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How Can I Increase My Chances Of Success As A Solopreneur?

How Can I Increase My Chances Of Success As A Solopreneur?

How Can I Increase My Chances Of Success As A Solopreneur? 

How can I increase my chances of success as a solopreneur? Find yourself a business bestie that will hold you accountable for achieving the big scary commitments that you’ve made to your online business.

But, not anyone will do in this situation, Friend you need to find an accountability bestie that,  umm, will not be hesitant to actually keep you accountable to the commitments that you’ve made to your online business. Maybe one that will do a happy dance with you when it is achieved. 

Where do you find an accountability bestie?

A great place to start would be in a Facebook group that would have other entrepreneurs interested in hookin’ up as accountability besties.  

Another fantastic place to find an accountability bestie, is in a membership or group coaching. 

Keep Your Commitments

Why do you need an accountability bestie? To keep you committed to your progress in our online business. 

When you’re obligated to someone besides yourself, well you can’t put the nonessential work in front of the hard work.

What is nonessential work? Responding to email as soon as it arrives. Scrolling mindlessly on social media. Ya know, the things that you use to procastinate so you can avoid the fear of failure or judgment. You’re speaking to a recovering queen of fear of judgment so you can’t hide. Just sayin’


Where do you start

Once you find your accountability bestie, you’ll want to outline your commitment that you’re striving for. 

All commitments must be broken down into small accomplishable daily tasks that will compound over time. 

Just putting your commitment down on paper without breaking out the steps to accomplish it will cause you to feel overwhelmed and discouraged. 

Stop with that Friend, because we do not need anymore overwhelm in our lives. 

Celebrate your success

Don’t wait until the end to celebrate your success. The joy is found in the daily progress. The exciting feeling to check off all the tasks on the list and watching as the dominos fall. 

It starts with just one. 


Little Side Note

“Accountability separates the wishers in life from the action-takers that care enough about their future to account for their daily actions.”

John Di Lemme

Quick Wrap Up

  • Find yourself a business bestie that will hold you accountable for achieving the commitments that you’ve set to move your business towards success. 
  • Find an accountability bestie in Facebook groups, memberships, or a mastermind
  • An accountability bestie will keep you moving towards your commitments in your business
  • Start with your bestie by outlining your commitment. 

Please, friend, do not commit to more than one thing at a time.

That will just get you a seat on the struggle bus, we do not have time for that.

How do I plan a productive weekly schedule?

How do I plan a productive weekly schedule?

Q: How do I plan a productive weekly schedule?

A frequently asked question that I receive is “How do I plan a productive weekly schedule?” How do I stay focused and productive? 

Here are the systems that I use with myself and clients. Since we all have a different way of thinking and doing it’s important to figure out what works best for YOU, friend. 

Plan Your Weekly Schedule Ahead

When does this work the best for you? Ya have so many options, at the end of the day Friday, on Saturday morning drinking your coffee or Sunday evening as you wind down from your weekend. 

Me personally, I like to take time on Sunday to look at the week ahead. I time block all the activities that the kids have going on – because those are non-negotiable in my schedule. 

Time block any meeting times that are scheduled. Time block your operations time, client time and project time. 

Since unexpected things come up this isn’t a detailed break down of the exact task, but time blocking of the weekly schedule to make sure I work around the time commitments that are already established. Spend five to ten minutes mapping out your week. 

As a bonus, plan out your meals for the week too and create a shopping list. Friend, I love when I actually do this because it eliminates the dreaded – what are we having for dinner question. (: 

Oh and I’ll take the time to plan Monday too! 

Plan Your Day Before The Day

Block time at the end of each day to plan out the following day, this is can be rolled up in your  ‘wrap up the day’ time block. Start by blocking out any meeting that has popped up since you planned your week. 

Time Blocking

Time Blocking is keeping like items together. Such as writing a blog post, creating social media content, client work, meetings. 

Set up either a full day or time block certain hours each day in your weekly schedule. Here is a look at my weekly time blocking. 

How much time to block

Double The Time For A Task

Always double the time that you think a task will take. If you think writing your next blog post will take an hour, schedule two. 

Attach Time to Each Task On Your List

When you go to plan your day, schedule the tasks and give it an estimated amount of time to complete. 

If you have 20 things on your to-do list and they all will take 30 minutes to accomplish that is ten hours. That’s ten hours of solid work without breaks. 

By attaching time and putting it in a time block it will help your time management and eliminate that overwhelmed feeling. 


How do I plan a productive weekly schedule?

If at the end of the day you still have over half the items on your list, you’ll leave feeling like the day owned you. Or worse yet, you’ll push through and try to get it finished. 

Make sure that you set yourself up for success. 

Do A Time Audit

If you have no idea how much time you spending doing the work, it will be difficult to get a handle on your time. 

For a week or two record the time that you spend and the items that you’re working on. This can be done by looking at the clock or using a timer like Toggl

Buffer Time

Your day should include buffer time. Well, you can’t sit at your desk all day. You’ll need to um, get up to use the restroom. Plus, have you heard that sitting is the new smoking? 

Do not overbook yourself, leave at a minimum of 5 minutes between each block of time. 

In addition, add an hour of buffer time for those urgent, important things that need to be handled ASAP or it will cause even more of a time leak. 

Know Your Personal Limits

We all have personal limits on how long we can focus and friend that can vary depending on the time of the day. 

In the morning, I can focus in 50-minute sprints of time with a ten-minute stretch break in between. 

In the afternoon, my focus personal focus limit drops to 25 minutes with a 5-minute break. 

Figure out what your personal limits are for focus. Keep in mind it could be different depending on the time of the day. 

Use the Pomodoro Method, Google it or here is the Wiki Page for information. 

I use an app called Tide on my phone for the Pomodoro Method (that is in Do Not Disturb BTW) with the sound of a Cafe’. Or you can use Coffitivity on your desktop. Here is a link to a blurb on ambient sounds of a coffee shop and productivity. 

Commit To Your Business

Earlier I wrote a post on committing to one project at a time. I used the example that you wouldn’t stop one marathon to go run a different marathon. Er, that’s crazy talk. (Check that post our here.)

The same concept holds true when it comes to your commitments to your business or projects. 

If you commit to releasing a new offering, don’t work on your new offer and try to refresh your website at the same time. 

The focus will be divide and it will take twice as long. Focus on one race at a time until you cross the finish line. 

Remove Distractions

Set your phone to do not disturb while you are in your time block. Schedule time in your day to respond to phone calls and read your emails.

For the love ~ do not leave your email open all day long. Nothing will derail your productivity like email. Amiright? 

Remember, email is not your to-do list. Answering you’re email isn’t committing to your business. Before you even get started with the OMGoodness, I can’t do that, my clients need a response. 

Yes, I agree that you need to respond to your client emails. But, last time I checked metals were not being handed out to the fastest email responder. Boundaries, people. If you do not set them someone will set them for you, trust me you’ll not succeed with someone else's boundaries. 

Set a response time expectation with your clients. In your business policies, you should have this clarified for your clients when you welcome them in. 

One of my favorite mantras is: Your poor planning does not constitute my emergency. I’ve said this and lived by it for years.

Learn what should be taken off your plate

Have you heard of the Eisenhower method or decision matrix? It is assigning importance to your tasks. This will help you figure out your weekly schedule. 

They are either

  1. Important and Urgent
  2. Important but Not Urgent
  3. Urgent but Not Important 
  4. Not Urgent and Not Important 

Important and Urgent

Do This – If the task is both important and urgent do this. This is why you have buffer time in your calendar. I would also add that as the business owner, it should also be an income-generating task. This is something that can only be done or handled by you. 

Important but Not Urgent

This should be scheduled in your calendar to get done.

Urgent but Not Important

These items should be delegated to someone else to do. If you’ve been thinking about hiring a virtual assistant, these would be the task that you begin to process to hand over the work. 

Not Urgent and Not Important

Delete it, cross it off. If it’s not urgent and not important to the growth of your business why would you even spend your time doing this? 

If you’d like to read more about the Eisenhower method: 

Here is an article by James Clear with more information, give it a quick read. 


Little Side Note

The Eisenhower thinking works with your email management too. Just sayin’

Quick Wrap Up: 

  • Plan your week and plan your day ahead of time
  • Time block your weekly schedule or calendar
  • Double the time you think it will take
  • Attached time to everything on your to-do list
  • Audit your time
  • Add in buffer time to your daily and weekly schedule
  • Figure out your focus time
  • Commit to one project at a time
  • Remove distractions
  • Try the Eisenhower method to figure out what you should do immediately, what you should schedule, what you should delegate, and what you should delete. 


Overplanning Crushing Your Dreams?

Overplanning Crushing Your Dreams?

Overplanning Crushing Your Dreams?

Overplanning can affect how quickly your dream business grows. Is your ambitious overplanning crushing your dreams?

When we start out we have so many new and exciting ideas that we water down our progress by trying to achieve them all.

Not only does it water down your progress, but you’ll also have a fewer accomplishment to celebrate. Celebrating the small wins is what aspires you to keep going.

Focusing on more than one goal at a time will take longer than one single focus.

Run One Race At A Time

If your running a race you won’t stop that race in the middle to start another one, would you?

This same reasoning applies to your business goals too. When you're running a race you stay on the same course or you’ll never reach the finish line.

What’s the best way to reach the finish line?

One step at a time, your business goals are achieved the same way by small accomplishable daily tasks.

You can not get to mile two without taking all the steps in mile one.

What daily actions do you need to take to make sure you reach my finish line?

We Can't Hope Our Way To Success

I love the word hope and believe it in wholeheartedly, but unfortunately, we can’t hope our way to success.

However, a little hope along with our daily actions set us up for success.

Are you overplanning?

Right now how many races are you trying to run? C’mon Friend, how many goals and projects do you have going on right now at this moment? 

Are you trying to plan the launch of a new service? 

Perhaps building an online course?

Setting up a new application in your business? 

Do you see how this overplanning is crushing your dream? You only have so much time in the day to work in your business and work on your dreams. 

What if you picked and planned out one goal at a time and took it to the finish line? 

I throw no stones, I’ve done the same thing!

I know from experience because I’ve done the same thing. Trying to run too many races when my business was new and not sure what services I wanted to offered or who I wanted to impact. I was trying to excessive plan and offer all these different services and help anyone that needed it. 

You know how the phrase goes jack of all trades master of none. 

All this did was give me a ticket to the overwhelm train, I’m telling you Friend that is not the train that y’all want to be on.

How did I stop overplanning and work on my dreams?

By narrowing my focus, working on my mindset and striving towards one goal at a time.

Did this happen overnight? Heck no, but as I worked with more and more Solopreneurs it helped narrow down the focus on what I was truly passionate about. 

I began to understand my true purpose, while this is still evolving, I know what fills my cups but doesn’t overflow it. 

When you pay attention to too many things at once your cup runs over. 

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Overplanning crushing your dream?

Plan one project at a time

Depending on the size of the project, it could be for the whole quarter or simply one month. 

Keep in mind when planning this project it will take you twice as long as you think it will – really. 

Take your one project and brain dump every single thing that you need to do to get it across the finish line. Then take that list, prioritize it and schedule it. 

Just believe in your dream and take the small action steps daily to achieve it.

 Here’s great advise from Rachel Hollis – You can only go all-in on one goal at a time…

What will yours be?