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You should make more Mistakes

You should make more Mistakes

I don’t know, but I can be super impatient at times. After all, it has become easier and easier to have everything at our fingertips. As a result, leaving us with the expectation that everything will come instantly. Because not everything comes to us instantly. Some things take time sometimes; you need to Make More Mistakes.

To be a Master of anything takes time.

While we want to be a master, we want to be a master right now. However, to become a master at anything takes time. In fact, it takes trial and error. It takes learning how to do things. Furthermore, each of our brains thinks and learns differently.

Yes! Learn from others

Absolutely, take the course and get the certification; yes, do that. In other words, I 100% believe that we ought to be a team and learn from others who have walked the path to reduce our personal struggles.

However, we also must walk on our own to experience mistakes and grow as individuals. When we make mistakes, it gives us feedback on what we should do differently.

Making more mistakes is feedback.

In truth, making mistakes and using feedback allows us to expand as people. For one thing, life would be way serious if we were always worried about being perfect. Am I right? 

You guessed it, I know this from personal experience; I take things way too seriously instead of looking at my mistakes as feedback and learning from the experience. 

I’ve had to learn to laugh at myself when I make mistakes and say, oh well. 

Let me ask

Is it necessary to always live on the serious side of life?

With this in mind, would it be better to step outside ourselves and look for the simple joy and happiness that life may have hidden in our mistakes? What if, instead, we look at mistakes as redirection to get us where we want to go?

Instead a light-hearted attempt to get us to know ourselves a little bit better. To not be so worried about what others think of us.

You should make more Mistakes

It’s okay to make more mistakes.

Now, this is important; it takes years to master skills. What comes along with that skill mastery is making mistakes.

That is the best way for us to learn.

Why does this work? Can you give me an example of a mistake that did not come with learning? 

As the saying goes, I’ll never make that mistake again. Stick with me now; mistakes shock us out of auto-pilot and back into the current moment. Besides, they allow us to laugh at ourselves to learn from our mistakes. To know better for next time. They lead to the life that we want to have. 

Don't get me wrong, there is comfort in the easy answers. Those mistakes, they’re the difference makers. That learning is the piece that I personally remember. It’s not the memorization of the subject. The mistakes that I made along the way gave the most fantastic feedback and learning.

Do you have an example in your life that instead of looking at the mistake as feedback, you chose to dwell in the mistake and beat yourself up mentally? What good did that do? The mistake is in the past; nothing you can do will change it. What you can do is take your new found knowledge from that mistake and do better the next time around. 

After all, life is about perception. How you choose to perceive it is up to you and only you. 

If you need a little help looking at life from a new perspective, I’ve got you. I help my private coaching clients do so. The link to work with me is right here or down below. 

You should make more Mistakes

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • We are so impatient. We want to have everything right now.
  • We want to be a master and not put in the work to be a master.
  • When we make mistakes, it gives us feedback on what we should do differently.
  • If we float through life without laughing at ourselves, what fun is that?
  • I know this from personal experience; I take things way too seriously. I’ve had to learn to laugh at myself when I make mistakes and say, oh well.
  • Is it better to step outside ourselves and look for the simple joy and happiness that life may have hidden in our mistake?
  • What if, instead, we look at mistakes as redirection to get us where we want to go?
  • A light-hearted attempt to get us to know ourselves a little bit better. To not be so worried about what others think of us.
  • It takes years to master skills; mistake-making comes with that skill mastery.
  • That is the best way for us to learn. It is the best feedback.
  • Can you give me an example of a mistake that did not come with learning?
  • There is comfort in the easy answers. Those mistakes are the difference makers. That learning is the piece you remember. It’s not the memorization of the subject but rather the mistakes that give the most memorable feedback and learning.

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

Find Balance Digital Download
The Voice Of Self-Doubt

The Voice Of Self-Doubt

Doubting Michele is at it again. I’m guessing you can relate to me. I find that anytime I’m about to break through or level up doubting Michele begins to work overtime in my mind. Anytime that I’m exceeding my goals, feeling extra proud of myself for my decisions, and at peace with my life that voice of self-doubt begins to flare up and get really loud.

No Mercy

My voice of self-doubt has no mercy. Therefore, she starts to bring up the failures of the past instead of looking forward to all of my possibilities.

You see my doubting Michele is the scared little girl that doesn’t want to stick out. No Friend, she is the little girl that doesn’t want to draw attention to herself for fear that she will be teased or even laughed at.

Further, this voice is the Michele that doesn’t believe in her possibilities. After all, it’s the Michele that is not confident and thankful for her very own healthy skin.

After all, that is the Michele that doesn’t believe with her whole heart that God has her back.

In fact, she is so silly to believe all those things.

Do you know the voice of self-doubt?

Do you know the voice of self-doubt that I’m talking about? In other words, the voice that tries to limit you from your greatness. To put it differently, the voice in your head that doesn’t want you to get out of the comfort zone for fear of judgment or rejection.

The voice of self-doubt is selfish

What the voice of self-doubt doesn’t get is, by playing small and hiding really we are being selfish. Which is the complete opposite of what most of us want to accomplish in our lives and how we want to be seen in our lives.

What most people don’t realize, is that voice of self-doubt is not thinking about anyone but themselves.

They are caught up in their own made-up thoughts. Now, this is important, they’re either stuck in the past or worrying about the future.

The Voice Of Self-Doubt

Shh, the voice of self-doubt

These days I catch on to her tricks pretty quickly. As a result, I pick up what she’s laying down. In fact, I laugh about it and examine every single doubt. As well as every single limiting thought.

Asking myself “Is this true?” “Is this what I truly believe about myself or is it my fears?”

Then I chuckle at doubting Michele and thank her for keeping me safe.

After all, I gently remind her that the LORD gave her everything she needed to be an amazing wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, business owner, and life coach.

Do you listen to that voice?

Friends, how do you handle your voice of self-doubt? Do you fall for their tricks or do you gently remind them why you are amazing?

Each of us is amazing and we get to choose to believe that for ourselves. We get to choose to shh that voice of self-doubt when it tries to dull our sparkle.

All of us are made to sparkle and shine on everyone that comes in contact with us.

Because we need to be the light that people are pulled to when they have their own voice of self-doubt. When they need to feel loved, cared for, and appreciated.

If we listen to the voice of self-doubt it can consume us with negativity. There is no peace and no joy in our negativity.

Friend, if you need that person in your life to shh the voice of self-doubt until you’re able to do it yourself I invite you to apply to work with me.

Complete the application for private coaching here is the link.

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • Consequently, anytime that I’m exceeding my goals, feeling extra proud of myself for my decisions, and at peace with my life that voice of self-doubt begins to flare up and get really loud.
  • She starts to bring up the failures of the past instead of looking forward towards possibility.
  • It’s the Michele that doesn’t believe in her possibilities. It the Michele that is not confident and thankful for her own skin.
  • What doubting Michele doesn’t get is, by playing small and hiding she is being selfish. Which is the complete opposite of what she wants in life.
  • She is not thinking about anyone but herself. She is caught up in her own made-up thoughts of self-doubt.
  • I examine every single doubt. Every single limiting thought.
  • Asking myself if this is true? Is this what I truly believe about myself or is it my fears?
  • I chuckle at doubting Michele and thank her for keeping me safe.
  • Then I gently remind her that Lord gave her everything she needed to be an amazing life coach.
  • Friends, how do you handle your voice of self-doubt? Do you fall for their tricks or do you gently remind them why you are amazing?

Little Side Note

You have the power to quiet the voice of self-doubt. Yes, you do. I know it can be hard to believe this. Overcome your voice of self-doubt by journaling on your fears and your self-doubt. Think through all the worst-case scenarios, let your fears flow through you. Create a plan for how you would overcome the worst-case scenario. Doing this will help you work through self-doubt and fear and make peace with the worst-case scenario. You’ve got this. I believe in you.

Becoming A Better You

Becoming A Better You

It’s that time of year again when you hear the buzz New Year, New You. In other words, setting resolutions and goals for the new improved vision you have of becoming a better you.

What if

Let me ask, are you in a repeat cycle of starting and stopping? If this is you, you’re not alone. Most give up on themselves after only a few days.

What if this year was the year that you stop stopping? What if this year you stuck to the commitment of becoming a Better You?

What soundtrack do you have?

What does it take to stay the course of becoming a better you?

In order to become a better you, you need to figure out what you do not love about the current you.

What soundtrack do you have playing in your head that is telling you that the current you is not enough?

I know that soundtrack oh so well. You’re not thin enough. You’re not smart enough, You’re not focused enough. Blah, blah, blah.

You’ll probably laugh at me when I say this, because that is what I did I gave out a big old chuckle when that light bulb went off in my head. Those are just thoughts. They really aren't true. Those thoughts could not be proven in a court of law. No matter how much you want to believe they could be.

Becoming a Better You is Scary, AmIright?

It’s all the crap that you have going on between your ears that allows you to throw in the towel and give up.

It’s our limiting thoughts that like to keep us coming back to the same cozy and comfortable place that we have always been. Because that’s all we have known and our minds want to keep us in the place of knowing instead of venturing out into the unknown. Because that is super scary. Right?

Becoming A Better You

Two Goals

Last year. I set two simple goals, just two simple goals so I thought. To complete my Yes Supply Coaching Certification and to upload a new YouTube video every single week. I had the mantra Business is easy when I take messy imperfect action. Do you know what? I’m keeping this mantra in 2022 because it pushed me to do the uncomfortable.

You guessed it, I did both of these.

Did it come with struggles? Oh, you bet it did!

So many times I had to talk myself into recording a video for my YouTube channel. In the beginning, I had my son edit all of them because I knew if I did it I would never, ever publish them.

In the beginning, my enough thoughts were rampant.

But, I kept my head down and stayed true to my word and my commitment to myself. I took action even when I really, really, really, really, really didn’t want to. Trust me there were many times when I didn’t really want to record a YouTube video.

Along the way, I celebrated my progress. I gave myself grace when my limiting thoughts came up.

And I keep going anyway.

I am capable of becoming a better me.

You see, I’m the only one that holds the ability to become a better me.

As much as I’d like to push this off on someone else. It’s me. I’m the only one that can become a better me.

I have to hold the belief that I am capable of becoming a better me.

My Other Goal

You may be wondering about my other goal for last year to finish my Yes Supply Coaching Certification. I did that one too. But getting the certification was the easy part.

Do you want to know the hard part? Self-coaching myself through all the limiting beliefs and garbage thoughts I had swirling around in my head.

I’ve known deep down inside since I started out as a virtual assistant I had a strong desire and inner calling to be a life coach. The problem is I pushed that desire down and covered it up.

Those Dang Limiting Beliefs

I allowed my limiting beliefs to win for years! FOR YEARS!

I allowed them to make me believe that I could not be a life coach. I was so worried about what would people say or what would they think. Oh, look at Michele calling herself a life coach, like the world, needs another life coach. Blah, blah, blah.

I don’t know do you find that same repeat conversion going on in your head?

I know now why. I had to first be my own best coach. I know now why I had to work through my own limiting beliefs. I know now why I had to be my own best client.

The work that I did was teaching me how to coach myself on anything that my creative mind came up with. I finally understand that the good LORD gave me everything I needed to be an amazing life and success coach.

I Found The Proof

If that wasn’t enough, in a search for something else I came across the emails from my friends and clients on My Superpowers.

If anyone has taken Marie Forleo’s B-School you know exactly what I’m talking about. When you send an email to a small number of people that you respect and trust and ask what they believe are your three best, strongest qualities.

These are were the most common qualities that came back to me: great listener, compassionate, giving, helpful, trustworthy.

I don’t know about you, but those are qualities that I look for when I’m hiring my next life and success coach.

My Goal For This Year Is Scary Too

Here it goes, this one is scary for me to share and put other there. This year, the goal on my Magic Chalkboard is to impact 26 lives as a life and success coach through my six-month private coaching.

This goal matters because of the impact it will create. Making an impact on someONE to help them believe they are capable of doing hard things. I want to help 26 people discover they are capable of achieving their dreams. You’re capable of doing the hard thing, they are capable of doing so much more than you give yourself credit for.

I know, if I could coach myself through all the limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and garbage that swirls around in my head, then I know, I KNOW, I can coach anyone else through their garbage and limiting beliefs.

If this is you with a head full of limiting beliefs and garage I invite you to apply to work with me. Apply now! 

Life Coaching and Balance Workbook

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪


  • Let me ask are you in a repeat cycle of starting snd stopping?
  • What if this year was the year that you stop stopping?
  • What if this year you stuck to the commitment of becoming a Better YOU?
  • What soundtrack do you have playing in your head that is telling you that the current you is not enough?
  • I know that soundtrack oh so well. You’re not thin enough. You’re not smart enough, You’re not focused enough. Blah, blah, blah.
  • You’ll probably laugh at me when I say this, but it’s your thoughts.
  • It’s all the crap that you have going on between your ears that allows you to throw in the towel and give up on your goals and your dreams.
  • It’s our limiting thoughts that like to keep us coming back to the same place.
  • You see, you’re the only one that holds the ability to become a better you.
  • You have to hold the belief that YOU ARE capable of becoming a better you.

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

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