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Not sure when you’re reading this blog post the actual go-live date is a full week into January. My question is are you still going strong with your resolutions? If so, woohoo this is your year to stop failing on your resolutions and be part of the elite 8%. This is how to keep your New Year Resolutions.

About the 8%

Because according to research done by the University of Scranton several years ago, they found that 40 percent of American’s make New Year’s resolutions. Still, only 8% keep them longer than a few weeks. Here is the link. 

They meant that 92% of the people who set resolutions gave up on themselves.

They give up on dreams they had for their future self.

First, are you even in the 40% club with other Americans that set resolutions. If you are, good for you!

Second, do you fall into the 8%, or are you part of the 92% that stop? If so, why do you give up on your resolutions? Your goals to be a better you? Amiright?

Not one stone

Hey, don’t get me wrong, I’m not throwing any stones because I’ve fallen into the 92% camp myself by not following through on every single resolution that I’ve set for myself.

I can almost hear you thinking, really, Michele, why are you even talking about this. Well, my failed resolutions were before I began my growth journey.

Now, I believe that resolutions are not just for a new year; they are meant to be set anytime you want to commit to improving your life.

I was pretty bold

In my January newsletter to my subscribers, I was pretty bold. I stated that there is no use setting resolutions if you do not have a plan to get through the messy middle.

Most people don’t realize that you must create a plan to get through the messy middle when setting resolutions. This is key to how to keep your New Year Resolutions.

The messy middle is when our minds begin to sabotage us.

Now, this is important; we are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit. But our minds, our thoughts, not so much.

They crave safety and comfort.

The problem is the messy middle is when we are full of excuses as to why it's okay to stop. To give in and give up.

The Messy Middle of how to keep your New Year Resolutions

And now, you’re thinking, what the heck how do I get myself through the messy middle?

Let’s talk about how to keep your New Year Resolution.

You begin with giving yourself grace when you slip up. That doesn’t mean failure; that only means feedback.

Do not let your thoughts of comfort and doubt win. They want you to stay right where you’re at.
In the end, that’s not fair to you. As I mentioned above, look at it from the perspective of feedback instead of failure.

Those little slips, write them down. Yes, physically write them down in a notebook. Reframe what happened to what you want to happen the next time.

Reframe Your Failure to Feedback

For example, if you want to start exercising more. You’ve set a reminder in your calendar to work out every single day after work.

Instead of working out, you find yourself on the sofa scrolling through TikTok.

Write down in your notebook the feedback, aka your slip. Today, when I came home from work, I sat on the sofa and scrolled through Tik Tok instead of exercising.

Next, write down the reframe, what you will do instead. When I come home from work, I will change my clothes and exercise.

This is How To Keep Your New Year Resolutions to yourself.

At one little bump in the road, we take the easy path. The flat, easy way. Instead of taking the uphill, difficult pathway to improvement.

In the end, we know if we take the uphill, challenging path, it will come with satisfaction, whereas the flat, easy way comes with regret and disappointment.

How to Keep Your New Year Resolutions

Shift Your Thinking

It is our thinking in our minds that keeps us in the revolving cycle of disappointment.
I want you to step into your future self right now.

It is one year from today, and you stuck with your resolution. What does your life look like?

Now work backward and figure out the plan to get you to where you want to be in one year from now. Do this one step at a time.

What if, instead of choosing to stop, you use the feedback and keep going. How do you feel about yourself for following through?

It is one year from now, and you didn’t stick with your resolution. I’m guessing that you’ll want to try and set the exact old resolution for yourself with the hope that it will be different this year.

And will it? How will it be different this time?

Why not make this year a different year? Do it for you.

If you need a life coach in your corner to work through the messy middle with you. I got you. The link to apply to work with me is below.

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • Why do you give up on your resolutions? Your goals to be a better you?
  • There is no use setting resolutions if you do not have a plan to get through the messy middle.
  • The messy middle is when our minds begin to sabotage us.
  • We are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. But our minds, our thoughts they are not. They crave safety and comfort.
  • Let’s look at it from the perspective of feedback instead of failure.
  • This is How To Keep Your New Year Resolutions
  • Write down in your notebook the feedback, aka your slip. Today, when I came home from work, I sat on the sofa and scrolled through Tik Tok instead of exercising.
  • Next, write down the reframe, what you will do instead. When I come home from work, I will change my clothes and exercise.
  • At one little bump in the road, we take the easy path. The flat, easy way. Instead of taking the uphill, difficult pathway to improvement.

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?