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Creating a Content Hub for your Online Business to find and reuse content quickly

Wow, have you stopped to consider how much content you’ve created for your online business? Heck, maybe you've created a lifetime's worth of content. It is unfortunate that all of your amazing creative content is scattered all over the place, with little to no organization to speak of. It's funny; it's like the endless merry-go-round that you got stuck on as a kid. While it starts out as a fun ride, too much time leaves you feeling dizzy and nauseous. The same thing happens in your online business when you're not reusing and repurposing your content. It's as if you're stuck on the endless merry-go-round ride of content creation. It's time to jump off and create your content hub.

Repurpose your content?

“Wait, what that's a thing? I thought that I couldn't use the same content.” Is this you? If so, you're not the only one. I've heard it before, as these are the exact words from a client in a mini-session.

Yes! It is a thing. It is totally fine to refresh and reuse your content.

After all, think back to when you started your online business journey. I'm guessing right now your knowledge of your specific subject matter has grown over the years. As your mastery and skills increase, you'll have even more valuable insights to add to your previous creative content.

What do you do with all this kick-butt content?

You create a content hub. I know what you're thinking: a content hub?

Yes, a content hub to store and organize all your content so that you can easily find and reuse it.

Before you start getting overwhelmed with the thought of getting all the old content organized. Stop it. Rome wasn't built in a day, and your content hub will not be either.

How do you organize all your content?

Now, you're trying to figure out how you're able to organize all the content, am I right? How can I find it easily without endless searching?

Your content hub will have different categories for your:

  • Social Media Post
  • Blog Post
  • Video Files
  • Podcasts
  • Email newsletters
  • Swipe Files
  • The list goes on and on. 

It’s no wonder that we feel overwhelmed by all our digital data. 

The key is to build a content hub that works for your brain.
The problem is we keep searching for a quick fix, buying and downloading template after template. Only to discover that your mind doesn't work that way.

Fortunately, there is a simple solution. You need to determine if the organizational system will work for you.

Okay, stop with those eye rolls.

What is the best way to determine whether the system will work for your brain?

It will start with trial and error.

Given that, here are a few project management or task management tools that I recommend to my clients for organizing their content. Since you all tend to be visual and see things in pillars, keep it simple.

  • Use Trello if you like sticky notes for organizing.
  • It's Asana if you keep a notebook with lists and random thoughts. This is me, BTW.
  • Distracted brains will enjoy MeisterTask.
  • If it's just you as a solopreneur with zero plans to grow a team, check out Todosit.

Right now, if you find yourself wishing for an easier way, book a 30-minute mini-session, and we'll figure out the right solution for you, and I'll throw in a template to get you started.

Creating a Content Hub for your Online Business to find and reuse content quickly

Drum roll, please create your content hub.

Below are a few processes that I’ve implemented in my clients' digital back offices. The purpose of these processes is to create a content hub for your online business so that all content can be found and reused easily. You can reuse your content, my friend. I give you permission to do so.

In case you do not want to take my word for it, here is an article by Neil Patel regarding repurposing content. 

Creating a Content Hub for your Online Business to find and reuse content quickly

Let’s begin with a content storage plan.

In order for your content storage plan to work, you should choose one place to store all your content. Think Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive.

You're going to select one and not look back. So often, entrepreneurs like to second-guess decisions. It is just busy work that doesn't move your business forward. Pick one, implement it, and move on.

Using one storage system will allow your organization or team to quickly locate content.

For this reason, you're not wasting your precious time looking for content, adding the benefit of time management.

What you need to do.

Select a project management or task management application to keep track of all your content and tasks. Be sure to link all your collateral to the tasks associated with your content.

  • Organize all your data in one place. Doing so will save you time and money.
  • You have permission to reuse your content.
  • Pick a tool you feel comfortable with and will use.