.

Understanding the goal and where you want them to go helps you decide where to start. It's important to remember that the top of the funnel isn't your free offer; it's the free content you're providing to the world. What is your primary source of content? Are you a blogger, YouTuber, or podcaster?

Bringing awareness to you and the problems you solve is the purpose of your pillar content. Here’s the thing, you must understand how your free content relates to your digital product.

Another key point to mention, in order to stay energized by the content you create, it is best to come up with six or so pillar content ideas. These are the topic that you’ll talk about each week.
What other problems are your ideal clients trying to solve similar to your digital product but not quite the same?
You want them to be able to find you, get lost in your amazing content, and look for ways to get more of what you have to offer.

Creating a Free Offer As Part of Your Digital Marketing Funnel.

Your free offer, lead magnet, freebie, or whatever you call is the next stop after they gain awareness of you.
In order to make your free offer work, it must solve the same problem as your paid offer or digital product.
You won’t stop at a lemonade stand for a cup of coffee. Just saying.
Think of your free offer as a sneak peeks at working with you. Everything you do should provide value to you and your prospective client.
What would they find useful enough to invest their time?

Here are a few ideas for you.

  • Create a quiz; everyone loves a great quiz.
  • Develop a challenge.
  • How about a mini-course
  • Another option is a wait list for early access to a new digital offer.

The type of content you are comfortable creating for them.

Another point to remember with your free offer is that lead gen strategies work best when closely aligned with the overall marketing strategy.

A good lead gen strategy will include a free offer that helps you and your ideal client get results.

Michele from Miss Task Simple Overview of a Digital Marketing Sales Funnel

Using A Tripwire In Your digital marketing sales funnel

I'm guessing you've either purchased from a tripwire in the past or you're familiar with a tripwire. Just in case, a tripwire is a low-dollar digital product or download that they can purchase after they opt-in to your free offer.

A way to do this is by creating a Thank You Page that allows them to purchase a high-value, low-price offer that will enhance the free offer they signed up for.

After they sign up for your free offer, redirect them to a thank you page, letting them know they have successfully signed up and to watch their inbox. Your thank you page gives them the option to purchase your high-value, low-price offer.

A tripwire is an easy yes. A way to open the door to purchasing more of your paid offers.

You will find that many digital marketers add another upsell to the tripwire. I find them super annoying. But, you do you.

The Middle Is Good Stuff, Too, In Your Sale Funnel

The middle of your marketing funnel or digital sales funnel is all about getting to know your prospective clients. This is the stage where you load them down with valuable content.

Will you two be a good match? Are they picking up what you’re laying down?

Always be thinking about either your ideal clients or your current clients. What would they find helpful?

What would make them want to open your emails because they know that you’ll give them great content?

Think of all the different messages you could draft and create in an email sequence that would provide more valuable information from your free offer to your paid offer.

Buying Decisions

Just because it’s free doesn’t mean it should be crappy.

Think about how you make buying decisions.

What would you like to know if you had to make a decision? What has impressed you so much that you wonder what it would be like to work with that person?

Would it be testimonials from happy clients? Or case studies outlining success stories from clients?

You can show them you understand their struggles by all the different things you do.

Undoubtedly, you understand the problem they are facing in their life or business. Don't forget that they must truly need and want your service.

Do you provide them with enough information to feel comfortable handing money over to you? Remember, we must pay for things, whether in time or money.


Little Side Note

Disclaimer: If you happen to purchase anything I recommend in this or any of my communications, I'll likely receive some kind of affiliate compensation from these products that I use and love. Please do not feel obligated to purchase anything through my links. With that said…

Flodesk has launched a checkout feature as an add-on to their email marketing. This feature is so simple and easy to use. I'm not sure about you, but those are two words I like to hear when looking at software. Here is my affiliate link. (; 

If your digital marketing sales funnel Does Its Job

In the end, if you’re digital marketing sales funnel has done its job, they will know without a shadow of a doubt that your digital product is precisely what they must have to solve their problem.

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading this post!

I appreciate you.

I would love for you to comment below and tell me what your free offer is at the top of your funnel or about your pillar content and what you offer as your awareness piece.

Thank you again! I hope you have a wonderful week.

Simple Digital Product Checklist

Scrambling at the end is zero fun. Here is a simple digital product launch checklist to help you avoid that.

Free Digital Product Launch Checklist for Bloggers Launching A New Digital Product
Why your online business needs a clear offer

Why your online business needs a clear offer

Why your online business needs a clear offer

Are you not making enough money in your at-home business? It could be because you do not have a clear offer on how you help your prospective clients.
Miss Task Blog- A Clear Offer for your at home business to make money
Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels, burnt out from all the content creation, and honestly can say you’re getting paid pennies per hour? Okay, maybe it's more like volunteer work. If I ask you, with your “business,” what is the end of the funnel? In other words, what can your prospective clients buy from you? What would you tell me? Do you have a clear offer or a way to make money as a business owner? Do you have an end in mind that equals dollar signs for your online business? If your answer is nothing, it’s time to start with the end in mind. This is why your online business needs a clear offer.

What I consider an offer

Now I know what you are thinking, friend; what’s an offer?

For the most part, it’s pretty simple. How are you offering to help your prospective clients?

What problem have you already put your blood, sweat, and tears into trying to figure out?

How did you solve the problem for yourself? What is your solution?

I’m guessing that if you struggle through a problem, you’re not alone; someone else out there is a few steps behind you and is looking for the solution you’ve already found.

How can you help to lessen the struggle with your offer?

What great solutions have you discovered along your journey?

What are you currently doing well?

Do you have something that you’re currently doing really well?

Maybe you’re missing it.

Now, this is important; what you’re offering to help with must be something that lights you up. When working one-on-one with a client, I look for the light up; that’s when I know we’ve hit a sweet spot.

Here are a few questions I want you to journal on or answer for yourself if you’re struggling to come up with a paid offer for your online business.


  • I want you to think of a time that you were out and about doing something that brought you joy. What were you doing?
  • Now, think about what you’d do if you had an event canceled; suddenly, you have four plus hours to yourself. What would you do? How would you spend your time?
  • Even more, what do people seek you out for help with? For instance, do you find you’re always giving this same advice?

Do these questions help to provide you with a bit of clarity?

The trick is to find anything that intersects with what you love and a problem you’ve solved for yourself.

Is this a clear offer for your online business? Is this a product you can sell to your ideal or prospective clients?


Do you dream about having something more in life and struggle with believing it’s possible and could happen for you? I get it; running a business and figuring out all the actions that need to be taken is a challenge alone.

If that’s not enough, add all the self-limiting beliefs and doubt. It is no wonder so many people throw in the towel when it comes to an online business and the dream of entrepreneurship.

If it were easy, everyone would start an online business.

Start With the End In Mind

If you’d like to attract clients to your online business, it starts with creating a product offer that your ideal client is actively looking for a solution to a problem they are trying to solve.

Your solutions must be quick and efficient. Make sure your product offer cuts down on the time it would take them to piece together a solution with Google.
Now is the perfect opportunity to get out your journal again. If you did know what the ideal offer was for your online business, what would it be?
Are you creating online courses? Do you love to create digital products such as workbooks or planners? Or perhaps you’re hoping to provide a one-on-one service?
When you started your entrepreneurial dream, I'm guessing you had an idea for your potential product offering.
For example, I had told Shannon, my husband, that if something happened to my sales job, I would work as a virtual assistant. It started with an idea of what I could do to earn money to support my family.
What is the idea that you have?

With your end product offer, walk backward through the customer journey. Will you have a mini offer they can purchase before your big offer? What is your free offer to have them sign up for your email list? I promise email is not dead; I read my email every day.

The solution is simple, figure out one thing that you’re good at and become a master at that. Let that be your paid online product offer.

Find Balance Free Workbook
The answer is simple.

The offer is a product or service that you will sell to your dream clients to help them solve a problem they are experiencing.

Stop before you create anything.

Once you have a clear idea of what you want to offer and how to offer it, look to see what others have created, not copy them! No, you want your offer to be different to make it your own with your unique style and flair.

Creating a product offer that is actively sought after to get more clients for your online business is essential. If you create an offer that not anyone is looking for, you’ll have big issues.

Now, this is important; it is okay to sell it before you create it. Do a prelaunch, and validate that people will buy it with a few founding members who will be happy to help you make an amazing product offer to solve their problems.

Quick Recap

Here’s how it works, figure out one thing that you love to do and what people seek your knowledge for.
Hey, if you’re not able to come up with anyone on your own, no problem, ask your family and friends what they view your strengths are.

Pay attention to what you chat about with your friends. These things are all clues to a product offer for your online business.

Know Your Numbers

A key to business success is understanding your profit.

Download this Google Worksheet to start tracking your income and expenses!

Know when you are profitable in your business.

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