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5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Productivity & Manage Your Time

5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Productivity & Manage Your Time

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | 5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Productivity & Manage Your Time

Please, small business owners, stop wasting your time on task lists that do not directly affect your long term business success. Your time is the most valuable resource you have. It’s time to increase your small business productivity and manage your time like a productivity rockstar.

Are you finding that you do not have enough time for the daily tasks, causing you unnecessary stress? It seems that by late afternoon, you are reliant on a double espresso to reach the energy levels needed for your long to-do list.

Your stress level is at an all-time high, and you are less productive than you'd like. If so, don't worry – you're not alone. Many small businesses struggle with poor time management and business processes to get tasks done in less time. However, what time management strategy you can do to increase your productivity and better manage your time. This post will explore five easy ways to do just that.

One: Plan Your Week and Days

The best way to manage your time is to focus on the most important tasks first. Yes, I’m talking to you self-proclaimed procrastinators out there. If my sister reads this, she knows I’m talking to her.

I’m not going to lie; this can be a common challenge for a new business owner learning how to manage a work-life balance as an entrepreneur. They are working hard on business growth, business goals, and all the day-to-day operations. 

When I started my own business, my common mistake was going from an employee to being my own boss. I spent time on administrative tasks and social media posts instead of investing time into the deep work required for business growth.

You’ll have thoughts that try to talk you out of doing the hard things you know, like sales and lead generation.

Yep, you will spend a lot of time on the easy tasks instead of the most important things that will make a difference in your life and business—those specific tasks that push you outside your comfort zone and into what your brain perceives as a looming failure. That's okay; do it anyway.

The first step is to do a mind sweep to identify the various tasks that are floating around in your head.

David Allen provides a mind-sweeping list in the book Getting Things Done. He also has a YouTube video that walks you through the prompts.
Here is the link. 

Once you have a list, block time on your calendar to complete the important tasks.

Make a deal with yourself that it’s not a negotiation. If you struggle with this, I recommend you check out The Life Coach School course Monday-Hour One training, which is amazing. I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone who struggles with time management skills.

In the blog post “How Do You Manage the Busy in Your Life,” I discuss scheduling the big rocks; here is the link.

Essentially, you first add the big, non-negotiable items to your calendar, the big rocks.

Followed by the tasks that must be done that week. Each task is assigned a day and time that will be worked on and completed during that timeframe. This is where your mindset comes into play right here. You will believe what you tell yourself; believe that you can.

These focus blocks allow you to manage your time by setting a non-negotiable deadline.

The goal of focus blocks is to ensure that you complete your tasks on time. If you procrastinate and struggle to complete your tasks on time, try these time-blocking techniques.

I speak from experience with this one friend.

I’ve always scheduled my tasks in calendar blocks, but I didn’t tell myself I could finish the task within the given time of the focus block. This effective time management tool can reduce stress levels and increase confidence in your time management skills.

A key to planning is understanding what will be best for you. Do you need lots of white space in your day? Do not overschedule your days. Pick one thing you will win the day if you accomplish it each day. When you do a weekly review and look back on all your wins, these daily accomplishments add up! 

Try the Pomodoro Technique, working in time sprints of 25 minutes followed by short breaks. 

When planning your day, an Eisenhower Matrix or Covey Time Management Matrix are effective time management strategies for helping you decide what tasks to focus on. 

While both are effective, the Eisenhower Matrix is geared toward determining what tasks you should do, delegate, defer, or delete. The Covey Time Management Matrix is designed to help with task decisions based on your long-term business goals.

Two: Set Goals

You may wonder why I suggest setting goals for better time management and productivity. Setting SMART goals helps you focus on what matters most to you and your business growth.

Let’s say you’re working to grow your online business organically by creating new blog posts each week.

You’ve created a daily schedule to focus on your creative projects first thing in the morning for quality of work when your brain is fresh. 

A reminder has popped up for you to write your blog post.

At that moment, your mind attempts to rebel; you can get it back on track by asking yourself if you would rather honor your commitment to growing your business or sit on the sofa, drink coffee, and read your book.

This may or may not be a real-life example.

Which choice will make you proud, and which option will leave you with regret? It’s your choice, so own it.

Three: Where Do You Waste Time

Do you have a good idea of where you use time during your business hours? If you do not have specific times to dedicate to your small business, I suggest you schedule a repeatable schedule. 

If you reach the end of the day and look back and have no clue what you accomplished, you need to do a time audit. Hear me out: To increase your productivity and manage your time, you must understand all the little time wasters in your day.

Who knew opening the door and letting the dogs outside could take ten minutes?

It can; I’m not even teasing you.

Where are you losing those ten minutes throughout your day? Figure out your time wasters and have the plan to either not engage Hello Instagram or have a timer set to avoid getting lost in time. 

I’ve heard of this referred to as time blind. It has to be real if it has a name and research behind it, right?

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | 5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Productivity & Manage Your Time

Four: Create repeatable workflows

In the past, I’ve created fancy Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that work great.

What I’ve found easier for my team members and me is to create repeatable workflows.

I use Asana for this; however, Clickup and Notion are perfect for increasing productivity. The key is to find a project management tool that works for you and your team. Too often, I see entrepreneurs trying to use confusing project management software that doesn't work for their minds. This is essential if you fall on the spectrum with ADHD or ADD. You'll want to find the right system that doesn't overwhelm you. 

I've done this a few different ways in the past for my clients. 

The simplest way I’ve found to create repeatable workflows is to screen-record the whole process as the work is done, have it transcribed, and then make a template in project management software.

It is nice that all the conversations and questions the team has on the process can be asked inside the project management tool, so you’ll know exactly what they aren’t picking up and what you’ll need to change.

If you have not nailed down your exact process yet, I suggest you screen-record each step and add the records to the task in your project management software. That way you only need to record one section vs the whole process when you make changes.

If screen recording is not for you, the Chrome plugin Tango is another option. It will take screenshots and create the workflow for you. Add the link to the Tango process to your project management tool.  

Repeatable workflows allow you always to know the next step and approximately how long it will take you to finish it.

What else does a workflow help with? You’ll never miss a task because you have all the tasks in front of you. You'll be less likely to make decisions or backtrack, resulting in increased productivity.

Five: What are you able to delete or delegate?

Are you the only person who can do the task? 

Do you have enough hours to focus on revenue-generating business operations, which is the most important thing for the health of your business? Be honest with yourself. If you want to increase your productivity and manage your time, you should answer this truthfully. 

So often, when I work with business owners, they think they are the only ones that can do the work. I hear excuses such as training someone will take too much time. 

Or it’s just not possible; I’m the only one who can do it. I think business owners hold on to things they should let go of for far too long.

If a repeatable workflow can be set up for a task, it must be delegated. Think of all the extra time you’ll have to focus on the creative or billable work.

When you review all the tasks on your list, ask yourself if you’re the best person to do that job. 

Would you be able to hire someone for $20 an hour to do the work? How many $20 tasks are you doing?

When learning time management techniques, you should track how long it takes you to do the work. Multiply all that time by the amount you'd receive from a one-on-one coaching client. 

You'll quickly discover that the math does not add up to success in your online business.

Is this task necessary? Maybe it's a task that you’ve always done. Make sure to question whether it is still essential.

As your online business evolves, so should your tasks. Understand why you’re doing the task and how it affects your productivity, time, and the bottom line of your small business.

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | 5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Productivity & Manage Your Time

Time to Wrap This Up

These five productivity tips are a great way to develop good time management for a work-life balance. 

Send me a DM on Instagram with your questions, comments, or time management tips you’ve used to increase productivity and manage your time.

For all those self-proclaimed procrastinators, watch this video on Eating Frogs.

Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate you, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

What Makes You Shine: A Guide to Celebrate You

What Makes You Shine: A Guide to Celebrate You

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | What Makes You Shine: A Guide to Celebrate You

As a small business owner, you wear so many hats—sometimes, it’s hard to see your true strengths and what makes you shine when you’re caught up in the daily grind. When this post goes live, it’ll be Thanksgiving here in the United States, my favorite holiday. Thanksgiving is about gratitude—being thankful for what we have and who we are. This year, I want to honor you: the entrepreneur, the risk-taker, the one who works so hard to make things happen. 

Today, we will celebrate you and the gifts you bring to your clients, your community, and your business. Honoring what brings you joy and makes your heart shine. On this day of thanks, let’s celebrate you and what makes you shine.

Remembering My Uncle Jim

As I mentioned, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Once, during an icebreaker, I was asked what my favorite meal was. This was a question I did not need to think about for a second, I blurted out my Uncle Jim’s Thanksgiving feast.

Jim would create the most delicious meal for all of us, blessed to grace his table.

Thanksgiving always brings back memories of my Uncle Jim. He made Thanksgiving shine for our family by creating the most amazing feast, year after year. Cooking was his way of bringing people together, his way of showing love and care. He had a gift and didn’t hesitate to share it with everyone around him. 

All the efforts in the kitchen came along with a smile and laughter. Without a doubt, feeding all of us made Jim shine. Writing these words brought tears to my eyes as I outlined this post.

There will always be a special place in my heart for this memory. Each Thanksgiving, we gather together, all attempting to recreate the beautiful feast Jim once provided for us. While we still have smiles and laughter. We miss the wonderful man I called my Uncle, and I pray for him and all the others I miss dearly.

I remember Jim telling us year after year about his dream of opening a restaurant to share his love for food. He did this! He built the restaurant himself around a brick pizza oven. He built this structure while working full-time. The restaurant was beautiful, with big windows allowing you to enjoy the landscape. He was proud to take us on tours to show his progress as he built it. His restaurant sits just outside town on his family’s land, nestled into the bottom of a bluff covered with trees and foliage. 

He brought his dream to life and left his 9 to 5—making our community better and brighter.

I’m thankful Jim was able to bless many with his culinary skills and warm personality. He welcomed everyone to the table, and many times, we gathered together around a table, giving thanks for our blessings.

Do You Take Time to Recognize What Makes You Shine?

When was the last time you stepped back to recognize your unique strengths? So often, we’re focused on what isn’t working or what needs fixing. But today, I want you to focus on what is working.

Appreciate all the uniqueness that you bring to each aspect of your life. Pause to celebrate what makes you shine.

If not, I’d like for you to do this. Spend time learning the unique qualities, knowledge, skills, and experience you bring to others in your life and business.

Celebrate Without Judgement

What are your God-given talents? Please do this without judgment. I get it; we can see your flaws easily. Today, I want you to look for what makes the light shine on you as an entrepreneur.

Do this from the place of understanding there are no “good” or “bad” qualities, only who you are.

Think from your heart: Where do you sparkle all over people because you truly understand your value?

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | What Makes You Shine: A Guide to Celebrate You

Your Path is Unique

Here is good news for you. Your entrepreneurial path is unique—no one else has had your experiences, faced your challenges, or discovered your solutions. And that means no one else can offer exactly what you do. It could be how you connect with people, the passion you bring to your work, or the attention to detail that makes your services exceptional. These strengths are not small—they are exactly what someone out there needs.

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Embrace your uniqueness

What makes you different from everyone else is your knowledge, interest, relationships you create, and what makes you smile.

Are you courageous enough to celebrate who you are without the “but” that quickly follows our greater qualities?

You know what I’m talking about, that “but” you put behind the thing you shine at doing.

Whatever makes you shine, take time to celebrate it. Find ways to appreciate all that makes you unique, and be grateful for all the ways you make a difference in your clients' lives. Celebrate your strengths, and let them shine through.

Please DM on Instagram with what makes you shine as a business owner. 

If you like this post, be sure to read Be Your Own Cheerleader!

Thank you for your time! I appreciate you, and I hope you have a wonderful week.

Content Repurposing Ideas You Can Try

Content Repurposing Ideas You Can Try

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Content Repurposing Ideas You Can Try

Content Repurposing: Amazing Ideas You Can Try to Grow

Repurposing Long-Form Content: A Smarter Way to Grow

If you're putting in the work to create amazing, fresh content for your online business, why not maximize its potential? Repurposing long-form content across different platforms can extend its reach, connect with new audiences, and ensure your message sticks. Let’s explore some strategic content repurposing ideas to grow your brand and make all that hard work count.

Repurposing Basics: Make Content Work Harder for You

Think of content repurposing as taking your original content and reshaping it for different formats and audiences. Whether you’re creating for YouTube, a podcast, or a blog, following the rules of each platform is crucial. But here's where content repurposing comes in: after your initial content is live, you can adapt it strategically to ensure it gets the visibility it deserves across all channels.

I've been repurposing content before repurposing was even a thing. It all started because creating content for social media was draining me. I realized that if I was going to invest a lot of time into creating great original content for a podcast, blog, or YouTube channel, I needed to make sure people actually saw it. Some of the very first repurposing I did involved taking pieces of my video content from YouTube and putting them on Instagram TV—back before TikTok and short videos changed the social media game.

Ask Yourself: Are You Spreading the Word About Your Content?

When you publish a blog post, a podcast episode, or a YouTube video, do you share it with your email list? Do you let your audience know via social media platforms? Often, we focus so much on content creation that we forget the key step—promotion. Repurposing content saves time and ensures your audience sees your message in different places, increasing its impact.

Repurpose Content for Social Media

The social media landscape is vast—but remember, you don’t need to be on every platform. Instead, choose the platforms that resonate most with your ideal client and strategically repurpose your content to maximize its impact.

For instance, take the main points from your blog post and turn them into an Instagram carousel. You can easily repurpose those carousel slides into Pinterest pins. Or take a key segment from your podcast episode and turn it into a short video clip to share as a YouTube Short, TikTok video or Instagram Reel. These bite-sized pieces of content keep your audience engaged without you having to create everything from scratch.

Caption Library for Easy Reuse

When I began my business in 2016, I found a simple yet effective way to make repurposing even easier. I used Google Calendar to store my social media captions, setting them to repeat every 90 days. Whenever I felt stuck or uninspired, all I had to do was check my calendar and select from the captions I'd already written. Over time, I had built a small library of options that I could tweak as needed. It was an efficient way to reuse content in different ways without always starting from scratch.

Today, tools like Notion or Airtable are a great way to make this process even smoother. You can create a dedicated caption library to store, categorize, and easily find the captions you need. Not only does this save time, but this repurposed content is now evergreen content to help maintain consistency across platforms.

Use Your Content Everywhere

Email Newsletters: Don’t overlook your email list. You’ve already built a loyal audience, so make sure they hear about your latest content. Pull out key insights from your podcast episode or blog post and turn them into a valuable newsletter. This is also a great place to promote new content and drive readers to your blog or YouTube channel.

Blog Posts: If you recorded a podcast or a YouTube video, transcribe it to create a blog post. Just be sure to edit the transcription so that it reads well—adding relevant keywords and enhancing readability. Not only does this help with SEO, but it also reaches those who prefer reading over watching or listening.

Old Blog Posts: Give your old posts a content upgrade. Even your best content could use a bit of new information. Search engines or Google love it when you take your old content and add new ideas to the older content to make it relevant again. The easiest way to do this is to turn a popular post into new formats such as a podcast or video for YouTube. Then use the Yoast SEO plugin to rewrite and republish the original blog post with the link to the podcast or video. Use this to update the blog content and drop the link in Google Console to have your refreshed content become a new piece of content by having it reindexed. This is a favorite repurposing strategy for myself and my clients.

Creating a Repurposing Plan

To avoid falling into the “content hamster wheel”—constantly churning out new content without ever pausing—create a plan to reuse and recycle what you’ve already produced. Here's a simple content repurposing process to try:

  1. Transcribe and Edit: After recording a podcast or video, transcribe it to form the base of your blog post. Edit it to ensure readability and include SEO-optimized keywords. If you struggle to write SEO-optimized content try out the tool Rank IQ that Katerina talked about in last weeks episode. You'll be creating great content in less time.
  2. Break Down Key Points: Pull out the main points of your content and compile them into a Google Doc. This will serve as your “gold nuggets” guide, making it easy to create social media posts, newsletters, or other types of content. The feature with Descript saves you so much time with the ability to highlight short clips and turn them into a composition (Descript term) that can be repurposed for all the different social media channels.
  3. Mix and Match for Social Media: Repurpose these nuggets into social media posts, like Instagram carousels or TikTok clips. Change up the visuals using tools like Canva to keep your posts fresh and engaging. If you have the Pro version of Canva you know how easy they make it to resize into various formats.
  4. Use Different Formats: Turn the content into multiple formats—Instagram Reels, Pinterest Video Pins, YouTube Shorts, etc. Repurposing is all about taking one piece of content and delivering it to your audience in different formats to suit their preferences.
Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Content Repurposing Ideas You Can Try

The 90-Day Repurposing Rule

After you create and publish your content, schedule it into a 90-day content calendar. The initial weeks can feature more frequent posts to maximize reach, and after the first month, move the content into a 90-day rotation, revisiting it to keep it relevant. Scheduling helps take the pressure off while ensuring your audience continues to see your amazing content.

Practical Tools for Repurposing

To make repurposing easier, set up templates in Canva for your content formats. For example, create templates for Instagram posts, Pinterest Pins, and even Facebook graphics. These templates can then be used repeatedly to save time and maintain a consistent brand look. As a quick side note this content strategy is the best way to bring on team members to help you! 

Also, keep everything organized with a project management system like Asana, Trello, or ClickUp. Linking your “gold nuggets” Google Doc to your project management software can help you stay on top of what needs to be repurposed and when. This is especially important for avoiding burnout and keeping your process manageable.

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Time To Wrap This Up With Key Takeaways

Your time and energy are incredibly valuable. Instead of always creating something new, leverage the long-form content you’ve already invested in to reach different audiences in a strategic way. A solid repurposing content plan helps you be everywhere your ideal client is—without exhausting yourself.

So, which of these repurposing strategies have you tried? Do you feel you could simplify your content workflow by creating a structured plan to recycle your long-form content? Please send me a DM on Instagram with your thoughts, and let’s make sure all that hard work continues to work for you!

Thank you for reading, and remember: repurpose strategically, market consistently, and reach wider audiences effortlessly!