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Your business went from in control to complete chaos

Can you pinpoint the exact time when your business went from in control to complete chaos?

Not many of us can; we are busy with the day to day items that need to get done.

  • marketing
  • working with clients
  • building relationships
  • social media
  • finances
  • the list goes on and on

But as a solopreneur, that's what ya do. Handle all the things. But the question is. Do you need to handle all the things?

Is it in your best interest to do it all?

We all have the same amount of time during the day, and it's our choice how to spend those hours. If you came back with yes it's in my best interest to do it all. Let me ask is it in the best interest of your clients and family? For me putting it in this perspective, makes me think outside of my need to control and avoid chaos.

What are the pieces that are most important to you?Your business went from in control to complete chaos

Those need to get scheduled first. What are the things that light you up? Now, this is a tricky one because sometimes the things that light us up aren't always the things that we should be doing? The question should be asked, does doing ____ move my vision forward or keep me in the same spot?


Could you outsource just one-time consuming thing that takes up so much of your time but you don't realize it?

This is what I do, I track my time just as if I'm a customer. Then I send myself a bill. It forces me to take a hard look at the numbers. I charge my worth, no discounting, no freebies.
Track the time, if you could outsource just 5 hours a week what would your business and life feel like?
At first, it may be fear that something will get dropped or not done the same as you would do it. But, how will you feel once you let someone else into your business? It's going to feel fantastic! Because it gives you fewer decisions to make in the day, fewer distractions and more time with the things or people that you love.

Today I'm leaving you with a few things to think about what is it that you can let go of to allow the feeling of relief and joy into your life?


Shout out to for post image by Ferenc Horvath