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Overwhelmed? How to be less busy

Overwhelmed? How to be less busy

In case you missed it, last week, the topic was waiting to start on a dream or goal for when you had more time and were less busy. This week begins a five-part series on how to be less busy. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with life, this series is for you. Do you find yourself in a loop of busyness? When we are trapped in busyness, it will clutter our minds and make everyday decisions difficult. A slower, quieter pace will give you more time and brain space to go after your dreams. If you’re ready to simplify your life, create more ease and stop being so busy, then join me for this series!

Psst. Don't miss a post subscribe here! 

Busyness Trap

Let’s look at the loop of busyness. If every day you go to bed exhausted with only a few things checked off the list and have no idea where your time went, you guessed it, you’re in the busyness trap. 

Our culture believes we should be putting more and more on our plates. Have you stopped to think about what we are sacrificing? What are you missing out on when caught in the busy trap? When life has you always hustling from one thing to another, causing the feeling of chaos. Have you stopped to think about what it would be like to feel less busy? 

Thought of Not enough hours in the day

Our busy schedules make us feel there are not enough hours in the day to go after our goals, our dreams that we long to accomplish. 

Every one of us has the exact same amount of time in a day. 24 hours. 

We pack more and more into our days. The habit of being busy doesn’t leave you feeling at peace in your life, but instead, it leaves us feeling overwhelmed. 

Do you know what is important to you? 

The problem is most people do not take the time to realize what is important to them. On a surface level, yes, we know what is important; however, we do not always devote time to meaningful things. 

Here’s what I mean, if I did an audit of your time, would I be able to tell where your priorities are? What is important to you? Above all, what brings meaning to your life? Or would I see a schedule that is overwhelmed with items that leave you in a loop of busyness? Figuring out priorities and what gets your time is something that I work on with my clients. After all, we get to choose what gets our attention.

Overwhelmed? How to be less busy

How to be less busy

During this series, Overwhelmed? How to be less busy. We will look at ways to simplify your life to be less busy and prioritize meaningful things.

When we stop being so busy, it creates space to declutter our minds. It allows us to know what makes us happy. In the end, we all want to feel as if we are living a happy life.

I was curious about happiness, so I googled: What percentage of Americans are happy. This was the very first article that came up for me: Americans are the unhappiest they’ve been in 50 years; a poll finds Just 14% of U.S. adults say they’re happy. Here is the link.

14% of Americans are happy! Am I the only one that thinks something is wrong with that? A point to consider is the poll was done in 2020 around COVID. Since I’m a curious person, I wondered about it now. Thank goodness Google makes research simple.

Here is an article I read, in short: In 2021, happiness took a significant hit across the board.

Based on the numbers, we have a lot of room for improvement on the happiness front.


Little Side Note

Do you have thoughts about being busy and overwhelmed? Try doing a mind sweep and write down every single thought that comes to your mind. No judgment, write them all down. If you stall, keep writing ‘What Else?’ Until you get deep and uncover the root. Once the root is uncovered journal on this thought until you release it for a new better thought. Be patient, this has taken me weeks before, and releasing gets easier and quicker.

Don't forget this is a series!

We will cover topics about your time, self-care, routines, priories, saying no, schedules, time wasters. It will be all good stuff. Do not miss a post; if you’d like to be notified every Wednesday when the post goes live, subscribe here.

Leave you with this final thought.

Busy is actually just a thought. I know what you’re thinking; busy is not a thought. I have a to-do list to prove it to you. I get it; I wore my busy badge with pride. My thoughts told me that I would not progress towards my goals if I wasn't busy.

Before I became curious about personal development and how thoughts create your results, I said the same thing.

As a result, shifting my thinking opened up a new world of possibilities. What if it’s true? If you shift your thinking around busy and the thought of not having enough time for what brings you joy.

For what purpose are you stuck in the mindset of busy? How is it serving you? What would happen if you decided that being busy was a thought?

I know you’re ready right now to ditch your busy badge. If you’re interested in changing your thoughts, I have a spot with your name on it in my private coaching. Spots are limited. Apply Today.

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the essential points, you know, for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • Do you find yourself in a loop of busyness?
  • Our culture believes we should be putting more and more on our plates.
  • Have you stopped to think about what we are sacrificing?
  • We pack more and more into our days.
  • We know what is important; however, we do not always devote time to meaningful things.
  • Just 14% of U.S. adults say they’re happy.
  • Busy is actually just a thought.
Find Balance Digital Download

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

Get More Done With Time Blocking

Get More Done With Time Blocking

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Will I get more done with time blocking? Yes, you will!

As online entrepreneurs, you’re trying to conquer so many things, and instead of feeling accomplished, you feel stuck and frustrated.

At the end of most days, it seems as if the day ran away with itself with a lack of focus, and you end the day feeling overwhelmed.

Are you ready to be clear about your day and what needs to happen to move your business forward?

Well, first off, jumping around from project to project isn’t the secret sauce to success. It all boils down to getting laser-focused and getting essential tasks completed.

You must be wondering how this happens? The solution is simple; it’s with time blocking your day. Time blocking breaks your day into an achievable structure.

What would it feel like to look back at your day and feel productive and efficient? You’d feel like you won the day, just saying.

No worries, Friend, if you’re not a planner. It’s a life skill that you can improve on, I pinky swear. I’m guessing you’re ready to let go of running your business like a disorganized, headless chicken.

This is how you’ll time block.

Power hours

When are you in your power hours? Do you know that time of day that your productivity superpower comes out? You’re about to find out this is different for everyone.

If you’re not sure, start to pay attention and simply jot down a little note of the time of day that you crushed your work, easily and effortlessly.

This would be a good indication that you’re in the power hours of productivity.

Let’s make this your first official time block. And during this time, use this for a creative project or a project you’ve procrastinated on.

Here is an excellent post about Eating Frogs! 

What are things to time block?

Let me break it down for you; you can time block hours and choose to have a theme day.

But what does that mean? It’s simple to pick a day or two for meetings. Pick one primary day that you have all your meetings. Have a secondary day for any overflow meetings.

In a similar fashion, do you conduct discovery calls in your online business? Let’s look at having a specific day that these take place on. Could they possibly be on your overflow meeting day?

Now, this is important; your most productive day of the week should be for creative work only. Here’s what I mean, not meetings or anything else that will drain your energy.

Let me clarify, you may want to break your days into halves. The trick is that if your power hours are in the afternoon on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, you could schedule meetings in the mornings and plan your creative work in the afternoons.

You could record your podcast and videos during your creative time, write your blog, and create your course outline.

Here’s the big secret, time blocking goes hand in hand with batch creation.

When you batch like work, it will get you into the flow and keep you in the state of flow versus bouncing from one thing to another without getting it completed from start to finish.

This can be done in many different ways; it’s essential to find when you feel like a productivity rock star.

Often when I ask a new client about time blocking or batch work, most of the time, this isn’t something they are doing at all.

Get More Done with Time Blocking

Start Small

You must wonder how to start when this whole time blocking and batching is new to you.
Start small.

The answer? Begin with 45 minutes of dedicated time scheduled 2-3 times a week and see how it goes.

What is something that you’re getting behind on, that you find you’re doing it at the last minute EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK.

Time Audit

Another great way to figure out time blocking is to do a time audit for one week. I understand even the thought of time tracking feels like a burden; I say this with love, suck it up, buttercup, it’s only for a week.

Most people don’t realize how much time they spend on tasks or how easily they are distracted and waste time.

Here’s how it works; time tracking can be done on paper by jotting the time along with what you’re working on or using time tracking software to track everything. If you’d like to give tracking software a try, my suggestion is Toggl Track, which is a great tool that offers a free plan to use for task tracking. 

My own example for the past

When client work began to fill my days, the creative work for my business went out of the window.

My blog and social media posts came to a halt.

Blah, so all that time I’d spent building it up, well y’all that doesn’t stay without being nurtured. Business lesson learned number 209.

Then it finally dawned on me that my power hours are in the morning, and by 2 or 3 pm every day, my brain is done. Now, the first two hours of my workday are dedicated to creating content in my business.

Fortunately, there’s a simple solution, I work in sprints of time; I set the timer for 50 minutes and pour out all the words. Take a quick break and complete another sprint.

And during that time, some days I’ll have it all done, others the struggle is real, and I start over a bazillion times.

When I plan my day, I know that client work does not begin until 9 am.

Blocking this time and setting the bounty has also taught me to not say yes to all the things and projects.

Which with my people-pleasing, helpful personality, I mustn’t overbook myself. Business lesson learned number 388.

My time blocks are simple.

You must be wondering how I schedule my day. I have a morning routine that was significantly simplified. What I found was that extensive morning routine simply stressed me out. For quite a while now, I get up, spend 30-40 minutes with bible devotions, take the dogs for a walk, then I get ready for the day and sit down at my desk to work.

Once I’m at my desk, every weekday is content-focused, while I enjoy several cups of coffee.

OBM Discovery Calls and my Life Coaching complimentary consults are in the afternoons on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Similarly, my online business management team meetings are scheduled Tuesdays.

Stay with me now; 98% of the time, the block is consistently scheduled at the same time every day. Keeping the schedule consistent has the added bonus of reducing decisions I need to make about what I’m working on.

Breakthrough and 90-Day VIP Planning sessions are limited to only one weekly, either Tuesdays or Wednesdays.

Thursday is 100% focused on getting project plans created for clients.

Since I started my business, Fridays have been blocked for my CEO Day, focusing on operations and finances. Financial Friday WooHoo. Client work is kept to a minimum.

This is a typical Wednesday

  • 7-9: Content Creation
  • 9-10: OBM Client Block
  • 10-11: OBM Client Block
  • 11-12: OBM Client Block
  • 12-1: OBM Client Block
  • 1-2: Coaching Client Block
  • 2-3: Coaching Client Block
  • 3-4: Daily Work Out/Get Ready/Eat
  • 4-5: Wrap Up the Day and Finish Anything Undone

Is this something you’d like for your business?


Little Side Note

Use your Google Calendar to create different color-coded blocks! Who doesn't love color coded calendars?

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • At the end of most days, it seems as if the day ran away with itself with a lack of focus, and you end the day feeling overwhelmed.
  • Are you ready to be clear about your day and what needs to happen to move your business forward?
  • You must be wondering how this happens? The solution is simple it’s with time blocking your day. Time blocking breaks your day into an achievable structure.
  • When are you in your power hours? Do you know that time of day that your productivity superpower comes out? You’re about to find out this is different for everyone.
  • If you’re not sure, start to pay attention and simply jot down a little note of the time of day that you crushed your work, easily and effortlessly.
  • Here’s the big secret time blocking goes hand in hand with batch creation.
  • Start small. Begin with 45 minutes of dedicated time scheduled 2-3 times a week and see how it goes.

Stop believing that old story that you're not someone that likes to plan.

Do you have a recurring pattern of starting and stopping when you feel unsure, frustrated, and incapable of doing the things you want to do?

90-Day Plans Are Important Because: 

You figure out beforehand what needs to be done. No more deciding as you go.

You confidently step into the leader and CEO of your business. 

It creates a clear plan, vision, and goals for your business. No more second-guessing yourself. 

Download The Planning Workbook Today!



Streamline with Honeybook

Streamline with Honeybook

I’m going to guess you’re with me on this one, you want prospective clients to have a positive experience with your brand no matter where they are on the customer journey.
How can you create a simple workflow that is easy to implement and is welcoming and streamlined for your prospective clients? Let me tell you about Honeybook to create a streamlined onboarding process.

Hello. If we haven't met before, my name is Michele and I am a life and success coach utilizing my experience as a certified online business manager to help female entrepreneurs achieve their goals, their visions, their dreams, so they can live a good life and actually have time to enjoy it.

With all the happening we have going on in our businesses we can’t be productive and have a watchful eye on our inbox 24×7 just in case a prospective client reaches out to us.

When they do we want to make a good first impression with a streamlined greeting leaving them feeling warmed and welcomed as if they walked into your office.

One way to automate is with zaps

I’ve seen some pretty fancy and impressive low-cost automated onboarding workflows held together with zaps.

They keep everything running smoothly in the background from filling out a google form, sending the email to schedule a consult, adding a task in a project management application for following up.

You guessed it this automation is great if you understand the setup and how to troubleshoot if it isn’t working correctly.

Here is an example of what happens when it is no longer working correctly.

Case in point, one of my clients had a fancy onboarding process with zaps that pulled the workflow together seamlessly. It was a beautiful thing of low-cost efficiency up until it stopped working.

Do you know how embarrassing it was to have to go back to prospective clients weeks later that fill out our contact form requesting more information and heard crickets from us?

Worse yet, can you guess how many of them were still interested in working with us?


You must be wondering how exactly did this happen? Aren’t you alerted when a zap fails?

The problem was the team member that created the fancy, impressive low-cost automated onboarding system held together my zaps no longer worked for us.

To our surprise, the notification for the failed zaps was going to an inbox that wasn’t being monitored as closely as it should have been.

I think you’ll agree with me when I say we had lots of learning lessons.

Streamline with Honeybook

Another way to create a streamlined onboarding process

Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere without watching your inbox 24×7 with streamlined automation created in Honeybook.

Honeybook is simple, easy to use, and keeps everything organized in one application.

It allows business owners, just like you to focus on the things that you should be doing to grow your online business.

While you’re focused on growing your business, Honeybook is welcoming your prospects the second they submit an inquiry.

If you haven’t looked at Honeybook in a while, they have recently enhanced their automation.

Which is a win for all of us busy business owners.

All In One

Honeybook is an all-in-one CRM that allows you to keep the history from prospect to long-time client.

This has it all forms, brochures, proposals, contracts, invoices.

It is a simple and easy solution for any growing business.


Little Side Note

If this is something you want for your business?

I’ve been using HoneyBook to help book clients more efficiently and stay organized and thought you might like it too. 💰 Get HoneyBook for 50% off for one year with my referral link:


Disclaimer: If you happen to purchase anything I recommend in this or any of my communications, it’s likely I'll receive some kind of affiliate compensation from these products that I use and love. Please do not feel obligated to purchase anything through my links. (: 

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • With all the happening we have going on in our businesses we can’t be productive and have a watchful eye on our inbox 24×7 just in case a prospective client reaches out to us
  • How can you create a simple workflow that is easy to implement and is welcoming to prospective clients? Let me tell you about Honeybook.
  • One of my clients had a fancy onboarding process with zaps that pulled the workflow together seamlessly. It was a beautiful thing of low-cost efficiency up until it stopped working.
  • Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere without watching your inbox 24×7 with streamlined automation created in Honeybook.
  • While you’re focused on growing your business, Honeybook is welcoming your prospects the second they submit an inquiry.
  • Honeybook is an all-in-one CRM that allows you to keep the history from prospect to long-time client.

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?