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Not Doing Enough

Not Doing Enough

Do you know that feeling when your brain is stuck, spinning in the thoughts of I'm not doing enough, I should be doing so much more. Oh, if you are not familiar with those thoughts, please talk to me in the comments below because I would love to hear your secret and how you’ve overcome this thought pattern. 

How you show up

That nagging feeling that you should be doing more? You are triggering your thoughts and feelings of not doing enough. Do you wonder how that causes you to show up? 

As an example, are you showing up in a hurry? Is it causing you to show up distracted? Consequently, is it causing you to show up distant and preoccupied with the long list of other things you should be doing more of?

As a result, you're not fully present at that moment. 

Where is your mind trap? 

I want you to go ahead and take a step back and look at your thoughts. What areas in your life do you feel as if you are not doing enough and you should be doing more? 

Undoubtedly, we get into the mind trap of I'm not doing enough. I should be doing more—all of those guilty thoughts spin in your mind. 

Meanwhile, you're thinking I'm not spending enough time with my spouse, partner, or significant other, whoever that is for you. Questioning, am I spending enough time with my children? Maybe you’re holding onto the guilt of not spending enough time with your parents? 

You’re likely an adult child with a very busy family of your own, but still, you hold onto that guilt that you are not doing enough. Nevertheless, those thoughts cycle through your brain on repeat.

Recycling the thought of Not Doing Enough

They're constantly recycling. I can guarantee when you do that; you are not feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.


When you recycle those beliefs, when you have them on repeat in your head, they will leave you feeling stressed and probably guilty. 

Why, for what purpose do those negative thoughts and feelings serve you? What if, instead of circling the drain question, am I doing enough. What if you decide to believe that it is enough for who you are right now and at this time in your life. It is okay, give yourself permission and decide you are doing enough. 

Maybe in the future, you'll be able to give more. However, you are completely tapped out at this time in your life.

You have nothing else to give to anyone else. Trying to give and give is causing you to attempt to pour from an empty cup.

The Guilt of Not Doing Enough

And we all know that we can't do that. 

We can't pour from an empty cup. We need to take care of ourselves first before taking care of others. 

And it never turns out well, as it's impossible to keep that up for the long term, you may be able to do it for a little while, but in the end, at some point, you have to decide it is enough. 

And let me tell you, once that decision is made, yes, this is enough. 

This is enough. I don't need to do anymore. 

We show up differently. We feel lighter, happier, and more present. Think about how much better you'll feel when spending time with your family, spouse, children, or parents.


Little Side Note

Really take a look at your life. Where else do you need to decide that you’re doing enough? ​

Fully Present

You will be fully present for them because you know in your heart that you are doing enough for who you are right now this moment. Because now when you show up and spend time with them fully present. 

Rather than guilt, you come at it from the feeling of pure happiness and joy because now you are allowing yourself to truly, genuinely enjoy those precious moments with your loved ones. 

So the next time, friends, you find your brain begins to swim, swim in the thoughts that I'm not doing enough. I want you to pause and step back. Instead of thinking of how you are not doing enough, I want you to give yourself grace. 

And I want you to decide that what you’re doing right now is enough. 

If your life feels like it's spinning entirely out of control and you're in that constant cycle of I'm not doing enough, I should be doing more. I get it. I got you. So together, in six months, we can talk about all of these things and stop that endless spinning for you. Yes, your life is meant to be enjoyed. I invite you to apply for my private coaching. The link is down below. I'll see you back here next week. Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate you, and you have a great week.

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

Find Balance Digital Download
Calendar Causing Overhwhelm and Busy

Calendar Causing Overhwhelm and Busy

This post comes on the heels of the series on Be Less Busy. Why does your calendar cause you to be overwhelmed and busy? What if I asked you to consider that, it’s the thoughts you have about your calendar. Let’s take a step back and peel back your thoughts.


When your calendar is causing you to be overwhelmed and busy, are you using it the right way for you? You must be wondering what I mean. 

Do you know if you’re a person that requires white space in your calendar, or do you think it is better when you schedule your day with color-coding?

The trick is to figure out when your calendar triggers your brain. Test it out and pay attention to how you’re feeling. I have clients that want to have every minute of the day planned, and I have others that need to see that they have space. 

Here’s the big secret it will be different for each of us. 

Plan for enough time

Nothing will get thoughts of overwhelm going faster than getting behind schedule. Or maybe that’s just me? 

Are you doing something new? Despite what you think,  things take longer than you think to get done. Until you have a good measure of the amount of time it will take to complete, make sure you double what you think it will take.

Scheduling too much

Do you overschedule? Scheduling too much on your calendar is a ticket to thoughts of busyness and overwhelm. 

For example, you are booking back-to-back meetings for hours without time in between. Another example is double booking your time on your calendar. Because that never ends well, stop people-pleasing. Be respectful of others and their time. 

Calendar Causing Overwhelm and Busy?

Plan for Fires

Undoubtedly not planning for fires; you know they will happen. Create space in your calendar to allow your actions to shift. 

Planning for fires is something that I do with my clients, here is how it works. On your calendar, you have blocks of time set aside for fires. 

Stay with me here; the fires will not magically happen at these time blocks. When you have fire blocks, you’re able to shift items around on your calendar where they would have gotten skipped over in the past. 

Here is an example for further clarification. At 9 am, you’ve blocked time to work on a proposal for a client. Suddenly, at 9:15 am, you have an urgent employee issue that requires your immediate attention. 

Shift the proposal to your fire block that you have in your calendar. I recommend my clients have two one-hour fire blocks in the morning and the afternoon. 

Little Side Note

Here is an older article, and it is still great information!

​Other suggestions when your Calendar Causing Overwhelm & Busy

Use the Pomodoro Method; work for 25 minutes on and 5 minutes off. It will increase your time management and efficiency. Here is an article to read about it.

Your calendar may be causing overwhelm and busyness because you’ve not planned for self-care. What I tell my clients is self-care is not all able bubble baths. It is about exercise, eating healthy, mindfulness. It is the activities that renew you.

Creating a dream day is an activity I have my clients do when they are working towards a big goal or vision. What is your dream day or week? If you have a Google calendar you can set up a calendar for your dream week that you can turn on and off. It will let you compare your current schedule to your dream schedule.

I know you’re ready right now to get out of the thoughts of overwhelm. I can help you. The link to apply for private coaching is below.

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

Find Balance Digital Download
Time Wasters | Be Mindful Of Your Time

Time Wasters | Be Mindful Of Your Time

Are you mindful of your time? Do you know where you waste time? Our minds like to hide these from us, to keep us safe and comfortable. To find your time wasters, you need to keep tabs on where you spend your time. I know this is not something people love to do. I’ve heard so many excuses when it comes to tracking time.

Tracking your Time

As I mentioned above, I hear so many excuses from my client when I ask them to track their time. They do not want to shine a light on areas where they are not mindful of their time.

Why do I ask them to track their time? Because what you pay attention to improves.

Would you like to create more time in your day? Figuring out where you spend your time is the first step.

Be mindful of the time you spend in your email.

Email, email, email. Never closing down your email will cause you to feel busy. You’ll always feel as if you're in reaction mode. You are reacting to all the emails coming from others.

David Allen talks about email as other people's agenda for your time. Have a process for going through your email. Do not derail your priorities for the priorities of others. I work with my clients on creating boundaries and business rules in regards to email.

You need to be a steward of your time. All those minutes add up, negatively impacting your goals and priorities.

I know what you’re thinking; how do I do this. Block time in your calendar to go through your inbox. Here’s an example of how to handle email.

You receive a message from a client, friend, colleague of a task that you most complete for them.

Next, open your calendar and block time when you’ll do the work. Now, this is important, fit the work into your schedule. Reply to the sender with a specific date and time you blocked on your calendar to work on their request. But there’s a catch; you must do the work when you say you’re doing the work.

Time Wasters | Be Mindful Of Your Time

You guessed it, social media.

I know social media gets brought up a lot, and it should.

Social media is a massive time-waster.

Can you think of a time when you were mindful of your time when scrolling social media feeds?

Some people don't consider all-time wasted on these platforms. It should come as no surprise social media platforms do things to keep us engaged on their media because this is how they make money. With ads.

Generally, anything offered by a business for free has some way of making money. Know how much time you're giving away to social media. Where could that time be better to spend?


Little Side Note

Monica Drake said, “The only value of wasted time is knowledge.”

I encourage you to look at your time wasters and use that knowledge to be mindful of your time.

Create Time

If you genuinely want to create space to work on your goals and priorities, I encourage you to find the little sneak place where you’re not being mindful of your time.

Is keeping track of your time hard. It may be if you choose to think of it as hard. Or you may decide to come at it with an open-minded. You are excited to figure out where to be mindful of your time and stop the sneaky little time wasters. The choice is always up to you.

I know you’re ready to get out of your head and choose thoughts that create the future of your dreams. The link to my private coaching application is below.

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

Find Balance Digital Download