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I get it. Are you trying to make a habit change and keep failing? Do you ask why it is so hard to start a habit? I have been there and done that myself. Let's talk about what you can do to make those new habits stick. Have you found yourself in this habit loop? You have some new HUGE habit change that you want to create in your life; it’s not a small change. As a matter of fact, it will require you to start a good habit; however, you keep failing no matter how many tricks you try. You get on the habit train, and then shortly after that, you get off. What is a life-changing new habit that you want to create to transform your life? It’s so dang frustrating each time you start so good, but it ends the same way, with you struggling to follow through to make a big difference in your life. When you set out to change your life, you typically feel that you’ll need to make big changes to see significant results. What if, instead, you start with a tiny, simple change that you can begin and then simply add onto to make a big difference. So what is one big change you'd like to see in your life?

What is one big habit change?

What is it? Undoubtedly, you’ve been wondering how to start a new habit. What is one simple step? If you do that consistently, you will begin to feel a big wave of change start.

What's one possible daily change you can make that will compound into a huge life change over time. To begin with, think small; what's one little thing that you can do to start moving forward to create a new habit. So here's a perfect example that I'd love to share with you today.

How Small Change Makes A Big Difference

In addition to being a private coach, I am also an operations manager for small online businesses. Recently, during our annual employee reviews, each employee set a personal goal that they wanted to achieve in the upcoming year for themselves and a company goal we set jointly.

We want to help support them personally and professionally to achieve their goals. One of the employees set this big, huge goal to quit smoking. Wow, that's a big life-change goal.

Oh, how life-changing and difficult it is to quit smoking. This advice came from another manager who happens to be a former smoker.

Fantastic advice on how to start a new healthy habit

He said he actually quit smoking because he stopped having a cigarette 15 minutes earlier every day. Wow. Is that not just one tiny, small thing you could do daily to change a habit?

Every day he would just have his last cigarette 15 minutes earlier. On the first night, he had a cigarette 15 minutes earlier than the day before.

Do you see how one small change makes a big difference? It all began with the decision to start small.

Above is the perfect example of a simple step to create a new habit. When you find a small doable change in new habits, it will be easy to stick to making massive life-changing results.

With this in mind, can you think of how to start a good habit for yourself?

Instead of all or nothing, how can you apply the 15-minute principle to make a big difference?

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Small Change Makes A Big Difference | Habit Change

Start A Healthy Habit

Do you drink a lot of soda and would like to replace that with a healthy habit of drinking water? A simple step to start a new healthy habit of drinking water instead of soda would be to decrease your ounces per day of soda while increasing the ounces per day of water. This is easy and doable. One ounce at a time until you have swapped completely. Again a perfect example of one small doable change that you can make that leads to huge results.

Here are a few other examples that I could think of off the top of my head.

Have you wanted to start a yoga practice and give up after a short time? Why not start with one pose a day? Maybe you begin with just doing one down dog a day; after a week, you add on child pose. I’ve Googled for you already the best yoga poses for beginners. Here are the five best poses.

What to mediate? Start with a couple of minutes, 30 seconds, possibly a minute; just start small and add on as you truly get into it a little bit more, cuz who says that it has to be all or nothing.

One last example is to create a one-step unwind routine if you need to get more sleep. The routine could be taking a bath or reading a book for fifteen minutes. Plan your day backward from your bedtime and create space for your unwind routine. By planning backward, you make sure that you have time to get everything done that you want to get done before you unwind and go to bed.

Again, we're not looking for some pie-in-the-sky change; pick one small doable change and just stick with it, stick with that one thing.

Start with those small, doable changes that make it easier and easier to form that new habit over time.


Little Side Note

Atomic Habits by James Clear is a must-read if you struggle with forming good habits. Tiny Changes, Remarkable Results Here is a link

How will you start a good habit?

Let me ask again, is there one area in your life where you can use this exact same technique by starting with one small action that will compound and compound over time?

And the best part is committing to a small change will feel much easier for your brain. This is how you start a new habit and make it easy. What you want to do is make the plan so easy. It should feel simple. The simple solutions are the ones we tend to overlook.

We want your thoughts to be. That's easy. Oh my gosh. That's so easy. That's so simple. Yeah. I can totally do that. You want to get your brain on board that you are 100% bought into this new habit. When your mind starts to take you down the same old path, tell yourself this plan feels simple enough; it is easy for me. Before you know it, your new habit will be who you are because your small change became a routine that turned into a healthy habit. Then it's just second nature, and it's just who you are.

You also prove to yourself; you prove to own self that you are a person that follows through on what you say you’ll do. You’ll believe you’re able to accomplish hard things, that you're able to make a commitment and follow through on that commitment.

If you’re the person who often puts other people ahead of what you said you’d do for yourself. Well, you know what, just do it for yourself. I give you permission to put yourself first once in a while when it comes to taking a small action to create big habits and changes in your life. You’re the only one that can commit to the change.

Change starts small. And I promise it will compound over time. You may find yourself adding more little things to that one small change. It will have a ripple effect to change so many other things in your life. So friend, if you want that ripple effect in your life, I invite you to apply for my private coaching.

The button to apply and work with me is down below. After applying, you’ll be sent an email to schedule a call to discuss the small changes that make a big difference in your life.

Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate you, and have a wonderful week.

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

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