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What do you use for cloud storage?

What do you use for cloud storage?

The content you’re creating in your business is important and ought to be safeguarded. In order to prevent data loss, what type of cloud storage do you use?

Are you struggling to keep your business content organized and safeguarded? As a business owner, your content is valuable and should be protected from data loss. But how can you do this without wasting too much time? One easy solution is cloud storage. By utilizing cloud storage, you can safeguard your content and prevent data loss without the hassle of backup methods from the past. You know, those external hard drives and thumb drives with limited storage sizes. Or worse yet, are you not backing up your content to the cloud? Let me ask, what are you using for cloud storage? It's time to start protecting your business content and ensuring your hard work isn't wasted.

Cloud Store for your digital content

Are you looking for a reliable and efficient way to store your digital content? Cloud storage solutions have been around for a hot minute. However, I’m always surprised when I come across a client whose only means of saving content is on a local computer. 

Is this you? I encourage you to find a digital storage solution ASAP. By implementing cloud storage, you’ll not only have the benefit of backing up to the cloud, but it will also make it very simple to share with your team. Even if it is just you right now, this will set you up for success when bringing on your first hire in your online business.

By the way, yes, I 100% consider your cloud storage a content system. It is a system that safeguards all your hard work.

The importance of protecting your business content

Why it’s important to back up your content in one consistent place for your online business. With many options today, your content will back up automatically to the cloud. As a bonus, it will look the same on your computer as it does in the cloud. 

Why is choosing one consistent place? Using one place prevents you from losing files and searching in multiple drives to find your content. It goes back to the confused mind. 

One storage system.

What are your options for cloud storage?

There are several popular cloud storage options for online businesses, each with its own unique features and benefits. Here are some of the most popular ones:

Google Drive: One of my business solutions is Google Workspace includes Google Drive. When I began in 2016, it was an easier option than paying for a Microsoft license. What is great about Google Drive is it allows you to integrate seamlessly with other Google apps such as Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Plus, it works well with Canva.

Dropbox: I’ve had a handful of clients use Dropbox as a cloud storage platform. They provide businesses with a secure and reliable way to store and share files. They have various pricing plans and features such as file recovery, version history, and team collaboration tools.

Microsoft OneDrive: OneDrive is a cloud storage service provided by Microsoft. It offers businesses a centralized platform to store and share files, collaborate with team members, and access files from any device.

Amazon S3: Amazon S3 is a cloud storage service that provides businesses with a highly scalable and secure way to store and retrieve data. It is designed for large-scale businesses requiring a high-performance, flexible, cost-effective storage solution. Amazon is not one that I’ve worked with in the past. 

iCloud: iCloud is a cloud storage service provided by Apple. It allows businesses to store and share files, photos, and documents across multiple Apple devices, including Macs, iPhones, and iPads. Since I have all Apple devices, yes, I also have iCloud as a backup to my backup. 

Box: Box is a cloud storage and collaboration platform that offers businesses a secure and scalable way to store, share, and collaborate on files. Protecting your sensitive file is a top priority. Box has e-signatures for all your contracts and agreements. It offers workflow automation, advanced security and compliance, and custom branding features.

Ultimately, the choice of cloud storage provider for your online business will depend on the size of your business, the type of data being stored, and the specific features and capabilities. As they all seem to have their own little niche in the marketplace.

Book A Mini Session: 30-Minute Mini Session to figure out the best project management system for your Online Business Content Marketing System, PLUS a template to get you started!

Email Marketing: Plan A/B Testing In Your Next Email Campaign

Email Marketing: Plan A/B Testing In Your Next Email Campaign

Email Marketing: Plan A/B Testing In Your Next Email Campaign

Email marketing is fundamental to a successful online business. A fantastic way to make sure that your communication is on point is to plan A/B testing in your next email campaign.

Why Plan An A/B Test

Are you happy with your open rates? Or maybe your click-thru rates have dropped. This is a type of test an online business needs to perform to increase engagement with email marketing.

What is A/B Testing

A/B testing or you may also hear it referred to as split testing is communicating a little something different to your email list. This doesn’t mean that you rewrite the whole email.

It simply means that you change one element of the email and figure out which one performed better with your email list.

To Test Or Not To Test

The answer is to test, don’t shy away from this because you think it may be hard. Most Email Service Provider makes this a simple process.

When planning A/B testing in your next campaign choose only one area to test. If you pick two you’ll not know what was the item produces the increase in performance.

What’s The Goal?

Do you want to improve open rates?
Do you want to improve click-thru rates to your website or offer?

Have a goal in mind that you want to test in your next email campaign and know why you want to A/B Test.

Ideas List Of Tests

Here is an ideas list for A/B testing in your next campaign, pick the one that feels easy to you.

  • Subject Lines – Ask A Question in your subject line. → Or use symbols or numbers to grab attention.
  • Pre-Header Text – To use or not to use can be the test. Test two different topics in the preheader text.
  • Call To Action – Does a call to action that is a hyperlink or call to action with a button perform better.
  • Content – Long form content a very long email or short form that it just a bit with the option to read more on your website
  • Image or No Image – if you have images or no images which gets the attention of the reader.
  • Offer – Test two different offers in your email campaign

Keep Track

After you send out your campaign keep track of the results. This can be done on a piece of paper or in a spreadsheet. Since your A/B Testing in your email campaign

The items that you’ll want to track and compare are:

  • Open Rates – how many subscribers opened the email. This will be a direct reflection of your subject line and pre-header text.
  • Total Clicks – What is the total number of clicks you received during your campaign. Did one email outrank the other?
  • Clicks per Link – If you were testing a call to action this will be a metric to watch.
  • Unsubscribers – did one email receive a higher unsubscribe number?
  • Conversation Rate – This would be a great metric for the success of your offers or your call to action.
  • Forward Rate – Sharing is caring! Did one of the emails receive more forwards? This is when the user shares your email with a friend.
  • A/B Testing is not a one and done. Do it again until your messaging is a fine-tuned communication machine.

Quick Wrap Up

Why Plan A/B Testing In Your Next Email Campaign – testing will help you figure out what performs better with your unique subscriber list.

What is A/B Testing – when you compare two emails with the same variable changed in each of the emails? This will also be referred to as split testing.

What’s The Goal – every email marketing campaign needs to be sent with a goal in mind

Ideas List of Tests – a quick list of ideas to get started on A/B testing in your next email campaign.

Keep Track – items that you’ll want to track and measure to determine success.

New to email marketing?

Try this…

Who’s the best fit for your business?

Who’s the best fit for your business?

Who’s the best fit for your business; a virtual assistant, a techie virtual assistant, certified online business manager or all of the above?

Hey Friend, who’s the best fit for your business? This is determined by where you’re at in your business. Let’s take a look at the different done for you service providers roles. Who’s the best fit for you and your business a Virtual Assistant (VA), a Techie Virtual Assistant  (TVA), Certified Online Business Manager (OBM) or all of the above. Depending on what stage your business is in all three may be what you need to take your business to the next level.


Who is the best fit in your business


Commonly, your first hire is going to be a virtual assistant, that special savior that get you back to doing what you love and take all those administrative tasks that you’re burying yourself with you.

Trying to be everything to everybody. Trust me, I've got that badge along with the busy badge.

A Virtual Assistant will sort through your inbox, organize the to-do list, protect the time on your calendars, they simply will be the organization and time-saving machine for you and your business.

A Virtual Assistant will be a doer of all the admin tasks that you have in your business.


Depending on what drains your energy and time in your business, a Techie Virtual Assistant, possibly could come before an Admin VA. Most, but not all TVA are subject matter experts on a software application. You’ll find a few Techie VA that are rockstars at a few different subject matters that are closely related. A Techie VA is a Done For You service providers.

The Miss Task Team is a group of Techie Virtual Assistant or Subject Matter Experts. Our Techie Superpowers are working with WordPress Website Design and email service providers, such as MailChimp, ConvertKit, and Ontraport.


A Certified Online Business Manager. I’ve made the transition from VA, TVA to a Certified Online Business Manager. A Certified OBM actually supports the business owner and manages the business.

An org chart for a digital business would have the OBM directly under the owner managing all the team members. The focus of the OBM is on the how and the who. How the vision of the business owner is going to be carried out and by whom.

We manage all of the things. An OBM manages all the people, all the operations, all of the things that are going on with the projects that you have in your business so that you're able to focus on your vision and the elements that actually only you can do in your business.

Hope this has helped to clarify who’s the best fit for your business right now! Who do you need? A Virtual Assistant, a Techie Virtual Assistant, Certified Online Business Manager or all of the above.

Two Resources

What? Yep, I have two resources that you could download. One is my Overwhelmed to Outsourced Planner and the other is my 100+ Ways An OBM Can Boost Business.

Enjoy! Let me know if you have any questions.