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Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Small Business Owner working at desk| Celebrating Small Wins: The Key to Big Success

It came to me while I was out walking our dogs. You see, I wasn’t sure what would be the best topic for Episode 50 of the Content Systems for Growth Podcast. Not only is this episode 50, but it’s also the final podcast and blog post of 2023. Of course, why celebrate your small wins is the perfect topic. 


Hitting 50 episodes is a small win that deserves to be celebrated. How about you, Friend? Is this something that you do in your life and business? Do you celebrate your wins no matter the size of the accomplishment? If not, why don’t you? Regardless of the size of the win, you should take the time to give it a proper celebration. 


How often do you pause and bask in the joy of your accomplishments? When you succeed, do you allow yourself the time to celebrate? This practice is not just about recognizing success; it’s about cherishing the journey, especially for those of us balancing the demands of business and family life.

The Gap and The Gain

I’m curious: have you read the book by Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan, The Gap and The Gain? If you’ve not read this book, I encourage you to do so. 


“When you’re in the GAIN, you focus on what you’ve actually done. You measure your GAINS and use those GAINS to create more and better GAINS in your future.” Hardy, Benjamin; Sullivan, Dan. The Gap and The Gain (p. xxviii). Hay House. Kindle Edition. 


Celebrating your small wins is precisely about focusing on these gains. It’s about acknowledging the steps you’ve taken, the hurdles you’ve overcome, and the progress you’ve made. Your dreams are built from small victories.


Here are a few simple ways to celebrate your wins:

Start A Success Jar for your Small Wins


Over the years as a business owner, I’ve tracked my accomplishments in a few different practices. The first was with a success jar. I’d write down the actual win I was celebrating on a little piece of paper and drop it in the jar. 


It’s super simple: jot down what you’re celebrating on a piece of paper and toss it in the jar. 


When you have those days, you know, the days I'm talking about, where things just seem not to be going your way, or it feels like you will never reach your goals. The days you need that little bit of extra encouragement.


That’s when you grab your success jar, pull out a few of your past accomplishments, relax, and step into the feeling you had when celebrating the win. It’s an instant day brightener. 😍

Journal Of Your Accomplishment


Not into a Success Jar? Another powerful tool I’ve embraced is maintaining a Journal of Accomplishments. Doesn’t that sound fun? This practice goes beyond the tangible wins. It's about documenting the journey, the growth, and the lessons learned along the way. Each page of this journal is a testament to your resilience, creativity, and dedication as an entrepreneur.


In this journal, write more than just the accomplishment itself. Reflect on what it took to get there – the challenges you overcame, the skills you honed, and the knowledge you gained. You're not just sharing your successes here; this is a story from your entrepreneurial journey.


On days when doubt creeps in, flipping through this journal serves as a powerful reminder of your capabilities and progress. It's not just about the destination but also about appreciating the little wins you’ve had along your journey.


Additionally, this journal provides insights into future strategies. As you review your past achievements, patterns of success emerge. As Tony Robbins said “Success leaves clues.” 


You'll start to see what works best for you, which strategies generate the most results, and how you’ve grown as a business owner and as an individual. It’s not only a source of inspiration but also a strategic tool for planning your next big move.


So, whether it's a success jar brimming with notes of victories or a journal filled with detailed accounts of your entrepreneurial journey, these practices are more than just self-congratulation. They are vital tools for reflection, motivation, and strategic planning. They remind you that every step, no matter how small, is a step towards greater success.

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Small Business Owner working at desk| Celebrating Small Wins: The Key to Big Success

Digital Success Tracking: Daily Journal with Notion

If you’ve followed me for any amount of time, I’m guessing you already know my love for Notion.  Designed with flexibility and user-friendliness, Notion combines notes, tasks, databases, and project management into a seamless interface.

Using Notion, you can keep a daily journal to keep track of gratitude, wins, challenges, and improvement.

Do a search on YouTube, and you’ll find more than one resource to learn more about Notion.

Using Notion to track daily successes came from Marie Poulen. Here is a link to her YouTube video where she talks about using notion as a daily journal.

Marie has this genius little roll-up for the whole week for a simple weekly reflection, allowing a look back at your daily gratitude, wins, lows/challenges, or things that you could do better.

In addition, these roll up into a month recap that rolls up into a year recap. So you can see all of your information right there in one spot. I absolutely love the ability to go back and reflect on everything. It is all right there. One big roll-up of all the daily wins for encouragement and celebration!

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Small Business Owner working at desk| Celebrating Small Wins: The Key to Big Success

Step Out of the Hurry

Finding joy in the small things is what breathes life into the daily hustle of running an online business. Without taking time to celebrate these moments, it's easy to get caught up in the endless rush, always moving from one task to the next, chasing the next big goal. However, it's crucial to pause and recognize the value in these little victories.

Taking time each day to reflect allows you to step out of this perpetual hurry. It’s about more than just a pause; it’s an opportunity to sit down, embrace joy, and celebrate the wins in your business, no matter their size. This practice isn’t just a break in your routine; it’s vital to nurturing your entrepreneurial spirit and reminding yourself why you embarked on this journey.

Acknowledging and embracing these achievements ensures that your business journey is as successful as it is fulfilling.

Other Options May Include

Now, let's circle back to other creative ways to celebrate and reflect on your wins. While a paper success journal is a classic choice, many other avenues exist to explore. How about a digital twist with a Google Doc? This can be a dynamic way to track your progress, accessible from anywhere at any time.

But the options don’t stop there. Consider these alternatives:

  • Digital Success Board: Create a digital success board where you visualize future goals and track your accomplishments. Tools like Canva or Milanote can be perfect for this.

  • Video Diary: In a digital era, why not keep a video diary? Record a short video each time you have a win. It’s a personal and lively way to capture the moment and your emotions. The app Day One allows you to create audio and video journal entries.
  • Social Media Shoutouts: Share your wins on social media. It’s not just about broadcasting your achievements; it’s about inspiring others and, perhaps, even starting conversations with fellow entrepreneurs.
  • Celebration Rituals: Establish small rituals to celebrate wins, like a special cup of coffee, a walk outside, or anything that signifies a moment of success for you.
  • Gratitude Lists: Keep a gratitude list where you note down what you're thankful for, including your business achievements. It helps keep things in perspective and cultivates a positive mindset.

Remember, each win, no matter its size, is a stepping stone in your entrepreneurial journey. They deserve recognition and celebration. So, find the method that resonates with you and make it a habit to acknowledge every achievement along the way!

Share Them

Social Media Shoutouts too much for your friend? Aww, I get it's not my style either; even so, don’t keep your wins to yourself; share what you’re celebrating with somebody and let them know that you’re super excited about what you've accomplished. Woohoo!

You set the goal, and you’ve been putting in the work to achieve it. Celebrate Friend!

You did it; you've finally gotten there. Be excited, share that with people, and let them share in your excitement.

Come on, Friend, why just be lackluster about all those small wins? Do you want to know what? Your little wins all add up to big accomplishments. They keep you moving forward and celebrate your win!

Time To Wrap This Up 🎁

Make it a habit to document your achievements, big or small, in a way that works for you. By putting them in writing, you create a valuable resource that you can revisit whenever you need an extra boost of motivation in your life or business.

I strongly encourage you to establish your own method of tracking successes. This could be anything from a simple success jar, where you drop notes of your accomplishments, to maintaining a paper journal. Alternatively, dive into digital tools like Notion, Evernote, or OneNote – choose the tool that best suits your style.

The key is to track and celebrate all your wins consistently. This practice becomes especially valuable on those challenging days, providing the encouragement we all need from time to time. 

There will always be moments of setbacks for every entrepreneur. Having a tangible reminder of your successes can make all the difference in pushing forward and maintaining your momentum.

Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate you, and I hope you have a wonderful week.

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