When was the last time that you slowed down enough to appreciate your life and be happy right now with what you have at the present moment?
Let me ask, with the constant go, go, go of everyday life do you pause to enjoy what you’ve accomplished? Do you think that you should have things right now, and you don't necessarily wanna go through all the steps that you need to get there? Have you stopped to think about how that affects your happiness?
Do you find yourself chasing happiness? How often do you find yourself putting your happiness out into the future? When you have ABC or XYZ then you’ll be happy. Or when you do that thing, you’ll be happy.
The problem is that may not necessarily be true because if you're not happy right now with yourself, how will that change? Think back to a time in your past, I’m only guessing that you’ve had that exact thought about something else. When you got that “thing” how long did your happiness last until you became discontent with your life again?
Friend, I’m not throwing any stone here. I get it. In the past, I too was a discontent person. Instead of appreciating my life and all my blessings, I was on the hamster wheel chasing happiness. It wasn’t until I realized that my thoughts and feeling drove my actions that created my results.
Do you believe that it is possible to be happy right now?
What are you saying to yourself that makes you believe you're not happy right now? Do you watch the words that you say to yourself? Are you hiding a mean girl inside that doesn’t want you to be happy right now?
Hey, I have a mean girl that likes to play small. These days I keep her under control with the reminder that what she's doing is enough or that she is happy with herself right now. I finally understood that she can spiral out of control pretty quickly without self-nurturing.
Are you able to relate to me on this? I'm guessing you do if you’re searching the topic of how can you be happy right now.
Believe it or not, you have the power to control your thoughts.
I can almost hear you thinking, nope no way I have the power to control my thoughts. That may be true of the first thought and you can always control your second thought.
Now, this is important you really do need to manage your feelings. You need to manage the thoughts that you have about yourselves.
Because that in turn is going to lead us down a path of being happier. How do I know? Because I was that person.
Let me tell you that's where I started. That's why I’m so passionate that everyone needs life coaching, if that’s me great, if not find that life coach that you feel drawn to.
You see, I was telling myself that I didn’t need a life coach. When I took the leap to hire my first life coach, she was able to help me down the path. She walked right alongside me asking all the right questions, allowing me to see how my thoughts were and what was causing my discontentment, my unhappiness with myself, my progress, and overall life.
Looking back now, the solution was simple I was not understanding that my thoughts were making me unhappy with myself and my life in general. Here’s the big secret it’s difficult to actually read the label when you're stuck inside the bottle.
Are you stuck in the bottle?
Don’t you wish that you got it all the time? I know I don't get it all the time. Do you have those negative feelings that are in there that you are trying to manage on your own?
Well, you need to actually take a look at why you have those negative feelings. Why are your negative feeling and thought coming up inside you, what is the cause? What is actually causing those feelings to lead you to not be happy with who you are and what you have right now in this present moment?
Are you busy looking over there?
Are you a goal setter? I know, I sure like to set goals. But, there’s a catch when you set the goal you need to release the attachment to the outcome. If you hold on to the attachment of the outcome you’ll be busy looking over there for your happiness.
You know what I mean right. I'm gonna be happy when I get to that goal or I'm gonna be happy when I make this impact on this many people.
But truly, is that what's gonna make you happy? Always looking over there? Nope, looking over there for your happiness will lead you to feel unhappiness in the present moment.
Despite your thought that you’ll be happy when you’ve reached your goal, likely when you get to whatever your goal is, you’ll gonna be looking too far ahead to what your next goal should be.
Always busy looking over there, rather than stepping back and really looking at all you have right now to be happy about.
Celebrate your now
Guess what Friend when you celebrate your now it will bring you happiness. The now is the only place where you can be happy. The past is behind you and the future hasn’t happened yet. Leaving only one place for you to find your true happiness.
You see my point right? Be happy with your now. Celebrate now.
As much as you think you need to be someplace else, be present. Be happy with the fact that you actually are putting in the time and effort, and savor the progress.
You have to fall in love with progress because you're doing the work for yourself. Nobody else can do it for you.
You have the magic pill to happiness
You have to want to create your own happiness, you have the power to step back and decide. ‘I'm happy right now. I'm happy right now at this moment.’
Regardless, nobody else can do that for you. Nobody else outside of you is going to have some magic pill to make you be happy with yourself and happy in your present moment with your life.
Derails Your Thoughts and Feeling
Prior to my deep dive into my thoughts and feeling, I allowed the little things to derail me. It comes down to figuring out what triggers you. In other words, you might be happy one moment then all of a sudden you're completely bonkers and very dissatisfied with everything going on. What happened? Do you know what triggers you have?
What happened before you went completely bonkers? Pause at that moment and begin to think about well, when this happened, I reacted like this.
Well, that's a trigger for you.
![Image-[Blog-22] 21-Happy Now-Pin-9 Michele Duwe from Miss Task How can you be happy right now blog post](https://i0.wp.com/misstask.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Image-Blog-22-21-Happy-Now-Pin-9.jpg?resize=1000%2C1500&ssl=1)
Here’s a trigger for me
Oh friend, let me give you my real-life example of one of my triggers. It has to do with my husband. When we're in the car, he will start chewing a piece of gum. While he thinks it's super cool to snap his gum really loud, like extremely loud I’m not having the same thought of “oh that’s so cool that you can snap your gum extremely loud.” Anyone who knows my husband knows that he is super competitive, to him, he is passing the time by competing with himself to see if he can snap his gum louder and louder.
For some reason the louder he snaps the more it triggers me. Something about that noise triggers me and I usually go off the wall, until recently, now I pause before I go off the wall.
I turn inwards to examine my thoughts. Questioning why something so fun to him derails my peace. I'm aware of my feelings, my thoughts, and my beliefs, when I feel myself going a little bit crazy, instead of being irritated with him, I'm taking a step back and ask why does this trigger me?
It is pretty silly, that I let something that he likes to do and he thinks is cool, steal my peace of mind. Not everybody thinks the same things are cool in life. Am I right with that?
What steals your peace of mind?
Are you able to think of something that triggers you? Whatever it is, next time you feel yourself going a little crazy step back and look at what’s triggering you. What do you allow to cause you to not be happy right now with yourself and not be happy in the present moment?
Are you able to think of an example? What are those things for you? Despite your best efforts what makes you not want to be happy? How could you better manage those feelings around it? Are you paying attention?
![Image-[Blog-22] 21-Happy Now-Pin-6](https://i0.wp.com/misstask.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Image-Blog-22-21-Happy-Now-Pin-6.jpg?resize=1000%2C1500&ssl=1)
Journaling is thought discovery
Are you one that will journal? If you have the opportunity to journal, when you're in the present moment of being triggered, truthfully take a look at what you're thinking, what are the feelings that you have behind it?
Where do you feel that in your body? Because those are great things to have awareness of.
When you become aware, then you can make changes. Because you know what's happening in your mind and in your body that makes you unhappy. At this instant, you’re able to take that learning and use it to be happy with yourself.
You can be happy with your life, because really, in the end, don't you want to have a happy, fun life? I don't know about you, but that feels good to me.
I'm curious, tell me in the comments below, what are the things that you either find triggering or what are the things that bring you joy in life?
In order to be happy right now
How can you be happy right now? In order to be happy you need to discover what are the things that make you feel happy. Have you actually sat down to figure out what it is that makes you truly happy so that, you know, when you're there, or maybe you're just passing over all those little moments in your life that actually bring you joy and happiness because you're too much in a hurry to not pay attention to the little things? Why not slow down, honestly look at the things that, you know, bring you happiness, and do a little bit more of those.
Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate you. I hope you have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing you next week. Oh by the way, if you're needing that private coach in your corner to help you see all the little joyful things and reach those goals, I would love to work with you. The link to my private coaching application is down below.
Private Coaching
Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?
Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.
You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.
Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?