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Create a Super Simple Sales Funnel

Do you need to create a super simple sales funnel for your online business? What are sales funnels? It’s a series of emails that you send to either a select group of people on your email list or to everyone on your email list. 

The email series will eventually lead people to your fabulous products or services. That is the goal of a super simple sales funnel is to lead people down a path of know, like and trust so they will want to work with your business.

Revenue engineer the funnel

Okay, friend, the best way to go about this is to work backward. Think about the end what service or product in your online business will you be directing them to?

The funnel can be longer depending on how much your offer is or how much you feel you’d like to share with them. 

The Ask

I know we all started our business because we were passionate about helping people and wanted to make a difference. Amiright?

Well, one of the hats that you get to wear is sales! Now selling is a scary thing and we all picture the used car salesperson of days gone by, but that isn’t you.

You provide value and people they want to work with you, so let them.  

In this email, you’re going to ask them to work with you. Depending on your email service provider you may be able to track links and put them into different sequences if they click the link. 

What to cover in this email? Answers to frequently asked questions that you receive. Tell them about your products and the solutions that you have to the struggles they face. 

Put in a few love notes you’ve received from your clients. 

Storytelling Email

Storytelling email is all about the problem that you overcame in your business. What experiences did you have to bring you to offer the services or products in your online business?

What was the breaking point before it all worked out? We all seem to have those stories that right before we were going to give up the thing happened and now you help others that are running into the same thing.

End the email with a suggestion to check out your services page. 

Welcome Email

The welcome email can go out a day after they sign up for your opt-in. Welcome them to the list, let them know what to expect.

Put a link to your opt-in again in case they didn’t get to it yesterday. 

Introduce them to who you are and your online business. 

Provide any additional information that they will find as a benefit. 

Opt-In Delivery Email

The opt-in is delivered right after they sign up. Don’t wait to have it sent, make sure it goes out immediately. 

When we sign up for something its because we are trying to find a solution right now, not later. 

Create A Thank You Page

After they sign up send them to a thank you page with the option to download the opt-in or a link to the training. 

Bonus points if you add a tripwire to the page. This is a very low-cost item that they can purchase from you. 

Depending on who you chat with some say under $50 other will tell you under $20. It really depends on what you’re offering to them and the price point of the service or product you’ll offer in the end.

Create A Landing Page

The landing page is giving information about your opt-in and the solution that it helps to solve. Give them what the opt-in will do to help them. They were searching for XYZ for a reason, right?

The landing page will also have the sign-up form to add them to your email list. 

The Opt-In

This has so many names opt-in, lead magnet, freebie, and I’m sure more that are floating around out there. 

The opt-in is the free gift that you give for anyone that opt-ins to your email list to get to know you and your business better. 

Your opt-in needs to be in sync with the product or services that you offer. It can be a coupon, workbook, video training, or a free chapter in your book.

What do you plan to do with your opt-in?

Get'em while they last

Planning is my superpower! Would you like help in mapping and accomplishing your commitments?

Each month I open up a limited number of spots to work one-on-one with heart-centered entrepreneurs to create a roadmap to their dreams.

How is this done? With a ninety-day commitment plan. A ninety-day commitment plan breaks down all the to-dos that need to happen to achieve your commitment.

The ninety-day commitment plan includes a three-hour planning intensive along with thirty-six accountability check-ins to ultimately take your vision from do to done. Say you can and you will!

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