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Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Small Business Owner working at desk| Content Creation Resolutions and Goals for Improving Consistency

As the year unfolds before us, the buzz of resolutions fills the air, nudging us to ponder our own aspirations and goals. Personally, I've always had a unique take on resolutions. I remember one year, my only resolution was to start flossing daily. Guess what? Flossing is still a daily habit, while I’m sure it is protocol when the hygienist still asks if I floss my teeth every day. My standard answer is yes, but don't you already know that based on my teeth? Still, I’m proud of this daily habit that has remained for years. 

It's a small victory, one that brings me a sense of pride and achievement.

Now, let's turn the spotlight on you. Are you the type to scribble down a list of ambitious resolutions each year? If so, how often do they revolve around grand visions that somehow get lost in the hustle and bustle of life? It's a common story: we set lofty goals, and at the first stumble, instead of pausing to regain our footing, we're tempted to throw in the towel. But what if we approached it differently? What if we embraced each setback with a laugh and a dose of self-compassion? What if now is the time to be as kind to ourselves as we are to a stranger?

In this spirit, I'm setting a resolution not just for myself but one I hope you'll join me in to be kinder to ourselves, and to allow grace in our entrepreneurial journey. Especially when it comes to one of the most daunting tasks we face as business owners—consistent content creation, let's dive into how we can make this resolution a tangible reality, transforming our approach to content creation from a source of stress to a stream of success.

The Reality of Resolutions

As entrepreneurs, especially at the start of a new year, we often find ourselves setting sky-high resolutions. It's like standing at the base of a mountain, looking up at the peak, and deciding to sprint to the top without a second thought. We're fueled by a burst of inspiration and determination. You know the feeling right, the excitement of all things new. But what happens at the first stumble? For many of us, the initial stumble – maybe missing a day of writing or falling behind on our content schedule – becomes the spot where our resolution journey halts.

I remember setting a goal to publish a blog post every week. The first few weeks were a breeze, filled with enthusiasm and fresh ideas. But then, life happened. A client needed extra attention, my kids' school events piled up – and just like that, my well-intended plan hit a snag. Frustrated and burnt out from content creation. I used the stumble as an excuse to scrap pretty much all content creation in 2017. While I wish I could tell you that I bounced back with consistency, that didn’t happen into the end of 2018. I’ve been consistent each week since.

That's the trap of the ‘all or nothing' mentality. We set these enormous goals, and when the inevitable hiccup occurs, it feels like a catastrophic failure.

But here's the thing: what if we adjusted our lens to view these setbacks not as failures but as part of the journey? What if, instead of aiming for flawless execution, we aimed for consistent yet imperfect action? The shift from perfection to consistency was a game-changer for me. It's about embracing the reality that some weeks, I can craft an in-depth, thoroughly researched post, and other times, a quick, heartfelt update is all I can manage – and that's okay. This mindset transforms our approach, turning our resolutions into sustainable practices rather than daunting challenges.

So, let's rethink how we approach our goals. Instead of reaching for the stars with a single leap, let's focus on building a staircase. Each step, no matter how small or imperfect, is progress. It's about celebrating the two-paragraph post written in between meetings as much as the “Oh my goodness, this is the best thing I’ve ever written for my blog” during a quiet afternoon. Achieving our goals requires consistent steps, taken day by day.

The Power of Grace in Your Business Journey 

In the hustle of running a business and managing personal commitments, we often forget one crucial ingredient: grace. 

Grace for when things don't go as planned, grace for when we're juggling too many balls and one drops. It's easy to extend understanding and compassion to others, but we're often our toughest enemies when it comes to ourselves.

Think about how you'd comfort a friend who missed a deadline because their kid was sick, or how you'd reassure a fellow entrepreneur who's feeling overwhelmed. 

Now, imagine offering that same kindness to yourself. It's about acknowledging that it's okay to have a day when you eat three Reese's Peanut Butter Cups instead of just one or to skip a workout because a meeting ran late. It's about understanding that being a bit short on patience with your family doesn't make you a bad person or a failure; it makes you human.

Bringing grace into our business journey means recognizing that we're doing our best, even if that best isn't perfect every day. It's about celebrating the small wins and learning from the hiccups. Most importantly, it's about acknowledging that every step, no matter how small or faltering, is still a step forward. This grace becomes a powerful tool, allowing us to approach our business and personal lives with a sense of balance and kindness.

So next time you find yourself being hard on yourself, pause and ask, “Would I say this to a friend?” Chances are, you wouldn't. Let's make a pact to treat ourselves with the same compassion we readily offer others. It's not just good for our well-being; it's good for our business, too.

Practical Steps for Consistent Content Creation 

Creating content consistently doesn't have to be an overwhelming task. It's about breaking it down into small, manageable actions that can easily fit into your busy schedule. Let's explore some practical steps to make this a reality.


Start with the Ten-Minute Action Plan 

The ten-minute action plan is a simple yet effective way to kickstart your content creation process. Dedicate just ten minutes each day to a specific content-related task. Grab your favorite pen and do a thought download of all the different ten-minute daily actions you can take to be a consistent content creator. 

Here are a few ideas to get you going, it could be brainstorming topics, outlining a blog post, or jotting down ideas for your next podcast episode. These short bursts of focused effort can add up to significant progress over time. 


Build a Story Bank 

One of the most valuable resources you can have is a ‘story bank' – a collection of personal stories, client success stories, and life lessons. These stories enrich your content and make it more relatable and engaging for your audience. Whenever inspiration strikes or you have a meaningful experience, or my personal favorite, a laughable adventure, add it to your story bank. This reservoir of ideas will be a lifesaver on days when you're struggling for content. Plus, it is great to use with social media.

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Small Business Owner working at desk| Content Creation Resolutions and Goals for Improving Consistency

Apply Coaching Principles to Content Creation

As a coach, you're already equipped with skills that can be transferred to content creation.

Here are a few tips:

Goal Setting: Just as you set clear, achievable goals with your clients, do the same for your content. What do you want to achieve with each piece? How does it align with your services?

Accountability: Hold yourself accountable for your content goals. Consider partnering with a fellow entrepreneur for mutual check-ins or sharing your content plans with your audience to create a sense of commitment and excitement for what’s to come.

Reflective Practice: Regularly reflect on what's working and what's not in your content strategy. This reflective practice will help you refine your approach and stay aligned with your audience's needs and interests. If you’re not tracking your metrics, you must. Your numbers tell a story.

Embrace Flexibility

Lastly, be flexible in your approach. My sister gave me one of my favorite signs. Don’t get your tinsel in a tangle. Every year, when I put away my Christmas decor, I contemplate leaving it up all year round because it is a nice reminder to embrace flexibility.

Some weeks, you'll have more time and energy for content creation than others. Adjust your plan accordingly, and remember that consistency doesn't mean rigid adherence to a schedule; it's about making steady progress in a way that's sustainable for you.

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Small Business Owner working at desk| Content Creation Resolutions and Goals for Improving Consistency

Overcoming the Inner Critic 

One of the most significant hurdles in our content creation journey, and indeed in our entrepreneurial path, is the inner critic. 

This voice of self-doubt often echoes the harshest judgments we can imagine, holding us back from taking action. Whether it's whispering that we're not good enough, or questioning the value of our insights, this ‘mean girl' syndrome can be a major roadblock.

Silencing the Inner Critic 

To tackle this, the first step is recognizing that this inner critic is a part of us that's trying to protect us, even if it's in an unhelpful way. Acknowledge its presence, thank it for keeping you safe, but don't let it take the driver's seat. 

Here's how you can start: 

Challenge Negative Thoughts: When a negative thought arises, challenge it. Ask yourself, “Is this really true?” Often, you'll find that these thoughts are based more on fear than reality.

Focus on the Impact: Remember, God put this calling on your heart for a reason, Friend. Your content has the potential to touch at least one person's life. When self-doubt creeps in, shift your focus to the impact your words can have. Even if you reach just one person, you're making a difference.

Positive Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to counteract negative thoughts. Phrases like “I have valuable insights to share” or “My experiences can help others” can be powerful rebuttals to self-doubt.

Journaling as a Tool for Reflection

Journaling is an excellent way to process your thoughts and overcome negative thinking. It allows you to:

Reflect on Your Feelings: Write down your fears and doubts. Seeing them on paper and experiencing with peers, your life coach, or a mentor they want to provide you with support and different perspectives on make them less intimidating and more manageable.

Write a letter to Jesus: When you find that you can’t get yourself out of the thought pattern. Sit down and pen a letter to Jesus asking for his help and guidance. He answers, Friend.

Celebrate Your Wins: Make it a habit to jot down your successes, no matter how small. This practice can build your confidence and remind you of your progress.

Plan Your Steps: Use your journal to plan out your content ideas and strategies. This can help organize your thoughts and make the task of content creation feel less daunting.

Remember, You're Not Alone

Lastly, know that every content creator and entrepreneur faces these challenges. You're not alone in this. If being an entrepreneur was easy, everyone would do this.

Do not be afraid to share what you are feeling and experiencing with peers, your life coach, or a mentor. They want to provide you with support and give you a different perspective on overcoming self-doubt.

It’s Time to Wrap This Up: A Call to Consistent Action 

As we draw this to a close, I want to leave you with a call to action that goes beyond the short-lived motivation of New Year's resolutions. It's a call to embrace consistent, imperfect action in your content creation journey. 

This isn't just about ticking off tasks on your to-do list; it's about recognizing the powerful ripple effect your words and insights can have on others, even if it's just for one person.

Reflecting on my own journey, I recall the moment I decided to commit to regular content creation, no more excuses.

Despite the challenges and the occasional self-doubt, I've seen firsthand how my stories and experiences resonate with my audience. This commitment has not only strengthened my business but has also allowed me to connect with and inspire others in ways I hadn't imagined.

So, as you set out on your own path, remember that your voice matters, your experiences are valuable, and your content has the power to impact lives. 

Start small, be consistent, and let the magic of your unique journey unfold. Here's to a year of meaningful content creation filled with growth, learning, and the kind of success that feels deeply satisfying and authentically yours.

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