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Stop Being Part of the Last-Minute Club! Create an Idea Content Bank

Do you ever wonder where you put that last great idea? What page did you write it on in your planner? Is it on your phone or in the mess of sticky notes on your desk? Crap, did you even write it down? As an online business owner and coach, sometimes the creative ideas dry up. But not for you, Friend, because today, you’re implementing an idea content bank system to store your ideas until you’re ready to add them to your content plan.

How to keep track of all your content plan ideas.

The more scattered you feel in your business, the more your dream of success feels unattainable. That’s why squirreling away all those fantastic ideas for your future content plan is always a good idea. I promise your future self will thank you for the organization you implement today.

How do you keep track of all your content plan ideas? With an idea content bank.

An idea content bank. 

Why does this work? A simple idea content bank is a system for storing and organizing ideas for content, products, or services. Having an idea bank can be beneficial for an online business owner because it:

Helps you stay organized: 

An idea bank can help you keep track of all of your ideas in one place, making it easier to find and access them when you need them.

Increases efficiency: 

By having a central location for your ideas, you can save time and effort by not having to come up with new ideas on the spot. You can simply refer to your idea bank and choose an idea that fits your needs.

Provides inspiration when you’re out of ideas:

An idea bank can inspire when you feel stuck or uninspired. You can browse your ideas and see if any spark new ideas or directions for your business.

Allows you to plan ahead:

An idea bank can help you plan by giving you a pool of ideas to draw from. You can use your idea bank to create a content calendar or a product launch roadmap.

system for content management

How to start your idea content bank system.

Stick with me here because this is so simple. Please pick the one you feel the most comfortable with because if you’re not comfortable with it, you will not use it. In order to solve your problem, it has to fit your style. Otherwise, it will be time wasted if you do not use what you’ve created. 

Are you more into visuals?  I’m guessing that most of you will fall into this category. If you’d like to have a visual idea content bank, this can be done with an application like Whimsical. Or the one I’ve been loving lately is MindMeiser. Either of these will allow you to create mind maps and workflows. It is perfect for all you visually-minded business owners and coaches. 

A Google sheet is perfect if you do not have a task management system or project management system for your small business. Name the file Idea Content Bank.

Create a tab for all the different areas of your business where you glean ideas for. Or, if you’d like it on one sheet, create a column with the different areas, such as content, social media, lead magnets, courses, and services. 

Asana, Clickup, Trello, Meister Task, Notion. Any of these will work, personally, I use Notion to squirrel away all my content plans and ideas.

What is great about using a project management tool like Asana, Clickup, Trello, or MeisterTask, is you can use it all in one location. That tends to work well for a business owner looking for a simple and seamless way to manage their content. 


Little Side Note

Quick tips to not feel scattered as an online business owner. Take breaks: It's important to take breaks and give yourself time to rest and recharge. This can help you stay energized and avoid feeling burnt out.

Overall, an idea content bank is a very important piece to your system for content creation. Systems are valuable for an online business. As they help you stay organized, increase efficiency, provide inspiration, and allow you to plan. 

C’mon, friend, do you really love being part of the last-minute club when it comes to content creation? Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate you and I hope you have a wonderful week.