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Value Your Time

Value Your Time

Value Your Time

Sitting in the bleacher at a basketball game and I overhear these powerful words from a teenager. If you do not value your time, no one will. These simple word immediately drew my attention. Who was giving such profound advice at a high school basketball game? I had to know, who gave this advice and to whom was she speaking? It was a teenager chatting with her friend. What! Yes, these magical words that instantly stopped me in my tracks were spoken by a teenager.

I jotted these words down on my phone as a reminder, because they were so simple yet powerful in meaning.

I've spent time reflecting on this. Why when I did not hear any of the other words spoken in the conversation did I hear just this one sentence. I think it was because I've been struggling with valuing my time. My Mama raised me with excellent values, one of them happens to be very considerate of others time. She also drummed in me put others before yourself. These values have served me very well, and I do appreciate them.

Where this has been a double edge sword, is my own business. Continuously, putting others before my own business. Well, um that's not good for my business. It limited my possibility to expand my reach and help others outside my current customer base. Assisting others to success makes me happy.

It took the words of a teenager for me to realize this.

After these few precious moments, I will get back to doing what I love. And that's helping solopreneurs take back their valuable time allowing them to focus on revenue-generating tasks. That's valuable stuff.

How do you value your time?

Psst… not sure what you could outsource to a Virtual Executive Assistant? Download our guide…

Do you value your time? As entrepreneurs time is our most valuable business asset. It cannot be replaced.

Yet, I see this as one of the resources that is used so ineffectively.


Stop Trying to Get It All Done Yourself

Our quick start guide will help you to discover what tasks you could be outsourcing. 

Value your time and others will too. 

Header Photo by Rachael Crowe on Unsplash

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My Personal Best Productivity Practices

My Personal Best Productivity Practices

My Personal Best Productivity Practices

When you work as a virtual assistant, it is imperative that your day is productive. When I am balancing my business and the work for other companies, it crucial that I stay on my game regarding my productivity.I won't lie I'm a sucker when it comes to articles on productivity. I'm sucked in like a vacuum. I have a pretty solid productivity practice in place. However, productivity is a skill that I am working on fine tuning all the time.

When you work as a virtual assistant, it is imperative that your day is productive. When I am balancing my business and the work for other companies, it crucial that I stay on my game regarding my productivity.

Personal Best

Here are a few of my personal best productivity practices that I use on the daily. How many of these do you use?

Check email only 3 times daily

I only check my email three times a day. Morning, Afternoon and end of the day when I am planning for the next day. To avoid distracting incoming notification, I close my email. Trust me I struggle with it, but I do it anyway. I've previously talked about inbox zero, each time my inbox is zero when I sign out.

Work on one task at a time

I stay focused on only one task. It's vital to me that my clients get every cent's worth. I do not bounce back and forth. I focus on one project at a time.

Get a timer

I set a timer. Some days I am laser focused, and I can put my head down for 50 minutes at a time with only a 5-minute break. But hey, I am a mother of three extremely active children. Depending on how much we had to go to the evening before I may not have the same focus. You know what that's okay. On those days I keep my sprints shorter and do not work as long. They may only be 25 minutes with 5 minutes off.

Schedule it

I schedule everything in my day and leave open time for the unexpected. Because I know that I will have the unexpected come up, that is a given. When I am lucky, and nothing comes up, bet you're not surprised that I can find something to fill that time.

What are your personal best productivity practices? Tell me about them in the comment section below.


Psst… I use a system of Google calendar, teamwork and my bullet journal on the daily. For fun, I created this example bullet journal page.

How to Create a Simple Social Media Post with Canva

How to Create a Simple Social Media Post with Canva

How to Create a Simple Social Media Post with Canva

Canva | How to create a simple social media post with Canva

Canva is a great tool to create simple social media posts. I've talked about it before in this post. Personally, I feel it is easy peasy compared to PhotoShop. It really is a simple tool to use once you get the hang of it. Although, my first creation did take a hot minute. These days I am able to whip out social media post in under five to ten minutes. I find that it takes me longer to figure out how to style my photo than to actually create the graphics in Cava.


The free tool for Canva is incredible, it has a ton of features that can turn a photo into a fun graphic to post on social media. All you need to do is put on your creative hat. If you are at all one that gets caught of in fonts and colors I suggest that you go in with an idea of what you would like to do. Otherwise, it can be hours later before you look at the time. Trust me on this one, I know better and still do it.


Let’s cover the basic steps for creating a simple social media post

How to Create Simple Social Media Posts with Canva

  • If you haven’t already got to and create an account.
  • Once you have an account created you will have a menu bar on the left-hand side
  • Create a design should already be highlighted for you. Under that is All your designs.
  • Select the type of social media post you would like to create:
    • Facebook
    • Pinterest
    • Etc.
  • Pick your Layout
    • Layouts are either be free or paid, this is labeled in the lower right-hand corner
  • Let the fun begin!
  • Play with the different fonts and colors. Change the transparency to give a different looks