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Michele Duwe from Miss Task Content Repurposing

Are you on the content hamster wheel? Do you feel as if all you do is create new content for everything trying to get noticed by your ideal client? Have you taken a step back to create a plan to recycle or repurpose the long-form content you’ve already created for your online coaching business? Turning your YouTube videos or podcasts into a blog post. Or using your blog post as a script for YouTube or a podcast. Are you taking it one step further and using that for social media or your newsletter? If you are excellent. Are you recycling content in the right way?

What I mean by repurposing content correctly.

Whenever you record a YouTube video and then turn it into a blog post, do you think about SEO?

Or are you simply putting the transcript on your website? Yes, the easiest thing to do is to throw it up there.

If you’re going to put in the work, why not take it a step further to ensure that your blog is working for you and that you're setting it up for the platform it's on? I'm sure this is not new news to you because I’m assuming you’ve heard that you must follow the rules for your platform.

When creating content for YouTube, you want to ensure that you're following what YouTube would like to see. If you're publishing a podcast, you're creating content for the podcasting world, or if you're repurposing your content to a blog post, you're creating it with keywords in mind so that it’s the best for Google to be able to rank you.

Do you share it with your email list?

Do you spread the word regarding your new content to your email subscribers? This is a step that I bypassed for several years. Funny, I didn’t even consider it until a business coach asked if I was spreading the word about my weekly content with my email list.

Are you spreading the word about your long-form content to your email subscribers?

Or what if you send out a rock-solid content-rich newsletter each week? Can you take bits and pieces of your newsletter and create a long-form piece of content?

How do you spread the word and repurpose your content on social media?

While I know it is tempting to be everywhere on social media, is anyone else curious about TikTok? But here’s the thing, make sure you’re not spreading yourself too thin, and that who you want to attract is on the social platform you want to be on.

Regardless of your selected platforms, ensure you’re taking the content you’ve created and spreading the word across your social media platforms.

Your time and energy are your most valuable resources. After all, it takes a lot of time and energy to create amazing long-form content. Why not use it to its fullest potential so that people know about your fabulous new content?

Michele Duwe from Miss Task Content Repurposing

Repurposing Long-Form Content Process

You may be wondering how to do this for yourself; it’s easier than you think to repurpose content and spread the word.

After you filmed the video or recorded a podcast, why not have it transcribed to use as a base for your blog post on your website?
The transcription makes a great base for your blog post, be sure that you edit it and add in your keywords. Of course, write it so that it flows better for reading. However, the bulk of the work is done from the transcription.

Then pull out all the gold nuggets to share from that blog post and add them to a Google Doc for easy reference.

Your Google Doc is the guide. If you divide it into different sections to pull out copy, you can quickly mix and match with different images. The copy can then be reused and recycled.

What if you take your headlines from the long-form content and simply copy the headlines into an Instagram carousel section? The images used in the Instagram carousel could easily be resized into a Pinterest Idea Pin using Canva.

In essence, if you break up my long-form content into different blocks that you can use to repurpose onto your social media so that you do not have to create new content all the time.

This is important that content must be added to a repurposing content plan allowing you to direct your ideal clients back to your website at different times from different pieces of content.

At first, the content is posted more frequently. After the first month, it will go into a 90-day rotation.

When you have to spread the word about your content, you may find it frustrating to maintain all those little legs, but without telling people, they will not know about it.

You know it is good, so why not reuse and recycle it to reach more people?

Only 6% of your followers will see it anyway.

Have you heard that only 6% of your social media followers will see your content? During a walk, I heard this information on a podcast.

Guess what? I’ve heard this information before, and was I annoyed that I heard it again? Of course not I found it a great reminder.

Here’s the thing, if you're not posting about your long-form content, people may not be hearing about it.

That’s a shame because you’re content is amazing.

Keep in mind, do you remember everything that people post on their social media? I guess the answer is no. Do you remember who posted every blog post you read?

If you spend time on the hamster wheel of content creation, you will become exhausted and burnt out.

And the last thing you'll want to do is post anything on your social media.

You must have a repurposing content plan for the long-form content you're already creating.

I'm always shocked when peers tell me they don't have a plan for repurposing content.

It was one of the things that I thought everyone did. You see, it’s something I've just done in my business. I’ve experimented with different processes and now have a solid repurposing process.

And I'm sure this one will not be a shocker, either.

Your followers must see your amazing content at least seven times before it will stick in their minds and they'll remember those things you talk about.

Keeping the social media algorithm in mind is essential so that the right people can see your content.

Are you having trouble marketing or distributing that core content across all platforms? I get it.

If you’re having trouble recycling your content. 

If it is a challenge to recycle your content, try this. 

Create a few templates in Canva that you may utilize only when recycling your content. 

Here’s the thing: you can create a template for publishing your pillar content and a second for recycling content. 

Once you’ve created the copy for your social media, it can be renewed with new images. 

If you pull the gold nuggets out of the long-form content, you’ve done the leg work ahead of time. 

By creating a repurposing document, you can renew your content with new images utilizing the headlines created from the long-form post. End each post with a QR code to lead back to your website. 

What have you tried in the past with repurposing long-form content?

Have you tried to reuse your content only for it to feel challenging? Do you feel you could look at  that and see if there's a different way to make it easier for yourself to spread the word about the content you're already creating? 

If your answer is nothing, “I don't repurpose my content; I just continuously create new content.”

Why is that? Why are you not taking the time to spread the word about the content you're creating?

Are you looking back on that older long-form content that may not perform well? What could you refresh to drive more traffic to your site? 

Do you have similar posts on your website that might have that same information? Can you create a pillar or cornerstone piece of content on your website to have people come to just that area to help up your ranking?

How can you repurpose your content in a fresh new way? Maybe it is simply creating new images? 

Do you just need to refresh that copy a little bit so that it sounds better and more in tune with who you are right now?

Michele Duwe from Miss Task Content Repurposing

Your time and energy

It's your business. I'm curious, what do you think would be more time efficient, continuously creating new content or taking that long-form content and dividing it up so that you can repurpose it across different platforms? 

And suppose you are looking for a simple solution to repurpose your content. In that case, I suggest you start with a Google Doc with all the gold nuggets from your content. 

Simply add the link to your project management system, something like Asana Trello, Clickup, or whatever you use. The link will be added to your project management software, so you can refer to it anytime. It is a recurring task, reminding you to recycle your long-form content.

You want to work smarter, not harder when you're spreading the word about all the long-form content you've already created. 

So tell me, are you tired of all the bits and bobs that go along with spreading the word about your long-form content?

I would love for you to tell me down below in the comments. 

Ask any questions you have because I would be more than happy to answer them. 

Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate you, and I hope you have a wonderful week.