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Flying by the seat of your pants, content spread everywhere, lacking a clear path to profit. Without a value ladder, it is a journey without a destination in your business.

Does your content system take into consideration where you're leading your ideal client? Or is your system more of a fly-by-the-seat of your pants, throw spaghetti at the wall, and hope that something will eventually stick? You're always creating unique content without a clear path to profit.

Left with a lifetime's worth of content but no clients. Without a value ladder, it is a journey without a destination in your business.

A value ladder is not a sales funnel.

A value ladder is a roadmap to your high-ticket offer. Now, this is key; it's a roadmap that guides your clients on a journey of growth and transformation.

The base of the ladder is your free content. This could be your blog, podcast, YouTube channel, free Facebook group, or a mix-and-match. You see, that's where it can be confusing. Well, I know for me, it did in the beginning. Your sales funnel's purpose is to take them from an ideal client to a paying client.

Your sales funnel and value ladder are connected with the customer journey.

What exactly is the customer journey?

A customer journey is a path a client takes from initial awareness or just finding you and your service through the final decision to work with you and into a loyal fan that is out speaking your praises. It's a map of the different stages they move through before making a decision that you're the right one to help solve their problem.

The customer journey typically consists of several stages, including awareness, consideration, decision, and loyalty.

Clients' needs and expectations differ at each stage, and your marketing efforts should reflect that.

Your free content, whether a blog, podcast, YouTube channel, or a free Facebook group, is essential to the customer journey.

It fits into the awareness stage, where clients become aware of you and your services.

Avoid the journey without a destination in your business.

A clear process or system for creating free content considers the destination.

I bet you are wondering how having a clear content system will help you avoid the journey without a destination.

By creating free content, you are attracting potential clients and building trust with them. Your audience will feel you are genuinely interested in helping them when you provide valuable and informative content.

When you're sitting down to create your content, part of the system determines how that content fits into your overarching marketing plan. In other words, it must flow into your free offer.

Not even sure how to set up a content system? Then let’s jump on a 30-minute mini-session. We will find the best project management tool for your system, and you’ll leave with a template to get you on your way. 

Are you curious about the number of times an ideal client needs to see your offer before signing up?

It's a lot more than you think. As a matter of fact, the Online Marketing Institute suggests that it can take up to 20 touchpoints to generate a sale from a cold lead.

It's also worth noting that the quality of those touchpoints is just as important as the quantity. Providing valuable content and personalized attention can help to build trust and increase the likelihood of a conversion.

It's about creating an engaging journey for your clients.

Designing a narrative that inspires and engages your ideal clients is also essential to the success of your business.

Creating a value ladder is not simply about building a sales funnel. It's about creating an engaging journey for your clients.

Every step of the ladder should provide value to your client and should lead them closer to the ultimate goal, which is your high-ticket offer.

Each step should be a stepping stone that builds a trusting relationship with your ideal client. It should also be aligned with your values.

Let’s imagine for a moment that…

Imagine you're a coach who provides transformational services to help people achieve their goals.

Your free content could be a blog or a podcast that offers valuable tips and advice to your audience on the different elements that go into setting and achieving goals. 

From there, you could offer a low-priced digital product or course that digs deeper into your subject matter. Do you see how critical your content management system is to the growth of your business?

While they move up the value ladder. 

As your clients move up the value ladder, they will encounter higher-priced offerings that provide more personalized attention and guidance from you.

For example, you could offer one-on-one coaching or a group coaching program. The ultimate goal is a high-ticket offer, such as a VIP coaching package, that provides the highest value to your ideal client and generates the most revenue.

The benefit of a value ladder is that it allows you to go deeper with your clients. Rather than offering a wide range of unrelated services, you can focus on one offer and increase its value to your clients. This strategy is more effective because it allows you to build relationships with your clients. To truly understand their pain points and desires, which allows you to offer tailored solutions.

Do you see the significance of a value ladder? It's a powerful way to grow your business while at the same time providing your clients with the best possible experience.

So if you're a small business owner looking to take your business to the next level, consider implementing a value ladder in your growth strategy. It could be the key to unlocking the success you've been dreaming of.

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