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Streamline with Honeybook

Streamline with Honeybook

I’m going to guess you’re with me on this one, you want prospective clients to have a positive experience with your brand no matter where they are on the customer journey.
How can you create a simple workflow that is easy to implement and is welcoming and streamlined for your prospective clients? Let me tell you about Honeybook to create a streamlined onboarding process.

Hello. If we haven't met before, my name is Michele and I am a life and success coach utilizing my experience as a certified online business manager to help female entrepreneurs achieve their goals, their visions, their dreams, so they can live a good life and actually have time to enjoy it.

With all the happening we have going on in our businesses we can’t be productive and have a watchful eye on our inbox 24×7 just in case a prospective client reaches out to us.

When they do we want to make a good first impression with a streamlined greeting leaving them feeling warmed and welcomed as if they walked into your office.

One way to automate is with zaps

I’ve seen some pretty fancy and impressive low-cost automated onboarding workflows held together with zaps.

They keep everything running smoothly in the background from filling out a google form, sending the email to schedule a consult, adding a task in a project management application for following up.

You guessed it this automation is great if you understand the setup and how to troubleshoot if it isn’t working correctly.

Here is an example of what happens when it is no longer working correctly.

Case in point, one of my clients had a fancy onboarding process with zaps that pulled the workflow together seamlessly. It was a beautiful thing of low-cost efficiency up until it stopped working.

Do you know how embarrassing it was to have to go back to prospective clients weeks later that fill out our contact form requesting more information and heard crickets from us?

Worse yet, can you guess how many of them were still interested in working with us?


You must be wondering how exactly did this happen? Aren’t you alerted when a zap fails?

The problem was the team member that created the fancy, impressive low-cost automated onboarding system held together my zaps no longer worked for us.

To our surprise, the notification for the failed zaps was going to an inbox that wasn’t being monitored as closely as it should have been.

I think you’ll agree with me when I say we had lots of learning lessons.

Streamline with Honeybook

Another way to create a streamlined onboarding process

Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere without watching your inbox 24×7 with streamlined automation created in Honeybook.

Honeybook is simple, easy to use, and keeps everything organized in one application.

It allows business owners, just like you to focus on the things that you should be doing to grow your online business.

While you’re focused on growing your business, Honeybook is welcoming your prospects the second they submit an inquiry.

If you haven’t looked at Honeybook in a while, they have recently enhanced their automation.

Which is a win for all of us busy business owners.

All In One

Honeybook is an all-in-one CRM that allows you to keep the history from prospect to long-time client.

This has it all forms, brochures, proposals, contracts, invoices.

It is a simple and easy solution for any growing business.


Little Side Note

If this is something you want for your business?

I’ve been using HoneyBook to help book clients more efficiently and stay organized and thought you might like it too. 💰 Get HoneyBook for 50% off for one year with my referral link:


Disclaimer: If you happen to purchase anything I recommend in this or any of my communications, it’s likely I'll receive some kind of affiliate compensation from these products that I use and love. Please do not feel obligated to purchase anything through my links. (: 

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • With all the happening we have going on in our businesses we can’t be productive and have a watchful eye on our inbox 24×7 just in case a prospective client reaches out to us
  • How can you create a simple workflow that is easy to implement and is welcoming to prospective clients? Let me tell you about Honeybook.
  • One of my clients had a fancy onboarding process with zaps that pulled the workflow together seamlessly. It was a beautiful thing of low-cost efficiency up until it stopped working.
  • Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere without watching your inbox 24×7 with streamlined automation created in Honeybook.
  • While you’re focused on growing your business, Honeybook is welcoming your prospects the second they submit an inquiry.
  • Honeybook is an all-in-one CRM that allows you to keep the history from prospect to long-time client.

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

A simple action to mapping your next project

A simple action to mapping your next project

Disclaimer: If you happen to purchase anything I recommend in this or any of my communications, it’s likely I'll receive some kind of affiliate compensation from these products that I use and love. Please do not feel obligated to purchase anything through my links. 

A simple action to mapping your next project

Are you wondering what a simple action may be for mapping your next project? Do you enjoy mapping out all the actions that need to happen to launch your next big project?


A simple action is mapping your next project is by creating it in a mind map. You may be asking what is the difference in planning a project with a mind map verse just winging it or brainstorming a list. With mind mapping your project it changes the way your brain thinks as it moves it into a creative and visual activity. You’re able to create a mind map with software or on paper. I like to create on paper and let my mind wander.

Where to begin

Mind mapping is simply putting your thoughts on paper but in a different form. Begin by writing your project name in the middle of the paper and circle it. I’m a little pen obsessed so I like to make mine very colorful. Just throwing it out there.  


Off of your middle circle create spokes to an exhaustive list of all the actions needed to launch your project. The items close to the middle circle are big actions. 


Off of all the big actions, start to break down all the small action steps that need to take place in order to bring all those big actions to completion. 


If needed add another layer with even smaller action steps. 


All the things that you can think of, get it all out of your head and onto the paper. 

Simple Action to Mapping your Next Project

Do you feel good about your map? Do you feel like you have an exhausting list of actions? Do you need a few more minutes for anything else to pop in? I’ll get up and wander about the house to think about it and most of the time some need ideas will come to me.  

Make your mind map a project

How do you create your project plans? Do you put it in a spreadsheet or into your project management software?

I use Clickup and love this software therefore if you’ve not started with project management software you should check it out. 


It’s already a feature-rich platform, but they continue to add amazing new features all the time! Plus, they have a free forever plan that is enough, but the low-cost subscription has additional marvelous features. 


Any software application is really a personal preference, I’ve used several and this one works well for me and quickly became my favorite. Although I will say the only drawback I’ve found is the lack of flying unicorns. 


Here is my referral link, no pressure to use this. But if you do, it’ll not cost you anything additional, and I’ll get points to use towards my subscription. Yippee! 

Create Your Action Plan

You have the project and all the action steps that need to happen. It’s time to create the plan.


Using the best guess give your action steps an estimate of time to completion. Okay, just like your revenue goals, now double that estimate. It’s always better to plan for the unexpected instead of planning to little time and having it throw off your whole day. 


Umm and yes I know about Parkinson’s law that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion. 


However, I’d like to point out that we tend to underestimate how long it will take to complete an action if we’ve not done it regularly. It’s better to double the time you think it will take in your project plan. 


Aim to get it done in a shorter amount of time if you exceed move to another task or take a walk that’s a good option too.

Simple Action to Mapping Your Next Project

Mind map your gratitudes 

I’d like to mention that mind mapping isn’t just for project creation it can be for writing out your gratitudes every day too. 


Rachel Hollis has a daily practice that she explains in her book Girl Stop Apologizing. Are you new to Rachel here is her shop page with the Start Today Journal


She talks about this on her podcast 72: This Daily Practice Changed My Life and My Business.


What are you grateful for today?

Quick Wrap Up

Mind mapping allows your brain to be creative and think visually. 

Create a mind map with the project circled in the middle of the paper

Off of the middle circle create all the big actions that need to get done

From the big actions create small actions that need to get done

Schedule these actions in your calendar or project management software


Here are links to a few great articles on mind mapping that you may want to check out. 

The Mind Map Technique: How To Set More Productive Goals

Unlock Your Ideas With Mind Mapping In Just 3 Minutes 

5 Steps for a Successful Strategic Planning Day Process

Do you need help planning your next big project or do you need someone to step in and manage your project? Miss Task creates project plans for your next big thing.

Who’s the best fit for your business?

Who’s the best fit for your business?

Who’s the best fit for your business; a virtual assistant, a techie virtual assistant, certified online business manager or all of the above?

Hey Friend, who’s the best fit for your business? This is determined by where you’re at in your business. Let’s take a look at the different done for you service providers roles. Who’s the best fit for you and your business a Virtual Assistant (VA), a Techie Virtual Assistant  (TVA), Certified Online Business Manager (OBM) or all of the above. Depending on what stage your business is in all three may be what you need to take your business to the next level.


Who is the best fit in your business


Commonly, your first hire is going to be a virtual assistant, that special savior that get you back to doing what you love and take all those administrative tasks that you’re burying yourself with you.

Trying to be everything to everybody. Trust me, I've got that badge along with the busy badge.

A Virtual Assistant will sort through your inbox, organize the to-do list, protect the time on your calendars, they simply will be the organization and time-saving machine for you and your business.

A Virtual Assistant will be a doer of all the admin tasks that you have in your business.


Depending on what drains your energy and time in your business, a Techie Virtual Assistant, possibly could come before an Admin VA. Most, but not all TVA are subject matter experts on a software application. You’ll find a few Techie VA that are rockstars at a few different subject matters that are closely related. A Techie VA is a Done For You service providers.

The Miss Task Team is a group of Techie Virtual Assistant or Subject Matter Experts. Our Techie Superpowers are working with WordPress Website Design and email service providers, such as MailChimp, ConvertKit, and Ontraport.


A Certified Online Business Manager. I’ve made the transition from VA, TVA to a Certified Online Business Manager. A Certified OBM actually supports the business owner and manages the business.

An org chart for a digital business would have the OBM directly under the owner managing all the team members. The focus of the OBM is on the how and the who. How the vision of the business owner is going to be carried out and by whom.

We manage all of the things. An OBM manages all the people, all the operations, all of the things that are going on with the projects that you have in your business so that you're able to focus on your vision and the elements that actually only you can do in your business.

Hope this has helped to clarify who’s the best fit for your business right now! Who do you need? A Virtual Assistant, a Techie Virtual Assistant, Certified Online Business Manager or all of the above.

Two Resources

What? Yep, I have two resources that you could download. One is my Overwhelmed to Outsourced Planner and the other is my 100+ Ways An OBM Can Boost Business.

Enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions.