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The Secret to Sales Success: A Simple Overview of a Digital Marketing Sales Funnel

The Secret to Sales Success: A Simple Overview of a Digital Marketing Sales Funnel

Michele from Miss Task Simple Overview of a Digital Marketing Sales Funnel

Are you a new small business owner in the online space? Perfect, today we’re going to walk through a digital marketing sales funnel and learn how to generate leads for your digital product.

The digital marketing sales funnel explained.

Your digital marketing sales funnel is how to generate leads online. It is for prospective clients to find you and your digital products.

The goal of your digital marketing sales funnel is to let your ideal prospect know more about you, what your digital products solve, and whether they are interested in working with you in the future.

Start With The End Of Your Funnel Mind

I’ll frequently tell you to start with the end if you've been around here. In addition to planning your day and projects, working backward from the end is also necessary when planning your marketing and sales campaigns.

Understanding the goal and where you want them to go helps you decide where to start. It's important to remember that the top of the funnel isn't your free offer; it's the free content you're providing to the world. What is your primary source of content? Are you a blogger, YouTuber, or podcaster?

Bringing awareness to you and the problems you solve is the purpose of your pillar content. Here’s the thing, you must understand how your free content relates to your digital product.

Another key point to mention, in order to stay energized by the content you create, it is best to come up with six or so pillar content ideas. These are the topic that you’ll talk about each week.
What other problems are your ideal clients trying to solve similar to your digital product but not quite the same?
You want them to be able to find you, get lost in your amazing content, and look for ways to get more of what you have to offer.

Creating a Free Offer As Part of Your Digital Marketing Funnel.

Your free offer, lead magnet, freebie, or whatever you call is the next stop after they gain awareness of you.
In order to make your free offer work, it must solve the same problem as your paid offer or digital product.
You won’t stop at a lemonade stand for a cup of coffee. Just saying.
Think of your free offer as a sneak peeks at working with you. Everything you do should provide value to you and your prospective client.
What would they find useful enough to invest their time?

Here are a few ideas for you.

  • Create a quiz; everyone loves a great quiz.
  • Develop a challenge.
  • How about a mini-course
  • Another option is a wait list for early access to a new digital offer.

The type of content you are comfortable creating for them.

Another point to remember with your free offer is that lead gen strategies work best when closely aligned with the overall marketing strategy.

A good lead gen strategy will include a free offer that helps you and your ideal client get results.

Michele from Miss Task Simple Overview of a Digital Marketing Sales Funnel

Using A Tripwire In Your digital marketing sales funnel

I'm guessing you've either purchased from a tripwire in the past or you're familiar with a tripwire. Just in case, a tripwire is a low-dollar digital product or download that they can purchase after they opt-in to your free offer.

A way to do this is by creating a Thank You Page that allows them to purchase a high-value, low-price offer that will enhance the free offer they signed up for.

After they sign up for your free offer, redirect them to a thank you page, letting them know they have successfully signed up and to watch their inbox. Your thank you page gives them the option to purchase your high-value, low-price offer.

A tripwire is an easy yes. A way to open the door to purchasing more of your paid offers.

You will find that many digital marketers add another upsell to the tripwire. I find them super annoying. But, you do you.

The Middle Is Good Stuff, Too, In Your Sale Funnel

The middle of your marketing funnel or digital sales funnel is all about getting to know your prospective clients. This is the stage where you load them down with valuable content.

Will you two be a good match? Are they picking up what you’re laying down?

Always be thinking about either your ideal clients or your current clients. What would they find helpful?

What would make them want to open your emails because they know that you’ll give them great content?

Think of all the different messages you could draft and create in an email sequence that would provide more valuable information from your free offer to your paid offer.

Buying Decisions

Just because it’s free doesn’t mean it should be crappy.

Think about how you make buying decisions.

What would you like to know if you had to make a decision? What has impressed you so much that you wonder what it would be like to work with that person?

Would it be testimonials from happy clients? Or case studies outlining success stories from clients?

You can show them you understand their struggles by all the different things you do.

Undoubtedly, you understand the problem they are facing in their life or business. Don't forget that they must truly need and want your service.

Do you provide them with enough information to feel comfortable handing money over to you? Remember, we must pay for things, whether in time or money.


Little Side Note

Disclaimer: If you happen to purchase anything I recommend in this or any of my communications, I'll likely receive some kind of affiliate compensation from these products that I use and love. Please do not feel obligated to purchase anything through my links. With that said…

Flodesk has launched a checkout feature as an add-on to their email marketing. This feature is so simple and easy to use. I'm not sure about you, but those are two words I like to hear when looking at software. Here is my affiliate link. (; 

If your digital marketing sales funnel Does Its Job

In the end, if you’re digital marketing sales funnel has done its job, they will know without a shadow of a doubt that your digital product is precisely what they must have to solve their problem.

Thank you so much for stopping by and reading this post!

I appreciate you.

I would love for you to comment below and tell me what your free offer is at the top of your funnel or about your pillar content and what you offer as your awareness piece.

Thank you again! I hope you have a wonderful week.

Simple Digital Product Checklist

Scrambling at the end is zero fun. Here is a simple digital product launch checklist to help you avoid that.

Free Digital Product Launch Checklist for Bloggers Launching A New Digital Product
Simple Steps To Creating A Sales Funnel

Simple Steps To Creating A Sales Funnel

Simple Steps To Creating A Sales Funnel

Before we dive into the simple steps to creating a sales funnel. Let’s cover the basics, just in case you're new to the online business world. 

Really, what are sales funnel anyway

Sales funnels are the path that a potential customer will go through. In other words, because the path to purchase look like a normal everyday funnel. Wide on the top and small at the button. 

I’m about to lay down shocking news here. In spite of all your efforts, not everyone that starts in the sales process with end up a client. Formerly, in my career as a sales rep, I was excited if one in ten leads converted into a client. Ya, I know. 

On the positive side, if you’re working one to one your funnel doesn’t need to be huge to start. 

Know, Like and Trust

As a result, getting clients to work with you has more to do with know, like, and trust verse selling in your online business. Therefore, if the word sales cause you to break out into hives think of it as a relationship funnel.

Building a relationship with your soulmate client is easy. It’s important to realize that building a relationship online is not any different than building any other relationship. 

In fact, it will follow the same path, you meet, you get to know each other, you decide you like to hang out and the more you hang out the more you trust each other.

When you’re building a sales funnel you’ll make sure that you are doing the same things you would do to building any long-lasting connection.

How you meet

Connecting with your soulmate client online will happen in a variety of ways. For example, It may be through social media, google search, or the biggest is a referral or introduction from one of your mutual online friends.

It’s visibility…

Heed my advice, get visible. You guessed it, I didn’t do this right away in any consistent manner. 

The best sales advice ever, you can’t hope your way to a sale. 

As much as I hoped for my soulmate client to stumble upon my content and instantly fall in love with me. It didn’t happen that way. 

To emphasize to all of those in the back row, if you’re not putting yourself out there, how will anyone, let alone your soulmate client, know what you offer? 

So long as you stay in your own little world you’ll have a difficult time connecting with people that you have a true bond with. 

These are the people that you’re drawn too, the people that you’d like to serve. If you’re not visible and putting yourself out there how will they find you? So get out and mingle. 

If you happened to miss it before, visibility was an area that I struggle with, I really love to have my head down checking all the things off the to-do list. 

Once I added networking to my to-do list this is when things shifted in my business because Friend if you do not let people know about your great services you not sharing your gifts.


Overcoming visibility phobia can only be done by facing fear. Stop lurking in Facebook groups and actually share your wonderful knowledge. Find hashtags on Instagram to follow and begin to engage. 

A great way to do this is with a virtual coffee chat, in short, these chats are a no pitch, no pressure chat to get to know each other. 

Prefer face to face? Search for local Meet Ups.

Stop assuming that people know what you know. Share your special self.

Trust will come…

Provide valuable content on social media. What would make the life of your soulmate client easier? Figure this out and share it. 

Create and Share

Create a piece of free content to give them in exchange for an email address.

Then continue to wow them with valuable content that they will find useful in their business. Keep in mind that you want your free content to be in line with the services you offer. 

For example, I help build plans. Creating a sales funnel would start with a plan of action. Well, you could start without a plan, but it may not be the most efficient use of your time and I would predict spinning wheels in your future.


Little Side Note

In the book, Building A Story Brand by  Donald Miller he gives this formula for crafting each nurturing email. 

One, talk about a problem. Two, explain a plan to solve the problem. Three, describe how life can look for the reader once the problem is solved. 

If you’ve not read this book, make it the next book you read.

Build A Nurturing Series

Okay, but you start to say “I can’t do that.” Say you can and you will. 

First let me say, this does not need to be complicated, actually make it simple and quick. 

Second, open up a google document and start typing. List out all the struggles that you’ve heard from your soulmate clients on coffee chats, in facebook groups, pay attention in the post chats what are they talking about. Now write how you would solve the problem. Repeat this three times. Put this into an automated sequence in MailChimp or Mailerlite. Two very simple and free tools that you can use for your email service provider.   

Third, in that same google document write the fourth email. This one will be a sales email with an ask or call to action. 

Before you get all anxious, you need to do this because no one else will do it for you. In the online world, you either attract or repel. Trust me, if you repel its not a big deal. We aren’t in a popularity contest. This is about creating a connection to your soulmate client that has been praying for your service.  

Put it on repeat

Just like your favorite song, put your nurturing series on repeat. In the same fashion as before, It’s three gives and one ask. 

That’s the simple steps to creating a sales funnel.

Get'em while they last

Planning is my superpower! Would you like help in mapping and accomplishing your commitments?

Each month I open up a limited number of spots to work one-on-one with heart-centered entrepreneurs to create a roadmap to their dreams.

How is this done? With a ninety-day commitment plan. A ninety-day commitment plan breaks down all the to-dos that need to happen to achieve your commitment.

The ninety-day commitment plan includes a three-hour planning intensive along with thirty-six accountability check-ins to ultimately take your vision from do to done. Say you can and you will!

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Email Marketing: Plan A/B Testing In Your Next Email Campaign

Email Marketing: Plan A/B Testing In Your Next Email Campaign

Email Marketing: Plan A/B Testing In Your Next Email Campaign

Email marketing is fundamental to a successful online business. A fantastic way to make sure that your communication is on point is to plan A/B testing in your next email campaign.

Why Plan An A/B Test

Are you happy with your open rates? Or maybe your click-thru rates have dropped. This is a type of test an online business needs to perform to increase engagement with email marketing.

What is A/B Testing

A/B testing or you may also hear it referred to as split testing is communicating a little something different to your email list. This doesn’t mean that you rewrite the whole email.

It simply means that you change one element of the email and figure out which one performed better with your email list.

To Test Or Not To Test

The answer is to test, don’t shy away from this because you think it may be hard. Most Email Service Provider makes this a simple process.

When planning A/B testing in your next campaign choose only one area to test. If you pick two you’ll not know what was the item produces the increase in performance.

What’s The Goal?

Do you want to improve open rates?
Do you want to improve click-thru rates to your website or offer?

Have a goal in mind that you want to test in your next email campaign and know why you want to A/B Test.

Ideas List Of Tests

Here is an ideas list for A/B testing in your next campaign, pick the one that feels easy to you.

  • Subject Lines – Ask A Question in your subject line. → Or use symbols or numbers to grab attention.
  • Pre-Header Text – To use or not to use can be the test. Test two different topics in the preheader text.
  • Call To Action – Does a call to action that is a hyperlink or call to action with a button perform better.
  • Content – Long form content a very long email or short form that it just a bit with the option to read more on your website
  • Image or No Image – if you have images or no images which gets the attention of the reader.
  • Offer – Test two different offers in your email campaign

Keep Track

After you send out your campaign keep track of the results. This can be done on a piece of paper or in a spreadsheet. Since your A/B Testing in your email campaign

The items that you’ll want to track and compare are:

  • Open Rates – how many subscribers opened the email. This will be a direct reflection of your subject line and pre-header text.
  • Total Clicks – What is the total number of clicks you received during your campaign. Did one email outrank the other?
  • Clicks per Link – If you were testing a call to action this will be a metric to watch.
  • Unsubscribers – did one email receive a higher unsubscribe number?
  • Conversation Rate – This would be a great metric for the success of your offers or your call to action.
  • Forward Rate – Sharing is caring! Did one of the emails receive more forwards? This is when the user shares your email with a friend.
  • A/B Testing is not a one and done. Do it again until your messaging is a fine-tuned communication machine.

Quick Wrap Up

Why Plan A/B Testing In Your Next Email Campaign – testing will help you figure out what performs better with your unique subscriber list.

What is A/B Testing – when you compare two emails with the same variable changed in each of the emails? This will also be referred to as split testing.

What’s The Goal – every email marketing campaign needs to be sent with a goal in mind

Ideas List of Tests – a quick list of ideas to get started on A/B testing in your next email campaign.

Keep Track – items that you’ll want to track and measure to determine success.

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