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Best Tips for Email Organization

Best Tips for Email Organization

Best Tips for Email Organization

Best Tips for Email Organization

Either you control your email or it controls you. Here are my best tips for email organization and keeping your inbox in control.

When I chat with people about what I do and how I help, when I mention keeping your email organized the same reaction of Hallelujah is heard.

Your inbox should be treated as a tool in your online business, it should not be where you spend a bulk of your time. Here are the best tips that I provide or implemented for email organization.

Labels and Filters

Setting up labels and filters is the first step to an organized inbox. In the past, I've created a number of labels, but I've scaled that back a bit. 98% of the time if you go looking for an email, likely you’ll search for a keyword or person before you go and look for it. If that’s not the case, how are you finding those emails? Searching is quick and easy.


Here are the best labels or folders that I’ve found to use:

  • 0-Immediate
  • 1-Action
  • 2-Active
  • 3-Hold
  • Finance
  • Finance/Payable
  • Finance/Receivable
  • Review
  • Unscribe

Any specific folders that are needed in your business. Such as client or product folder.

Let's talk about labels or folders and the purpose they serve.

Dubsado Is A Game Changer a blog from Miss Task OBM

A Little Side Note

When you need a mindless activity use this time to unsubscribe to all those marketing emails that are no longer serving you. This not only helps you but also the conversion rates of the list you're opting out of. It's a win-win for you both. 


These are emails that require action by you but doesn’t require immediate action.


These are emails for active projects that are getting a number of emails. I would suggest creating a filter to put them directly in this folder. The filter can be on an email address or subject.


These are emails for meetings, travel, reservations, activities. Generally anything with a date or an agenda that will no longer be needed after the event has taken place.


The actual Finance folder is used to hold the emails. Once the email has been completed it can be moved to either the payable or receivable sub-label/folder pending what it is.


These are emails that do not have a timeframe as to when they need to be reviewed. This is where I put the marketing emails that I like to skim and archive for reference later.


This folder can either be manually added to or a filter can be created. I’ve done it both ways, personally, I prefer to manually add these when I’m sorting through my emails because some of the marketing emails will be added to my review folder to be skimmed later.

Inbox Applications

You have options, options and more options when it comes to inbox applications. I can’t even remember all the inbox applications I’ve tried out. These days I use mostly Spark, however, Kiwi is a very close second. Do not be scared to try different applications, you need to figure out what works for you. You have so, so many possibilities!

Why I like Spark

I like Spark because it has an app for my iPhone, I can pin emails, save canned responses, I can schedule emails, and I can have them come back into my inbox. They also have a paid option for teams to chat back and forth on emails. One other feature that I like is Quick Reply this option allows me to set up canned responses that I can send with a click of the mouse. For example,  that allows me to send a quick email to let my customer know that I’ve got the email and will take a look at the request. It is handy dandy.

Why Kiwi

Kiwi brings your Gmail to your desktop and if you have multiple Gmail accounts they receive tabs to jump back and forth with. With kiwi, you can use Boomerang. This will allow you to set up emails to be sent at a later time or to snooze a email to review later.

Get out of your inbox

As an online business owner, it’s important that you get out of your inbox. Your work should not be driven by the emails that you receive. It’s best to block time to work on your email. I check mine twice per day. About mid-morning and at the end of the day when I’m looking at planning the following work day. My emails are sorted when I open up my inbox to the appropriate project.  Everything gets filed in the correct label or folder so that it is completed in the correct time block.

 It is possible to get your inbox to zero, it just takes a bit of time to clear out the clutter. Once you have the system in place email is so much more.

Guide To Quarterly Planning For Your Online Business

Guide To Quarterly Planning For Your Online Business

Guide To Quarterly Planning For Your Online Business

Guide To Quarterly Planning For Your Online Business

Are you quarterly planning for your online business? I’m not talking about a huge extensive plan, just getting your projects laid out for the next quarter. Where you want to focus your time and energy.

Let Me Guide You Through A Quarterly Planning…

At the end of last year did you get an idea of the types of projects that you wanted to complete in the up coming year? If not, no big deal. Do it now.


Brainstorm an exhausted list of all the projects that you want to accomplish in the next four to five quarters. When I say exhausted, I mean braindump all the ideas and information from your head on the list. No project is too small or simple for the list. Write down everything that pops into your head, no judgment.

Narrow It Down

Get out your pen and paper and get the projects out on paper. I like to highlight, cross off and of course color code.

Quarterly Planning For Your Online Business post by Miss Task


With your brainstorm list, figure out which projects are aligned with the vision and mission of your online business.


Select projects that are aligned with your online business and rank each of the tasks by importance. This will aid in where you need to start.


Each quarter will be assigned three projects to achieve! Basically, one per month. Start with the projects that have the most impact on the growth of your online business or is the quickest path to cash. Either highlight the three tasks for Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 with a different color or note the Q in front of the task.


Now on to quarterly planning for your online business

Now, it's time to organize your next quarter plan. From your list above what did you select as projects to work on for the upcoming quarter?

Do you have a project management application?

If you have a project management system you can set this all up inside so you know what to do when. If not, paper will work just fine.

At the top, write out your online business mission, vision, and goals for the upcoming quarter. Under this break it into three columns. One for each project.

Under the Project Header

Now we are going to put in all the tasks that need to be completed by who and when. Will you need any resources, such as a new software application, to complete the task?

Not all the tasks must be completed by you. It’s very important that you stay in your lane and delegate out the tasks that can be done by someone else.


Little Side Note

If you’re planning a large launch to take place in the next quarter and you know all focus needs to go into this. This would be your only project for the quarter.

Should you be wasting your fabulous time on keeping your website up to date?

Should you be wasting your fabulous time on keeping your website up to date?

Should you be wasting your fabulous time on keeping your website up to date?

Should you be wasting your fabulous time on keeping your website up to date?

Is your time best spent keeping your website up to date? With all the things that must be done in your business does keeping your website up to date one that you should be spending your fabulous time on? Really, if finances were not a factor would you still be the person keeping your website up to date?


I know your to-do list is a mile long and keeping your website up to date just happens to be one of the tasks that’s at the bottom week after week. Oops. Hey, I’ll be honest with you. It does for me, so I’m not throwing any stones. I go through seasons when I simply do not have time to get out content or refresh the content on my WordPress Website.


Now that we understand the issue, what is the solution? It may be time to take those items off your to-do list and put them on our to-do list. Just sayin’

Let’s start with content

How much content do you have on your site now? Do you have a great plan in place for reusing that content? Are you going through your old posts and refreshing the images? If not, this could be something that is outsourced.

Why is it important to keep the content fresh? If you use Pinterest, adding new images to a previously published article with relevant content gives it new life.  Come on, sometimes coming up with new and exciting content can be a challenge. Well, unless you’re a writer then it’s super simple for you.


The Upkeep

Yep, keeping your website up to date it needs to happen. I’ve stood on my soapbox so many times regarding the upkeep. It’s one of those things, that’s not important until it’s important.


Ya know like the upkeep of your house if you let it go the dirt will still be there. Zang it!


While you can spread out the time in between. I’d like you to really consider not doing this because your website is software that is updated with new and improved security updates on the regular.  


Schedule one to two hours per month, to performing monthly backups. Applying any needed updates to the theme or plugins. Reviewing spam, checking links. Keeping your website up to date, you know all those exciting things that I am sure you just L-O-V-E to do. I talk about monthly maintenance here in a previous post.

Dubsado Is A Game Changer a blog from Miss Task OBM

Back to the question

Is your time best spent keeping your website up to date? Really, you’re the only person that can answer this question. Does keeping up with your website bring out your fabulous?

Hey, it may not seem like a ton of time, but those couple hours here or couple hours there, that all adds up to time that you're not working on items that generate revenue in your business.

When you are saying “yes” to the website to do list, you’re saying “no” to focusing on your fabulous.  

What if you outsource the upkeep and freshening up of your content? Wouldn’t it feel freeing knowing that someone else is handling this for you?

Leave ya with a couple free resources –  yay!