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Best Tips To Keep Track of Open Orders for Life Coaches

Best Tips To Keep Track of Open Orders for Life Coaches

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Tracking Open Orders Successfully As An Online Coach

“What do you do after selling your service? How do you keep track of what needs to be fulfilled?” A question popped up in a group, sparking a discussion many of us can relate to. It's funny how often we overlook the importance of tracking open orders, especially after securing a coaching client during a flash sale. You’ll likely have a staggered onboarding, and some may even plan to start in a few months. It's crucial not to lose track, and here's how you can ensure everything stays organized in your coaching business.

Strategies and Tools for Effective Lead and Client Management

Managing leads and clients can indeed be overwhelming, particularly for coaches just starting. Implementing a system for tracking open orders is vital to ensure your marketing efforts are not useless. Let's look at some strategies and tools to help you stay organized and efficient.

Lead Management to Tracking Open Orders

If you’ve been around for any amount of time, you’ll know my belief that having a system in place is the first essential step. You can use a simple spreadsheet or a CRM tool like Honeybook to keep everything in check. Whether it's a project management tool such as Asana, Trello, or MeisterTask, these platforms can streamline your process. You can create tasks for each service request, assign them, set deadlines, and monitor progress. Remember, duplication of your lead template simplifies the process significantly.

A spreadsheet might seem basic for those just starting, but it's incredibly effective. I've assisted a multiple six-figure business coach who relied on Google Sheets for lead management. Tools like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets can help you maintain a detailed log of customer names, services provided, due dates, status updates, payments due, and links to essential documents.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

A CRM system, such as Honeybook, is invaluable for managing leads and client interactions. It’s an all-in-one solution that grows with your business, avoiding the need to switch systems as your business grows. Honeybook simplifies scheduling, invoicing, payments, and managing open orders or service requests.

A CRM tool allows you to store and organize your leads' contact information and any notes or communication history. 

Honeybook is an all-in-one system that allows you to create automation. Best of all, it will grow with you; therefore, you’ll not need to change your process and system. 

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Tracking Open Orders Successfully As An Online Coach

Project Management Tool

Using a project management tool like Asana, Trello, or MeisterTask can help you manage and track your open orders.

You can create tasks or projects for each service request, assign them to team members, set deadlines, and track progress.

When a new lead comes in, simply duplicate your lead template and check off all the boxes. 

Use A Spreadsheet

As a new small business, even a simple spreadsheet will work. As I mentioned previously, I helped out a multiple six-figure business coach who utilized a Google Sheet for lead management in the past.

You can use a spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to track open orders or service requests. 

Create columns for details such as the customer's name, the service being provided, the due date, the request status, the start date, the end date, team member assigned along with payments due and links to supporting documents. 

Scheduling Tool

Using a scheduling tool like Calendly or TinyCal can be helpful if your coaching services need to be scheduled. This is a simple way to manage your availability and schedule appointments with future clients. This too, I’ve seen this in action with one of my past coaches. 

The process was simple and streamlined. 

Leads would fill out an application, and once reviewed and approved, email invitations with Calendly links would be sent to schedule a consultation.

If it were a “yes” client, following the onboarding process they would receive another Calendly link to book out all the calls with the coach. 

Regardless of which method you choose, it is essential to have a system in place to track your open orders so you can ensure that they are completed efficiently and on time.

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From Overwhelmed to Thriving: Your Content Creation Simplified Journey Starts Here!

Lead Qualification

When it comes to managing leads, it’s essential to know which is a good fit for your business. As much as you want, you can't be everything to everyone, so it's important to qualify your leads to find the ones that are a good fit for your coaching services. 

With this in mind, one way to do this is by asking qualifying questions during your initial contact with a lead. Without a doubt, a video call is the best way to get a good sense of who they are and if they’re serious about working with you.

Fortunately, there’s a simple solution. That is, create an application with good qualifying questions that will provide you with the information to decide if they are someone you’d like to work with. 

Here are a few basic questions:

  • What are your specific goals or objectives?
  • What challenges are you currently facing?
  • How soon are you looking to start working with a coach?
  • By asking these questions, you can quickly determine which leads are serious about working with you and which are not.

Lead Nurturing

But wait, just because a lead isn't a good fit at the moment doesn't mean they never will be. That's where lead nurturing comes in. 

Lead nurturing is building relationships with your leads and keeping them engaged until they are ready to become clients. This can be done through regular communication, such as email newsletters or quick check-ins on social media. 

Some ways to nurture leads or build up trust and respect include:

Sending out regular newsletters with valuable information and tips related to your coaching services.

Free resources, such as worksheets or e-books, can help your leads achieve their goals.

Follow up with leads regularly to check in and see how they progress.

Regularly nurturing your leads can keep them engaged and excited about working with you.

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Tracking Open Orders Successfully As An Online Coach

Client Management

Once a lead has become a client, it's necessary to have a system to manage their progress. This can include setting up regular check-ins and progress reports, as well as tracking their goals and progress. 

Some ways to manage your clients effectively include:

Make sure you have regular check-ins or progress reports to track their progress and make any necessary adjustments to their coaching plan.

Use a project management tool, such as Trello or Asana, to keep track of your client's goals and progress. 

Keep detailed notes of all communication and sessions with your clients so you can refer back to them as needed. Here’s a quick tip on note-taking: using a note-taking app during your calls will transcribe the call as you go.

During the call, the best thing to do is keep track of the action items from the call. At the end of the coaching session, review the action items and set a check-in date to keep your client accountable. 

Following the session consolidate notes, action items and other vital information in a Google Doc that can be shared with your client, this ensures everyone is on the same page.

It’s Time To Wrap This Up

The management of leads and clients is one of the most important aspects of growing a successful online business. In order to stay organized and ensure that you make the most of your time and resources, it is important that you pick a system that work for you. Whether it is a CRM tool, spreadsheet or project management software. Start with a simple process to qualify leads, nurture them, and manage your clients effectively. 

Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate you, and I hope you have a wonderful week!

Streamline Your Content Planning with a Trello Content Calendar

Streamline Your Content Planning with a Trello Content Calendar

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Streamline Your Content Planning with a Trello Content Calendar

Feeling swamped by the endless task of planning your business's organic content? Are you overwhelmed by the sheer volume of online marketing material you need to generate? I get it. Do you find yourself running in circles trying to organize your content strategy? It's time to switch to a Trello content calendar for managing your long-form content.


The Importance of a Content Calendar

Ever wonder why a content calendar is crucial?

Here's the thing: Constantly brainstorming new ideas can be downright tiring.

I won't even begin to mention how frustrating it can be searching for the last brilliant content idea, as you have no idea where you wrote it down.

A content calendar is your roadmap, clearly outlining what needs to be created and when, saving you from the dreaded desk-head-banging moments.

Today, we're diving into how to set up your content calendar in Trello.

What Makes Trello Stand Out?

Now, you might ask, “What's so special about Trello?” 

Why do you think this will work for me when so many others have not?

First off, its simplicity is a game-changer.

If you are seeking a straightforward and visually appealing planning tool, you will love Trello.

Centralize Your Content Ideas with Trello

Are your office surfaces buried under sticky notes? Would you burst into laughter if someone quizzed you on your content creation process?

That ends now. Trello is your ultimate idea storage solution, keeping everything organized in one spot. You'll know exactly where to look when it's time to plan. 

Forget the days of misplaced brilliant thoughts. With Trello, your next great idea goes straight into your idea bank. What is even better is creating an idea bank card for each of your content pillars.

And the best part? Trello’s mobile app means you can capture ideas on the go. Because let’s be real, you’re always on the go.

Gather All Your Resources in One Place

In your Trello Content Calendar, dedicate a card with all the links to the resources you rely on.

I understand how you can get off track if you must search for something. By having a resources card with your links.

This could include links to frequently used software for creating your pillar content. I don’t know about you, but for some reason, if I open a Google tab, I may end up somewhere that I shouldn’t be.

Create a Content Calendar Template

If there's a task you're repeating in your business, it screams for a workflow. Here’s the thing: you never miss a task with a system.

Creating a template in Trello for your content calendar simplifies your process, laying out all the necessary steps for creating your content.

With this template, forgetting the next step is a thing of the past. Just duplicate the template, and you're set to start.

Trello makes it easy to duplicate your card and boldly marks ‘This card is a template.’

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Streamline Your Content Planning with a Trello Content Calendar

Key Feature in Trello Content Calendar

In other words, Trello isn’t just another tool; it transforms how you organize your content calendar. Its drag-and-drop interface makes it incredibly user-friendly, allowing you to visualize your entire content strategy at a glance.

With Trello, you can create boards for each of the different areas of your business and develop simple checklists to mark off the tasks as they are completed.

Create cards for individual tasks or ideas. It’s funny how something so simple can be so powerful, right?

Trello also offers customizable labels for easy categorization, due date reminders to keep you on track, and the ability to attach files directly to cards, ensuring all your resources are in one place.

Using Trello, you're equipping yourself with a tool that adapts to your workflow and simplifies content planning.

If busy is distracting you, this may be a great solution.

Here is a screenshot of a Podcast Workflow and Trello Content Calendar:​

Why is it important to have your workflow and content calendar on one board? It keeps you from jumping around in the software. It keeps you focused on content creation. This helps you be more efficient and productive. It also allows you to be consistent with your content creation.

Book A 1-Hour Virtual Session

Discover the Secret to Effortless Content Creation –

From Overwhelmed to Thriving: Your Content Creation Simplified Journey Starts Here!

​Ready to Take the First Step Towards Consistent Content Creation?

Finding the right workflow for your content can seem overwhelming when facing many project management systems.  But guess what? It doesn’t have to be. With a Content Creation Simplified session, we dive deep to uncover the best project management tool and content workflow tailored specifically for you. Imagine having a streamlined process that saves you time and makes publishing consistent organic content easier. And the best part? This session is yours for only $97!

Don't let overwhelm dictate your content strategy. Book your session today, and let's transform your content creation process from chaotic to crystal clear. Your content deserves to shine; together, we’ll ensure it does. Book Now and Simplify Your Content Creation

Are you curious? If you’d like to know what a Content Simplified session is about, Listen to this podcast, where I take you behind the scenes into a session. Or Or visit the blog post here: https:/

Time To Wrap This Up With A Recap

Creating a content calendar in Trello can truly streamline your content planning process, making it less overwhelming and more efficient. By setting up a dedicated board, organizing your workflow with lists, and populating it with all your brilliant ideas, you’re laying down a solid foundation for your content strategy. 

Remember, the key to success is in the details—assigning labels, setting deadlines, and attaching all necessary resources directly to your cards keeps everything you need at your fingertips. 

And let’s not forget the importance of collaboration; Trello makes it easy to share your vision and work alongside your content team. By setting up a checklist, you’re well on your way to mastering your content calendar and ensuring consistency (which we know is essential), which becomes much more manageable. 

In addition to helping you organize your content, Trello will inspire creativity and intentionality within your content creation process. Now, that’s a win in my book!

Thank you for reading. I appreciate you, and I hope you have a wonderful week.

What to Prepare Before You Hire a Content Assistant

What to Prepare Before You Hire a Content Assistant

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | What to Prepare Before You Hire a Content Assistant

You know that you’re not being intentional with your time and energy. You’ve looked back on your day, and the first thought is, wow, I’m not being strategic about where I’m investing my time. You feel a little all over the place. That feels annoying to you because you value being intentional. You’re debating if you should hire someone to help, but you’re also not 100% clear on how to guide them since you don’t feel like you have good systems. Let’s be real: the last time you hired a team member, it did not end well. Here is what to prepare to hire a content assistant.

I’m Preaching To The Choir

I’m guessing you already know what the problem is; I’ve seen it with so many entrepreneurs. When it comes down to it, you love to create content. You have a heart of service and you desire to make an impact and an income.

And let’s be real: creating consistent content takes a lot of work; it is hard and overwhelming. Before you know it becomes a whole big thing, your pocketbook begins to feel the effects of your inconsistency.

Consistency is truly the thing. And what makes it so difficult, as entrepreneurs, is that there’s so much for us to do that our focus is divided up. We are just all over the place, trying to keep all the balls in the air. Getting as much done as we can. Before you know it, you do it again. You’ve become yet again an Inconsistent content creator. Sound familiar?

It Really Comes Down To This

You talk about being overwhelmed by all the things you do as an entrepreneur. Heck, your husband knows it because you talk about it to him all the time. You know you’re not being as strategic as you could be. You’ve been debating for months, yes months, about whether you should hire a content assistant to help, but you’re not 100% clear on how to guide them since you tell yourself that you're not good at leading.

When you’re the owner with all the things falling on your shoulders, you’re in a constant battle that you’re stuck in because you’re trying to do all the things. You know you can’t do them all by yourself, you really aren’t in the position to bring on a team member because your stuff is a hot mess express around your content systems.​

When it comes to hiring someone, you're scared because you're not making multi-millions yet, so it’s not like you’re comfortable with it. If you hire them, it won't be very efficient, because you don't have your stuff together. It's like you have that awareness, but you're stuck there, unsure how to get out of the cycle.


What to Prepare Before You Hire a Content Assistant to Your Remote Team

The success of your future content assistant for your business depends on how well you set up your content system before you hire a content assistant.

What to prepare to bring on your content assistant:

  • Record videos or tango: One simple way to create a system is to start with a screen recording as you do the work yourself. As you click and type, call out the steps. Then, have the screen recording transcribed.
  • What can be even simpler? Using the Chrome plugin Tango. Tango has a free and paid version. It takes a screenshot anytime you click your mouse or type on your keyboard! Your workflow is captured easily and effortlessly.

Create the step-by-step checklist in your project management software and save it as a template. If you did a screen recording and had it transcribed, take the transcript and add each step as a task in your content creation template. Add the video to the project template.

If you went the Tango route, use that for the step-by-step checklist.

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | What to Prepare Before You Hire a Content Assistant

Here are a few things to consider when hiring a content assistant for your remote team.

  • Know your budget and consider how much extra time you’ll have each week.
  • Begin slow and ramp up. Do not dump everything on them at once. Start slowly with one thing and only a few hours per week. As they get the hang of it, add more tasks and hours. When you do a slow roll, it is far less overwhelming for everyone involved.
  • Be sure to know what they like to do, what they want to learn, and what they feel they have already mastered.
  • Know that the fault lies on your shoulders if something doesn’t go right. When it doesn’t go as smoothly as possible, we want to shift the blame. But, if something doesn’t go right, the fault lies on your shoulders. In most cases, if something didn’t go right with a team member, it was because something was missed in the process or the communication on how to do it was poor. When we do things 100 times, we sometimes forget those tiny, important steps along the way. If you always know that the fault lies on your shoulders, you look at things from a different perspective


Did you know that Miss Task has a Done For You Content Repurposing Service? Try it out with the mini-service, where we’ll turn your podcast into a blog post, email newsletter, and social media copy. Here is a link to our services page.

It’s time to wrap this up.

To recap, what to prepare before you hire a content assistant for your remote team.

  • Start to create your systems by either transcribing your screen recording or Tango to capture screenshots for you.
  • Know your budget, and begin to set aside the money before you hire them.
  • Begin slow and ramp up as you both begin to feel more comfortable
  • Know that if something doesn’t go right, the fault lies on your shoulders.
  • Remember you can try our DFY service to repurpose your podcast.

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Discover the Secret to Effortless Content Creation –

From Overwhelmed to Thriving: Your Content Creation Simplified Journey Starts Here!