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Transforming Your Content: The Art of Repurposing

Ever feel caught in a mad dash to create fresh content, struggling to come up with ideas? 

Did you know that repurposing old content is actually an easier way to create content? 

What is your system for repurposing your old content? Do you use it to its full potential? For the longest time, many people thought they couldn't use their existing material. However, you can save time while producing quality content by understanding what repurposing means and applying effective strategies for making the most out of our previous work.

We are going to expand upon episode 12 topic of repurposing free content. What exactly is content repurposing, and how to create a system for reusing your content?

What is Content Repurposing?

It is using content that you’ve already created and in a new way. 

It’s a great way for online businesse owners  to maximize their content marketing efforts without starting from scratch every time.

Content repurposing is taking existing core content, such as blogs, videos, and podcasts, and using it on a different platform. 

By utilizing content repurposing, you can save time and show up on different platforms that you’re ideal client is hanging out on. 

Content repurposing has many benefits that make it essential for an online business owner to utilize to avoid content burnout.

For starters, it allows you to get more mileage from your original work by reaching new audiences who may not have seen the original content. 

While it may sound complex and time-consuming, it is not. It is either turning your blog post into a podcast or YouTube video. or the opposite, a podcast or youtube into a blog post. 

In addition, that content can also be transformed into social media copy to get even more use and reach more people.

Strategies for Repurposing Old Content

By leveraging existing material, you can produce new content that resonates with your audience without starting from scratch. Repurposing existing material can be a great way to generate new, appealing content for your audience while conserving time and effort. Here are some strategies for repurposing old content:

Updating and Refreshing Existing Content:

This strategy involves taking an existing piece of core content and updating it with new information or insights. You can add relevant images, videos, links, quotes or other elements to make the piece more engaging. Furthermore, you can revise your content to align with your current business and audience. As you evolve and grow as an online business owner so do your offers. 

For example, if you wrote a blog post about SEO best practices two years ago but now new trends are emerging in the industry – you could refresh this post by adding those changes to it.

Creating New Formats from Old Content

Instead of simply refreshing an existing piece of content, why not turn it into something entirely different? 

This could involve turning a blog post a podcast or YouTube video. Which is my personal favorite.  By doing this you expand your reach to a different audience who may prefer consuming their information differently than others do

Repurposing old content can be a great way to breathe new life into your existing material and increase its reach. 

Transforming Your Content: The Art of Repurposing

How to create a system to reuse your content.

Content recycling is an excellent way to gain additional value from your current material and reach new viewers.

Here are the actions steps to take a blog post and repurpose it into a podcast. Doing this it allows that one piece of content to reach a broader audience.

Google does like it when you refresh the content on your site. Plus, it allows you to take old content that may not be relevant to your current business model and refresh it so that it’s not confusing to your audience. Over my seven years in business I’ve gone from offering general va, to websites services to online business management to now specifically focused on organic content creation. I have a lot of old content that I can go back and rewrite, republish, and use for a podcast.

In your project management software of choice, we will create a repurposing system that can be used repeatedly.

BTW, If you struggle to stick with project management software, you may not be using the right tool. If this is you I encourage you to book a 30-minute mini-session where we will find the right project management tools for you and I’ll throw in a couple of templates to get you started.

What are the steps for your repurposing system?


  • Identity a list of blog posts to rewrite, republish, and podcast. Do this as batch work. Sit down and go through your old content and put all the links in your project management tool as future posts to rewrite, republish and podcast.
  • Based on your blog post, create an outline for the podcast script, refreshing the content to your current audience that is in alignment with your paid offers.
  • Record your podcast.
  • Edit your podcast.
  • Finalize the podcast and have it transcribed.
  • This moves us into, editing the transcript to be used as the rewritten and republished blog post. I guess the process is a podcast, rewrite and republish now that I’m thinking about my true process.
  • Publish and add the podcast to your website with the refreshed blog post.
  • I consider this two-birds-with-one-stone method. I’m making my content relevant again and sharing it on a different platform.

This same process can be used with video as well.

Best Practices for Effective Repurposing of Old Content

When repurposing old content, quality should always be prioritized over quantity. Content repurposing aims to create something new and fresh from existing material, not just churn out the same thing in a different format. It is essential to align content to your current business offers. Don’t leave people confused. 

Transforming Your Content: The Art of Repurposing

Sum it up.

Repurposing old content is a great way to maximize your efforts and save time. Repurposing provides a chance to craft something new from outdated content without initiating the process from scratch every time. Figure out what core content can be recycled so that you can make sure your old posts don't go to waste but rather get changed into something completely different. Take control of your content creation with simple workflows that help repurpose old content. Start now and avoid content creation burnout!