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Ugh, not this again the negative feelings have crept in now you’re uninspired, frustrated, and down about your life and business. How can you snap out of this easily and effortlessly? One way is to look back at your success journey. Keeping track of the success milestones in your life and business will spark up those happy positive thoughts in no time. Start a success journal to keep track of the little and big things that you have accomplished.

Thanks To My First Coach

My very first coach suggested that anytime I was feeling proud of myself, hit a milestone, felt happy, or accomplished write it down. She said to either buy or find a fun notebook to keep track of my success, doesn’t matter if it is big or small write down at least one win, success, accomplishment every day.

Keeping A Journal Of Your Success

Guess what happened? This one thing has made an impact on me, so much so I recommend to my friends, family, and clients that they keep a success journal.

Why is that? Journaling your success allows you to keep track of how far you’ve come along in your life and/or business journey. It makes you mindful of the good in your life when your brains are consistently searching for what could go wrong.
Anytime you feel like you’re spinning your wheels and things aren’t going your way. The solution is simple, take a mental time out with your success journal read through all those accomplishments you’ve achieved. You’ll discover how amazing you really are.

Journal Of Your Success

How to Journal

I know what you’re thinking, I’m not much for journaling. Keep it simple, start with opening the notes app on your phone create a digital journal with your wins.

Do you love sticky notes, jot down your success and cover your walls, write it on a scrap of paper and throw it in a mason jar. It does not need to be fancy. Now, this is important it only needs to work for you.

When do you use your success journal?

It all boils down to this simple process of celebrating each and every success is what gives you the steam to keep moving forward when it feels hard.

Here’s how it works, reading your success journal brings your thoughts to the positive energy you had when you wrote the entry.

You know exactly what I’m talking about when you remember a time when you felt so proud of yourself.

Here’s what I mean, remember a specific time step into your body, see what you saw, hear what you heard, feel the feelings of being totally proud of yourself. How does that feel?

Keeping track of your success will bring back the happy dance and squeals of happiness.

Amazing, isn’t it? What do you think is a success journal right for you?


Little Side Note

When we get caught in the self-doubt cycle it can be difficult to change that thinking. When this hits pull out your journal and remember why you started and how far you've come.

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • Keep track of your success, doesn’t matter if it is big or small write down at least one win, success, accomplishment every day.
  • Journaling your success allows you to keep track of how far you’ve come along in your life and/or business journey.
    It makes you mindful of the good in your life when your brains are consistently searching for what could go wrong
  • Not much for journaling, keep it simple and do what works for you.
  • Here’s how it works, reading your success journal brings your thoughts to the positive energy you had when you wrote the entry.

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

Stop believing that old story that you're not someone that likes to plan.

Do you have a recurring pattern of starting and stopping when you feel unsure, frustrated, and incapable of doing the things you want to do?

90-Day Plans Are Important Because: 

You figure out beforehand what needs to be done. No more deciding as you go.

You confidently step into the leader and CEO of your business. 

It creates a clear plan, vision, and goals for your business. No more second-guessing yourself. 

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