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Overwhelmed? How to be less busy

Overwhelmed? How to be less busy

In case you missed it, last week, the topic was waiting to start on a dream or goal for when you had more time and were less busy. This week begins a five-part series on how to be less busy. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with life, this series is for you. Do you find yourself in a loop of busyness? When we are trapped in busyness, it will clutter our minds and make everyday decisions difficult. A slower, quieter pace will give you more time and brain space to go after your dreams. If you’re ready to simplify your life, create more ease and stop being so busy, then join me for this series!

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Busyness Trap

Let’s look at the loop of busyness. If every day you go to bed exhausted with only a few things checked off the list and have no idea where your time went, you guessed it, you’re in the busyness trap. 

Our culture believes we should be putting more and more on our plates. Have you stopped to think about what we are sacrificing? What are you missing out on when caught in the busy trap? When life has you always hustling from one thing to another, causing the feeling of chaos. Have you stopped to think about what it would be like to feel less busy? 

Thought of Not enough hours in the day

Our busy schedules make us feel there are not enough hours in the day to go after our goals, our dreams that we long to accomplish. 

Every one of us has the exact same amount of time in a day. 24 hours. 

We pack more and more into our days. The habit of being busy doesn’t leave you feeling at peace in your life, but instead, it leaves us feeling overwhelmed. 

Do you know what is important to you? 

The problem is most people do not take the time to realize what is important to them. On a surface level, yes, we know what is important; however, we do not always devote time to meaningful things. 

Here’s what I mean, if I did an audit of your time, would I be able to tell where your priorities are? What is important to you? Above all, what brings meaning to your life? Or would I see a schedule that is overwhelmed with items that leave you in a loop of busyness? Figuring out priorities and what gets your time is something that I work on with my clients. After all, we get to choose what gets our attention.

Overwhelmed? How to be less busy

How to be less busy

During this series, Overwhelmed? How to be less busy. We will look at ways to simplify your life to be less busy and prioritize meaningful things.

When we stop being so busy, it creates space to declutter our minds. It allows us to know what makes us happy. In the end, we all want to feel as if we are living a happy life.

I was curious about happiness, so I googled: What percentage of Americans are happy. This was the very first article that came up for me: Americans are the unhappiest they’ve been in 50 years; a poll finds Just 14% of U.S. adults say they’re happy. Here is the link.

14% of Americans are happy! Am I the only one that thinks something is wrong with that? A point to consider is the poll was done in 2020 around COVID. Since I’m a curious person, I wondered about it now. Thank goodness Google makes research simple.

Here is an article I read, in short: In 2021, happiness took a significant hit across the board.

Based on the numbers, we have a lot of room for improvement on the happiness front.


Little Side Note

Do you have thoughts about being busy and overwhelmed? Try doing a mind sweep and write down every single thought that comes to your mind. No judgment, write them all down. If you stall, keep writing ‘What Else?’ Until you get deep and uncover the root. Once the root is uncovered journal on this thought until you release it for a new better thought. Be patient, this has taken me weeks before, and releasing gets easier and quicker.

Don't forget this is a series!

We will cover topics about your time, self-care, routines, priories, saying no, schedules, time wasters. It will be all good stuff. Do not miss a post; if you’d like to be notified every Wednesday when the post goes live, subscribe here.

Leave you with this final thought.

Busy is actually just a thought. I know what you’re thinking; busy is not a thought. I have a to-do list to prove it to you. I get it; I wore my busy badge with pride. My thoughts told me that I would not progress towards my goals if I wasn't busy.

Before I became curious about personal development and how thoughts create your results, I said the same thing.

As a result, shifting my thinking opened up a new world of possibilities. What if it’s true? If you shift your thinking around busy and the thought of not having enough time for what brings you joy.

For what purpose are you stuck in the mindset of busy? How is it serving you? What would happen if you decided that being busy was a thought?

I know you’re ready right now to ditch your busy badge. If you’re interested in changing your thoughts, I have a spot with your name on it in my private coaching. Spots are limited. Apply Today.

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the essential points, you know, for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • Do you find yourself in a loop of busyness?
  • Our culture believes we should be putting more and more on our plates.
  • Have you stopped to think about what we are sacrificing?
  • We pack more and more into our days.
  • We know what is important; however, we do not always devote time to meaningful things.
  • Just 14% of U.S. adults say they’re happy.
  • Busy is actually just a thought.
Find Balance Digital Download

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

Waiting to Start? Procrastination

Waiting to Start? Procrastination

Do you have a goal or dream you’ve been waiting to start? When you have more time, you’ve finished your certification, or are you procrastinating? Procrastination is your obstacle to overcome on the way to achieving your goals.

Set to Repeat

Let me guess, you wake up every day with your dream in your heart, thinking that maybe today is the day that you’ll have time to get started. Only to end your day with yet again another day of waiting to start on that goal.

Living each day as if you’re on repeat. Life is happening right now; it’s not three months from now when you’ll have that certification or more time.

Here is the hard truth: you will never have more time. Now, this is important; you’ll still have the same 24 hours in the day that you have now.

When I woke up to this truth, I began to shift. I stopped letting procrastination be my biggest obstacle. After that, I went from hoping something would happen to creating plans and believing it was happening.

You need to do the scary thing to move forward.

The bigger the dream goal, the more the brain will kick in to keep us safe. This is normal. Put it aside and start making your dreams a priority. Choose your goal.

To put it another way, no more choosing the obstacles of procrastination. In the end, the choice is always yours.

By the way, If you need help getting out of the repeat cycle of procrastination, I got you. This is what I do with my private coaching clients. Here is the link to my private coaching application.

Get Crystal Clear

I’m sure you’ve heard it before when you take time to create a plan for what you want to accomplish, you no longer have to try and figure out what to do. Creating plans allow you to make decisions ahead of time.

When we are not clear, it will put us in the procrastination cycle. As a result, our mind begins to feel overwhelmed and out of control with all the decisions. Then it is easier not to do anything at all.

It can be messy when it’s all stuck in your head. All the to-do items floating around that you’d like to get done.

Take time to get it out of your head. Sit down, relax and do a mind sweep of the actions to be done to bring your dreams to life.

Waiting to Start? Procrastination Is Your Obstacle

Create the Map

Then with all your action items, begin to create a road map of all the small steps that you need to do to make it happen.

The trick is to take your list of action items and start to put them in order. Some prefer to reverse engineer the goal, beginning with the end in mind and working backward.

By working backward, you will see a clear vision of all the actions to be done.

Here’s the big secret: block time on your calendar to get the work done. By doing this, you’re creating space in your day to overcome the procrastination obstacle.

Time on your calendar means you know precisely what to do and when. Suddenly, your days will go from waiting to start to doable and done.

Do you have a big goal that you’ve been waiting for more time to start? I invite you back next week as I kick off my series on creating routines to simplify your life to stop being so busy.

When we create routines it helps us to simplify our lives to eliminate everyday decisions and give you more time and brain space to go after your dreams.


Little Side Note

When you’re waiting to start on your goal. Remind yourself that you can do hard things. You’ve got this! I believe in you.

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • Procrastination is your obstacle to overcome on the way to achieving your goals.
  • Here is the hard truth: you will never have more time.
  • You need to do the scary thing to move forward.
  • When we are not clear, it will put us in the procrastination cycle.
  • Here’s the big secret: block time on your calendar to get the work done. By doing this, you’re creating space in your day to overcome the procrastination obstacle.

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

Find Balance Digital Download
Little Tiny Decisions

Little Tiny Decisions

Take a moment and think about all the little tiny decisions you’ve made today. The good, bad, and the ugly little decisions that you made and probably didn’t give it a second thought. Do you know how all those little tiny decisions are adding up to have a long-term effect on your life?

Negative little tiny decisions add up

All the tiny decisions we make at the moment do not seem like much. The five dollars here or twenty dollars there. An extra bar or cookie to get you through the afternoon slump. Just one more episode of the latest binge-worthy TV show. All of those negative little tiny decisions at the moment will add up to negatively impact our lives in the long run.

Making negative little decisions will compound over time. We try to think that they won’t but they do. Those little tiny decisions compound into extra weight, decreased physical health, or missing a saving goal you’ve set for yourselves.

For me personally, an area that is a point of frustration is my little purchases. Amazon makes it so easy for me to spend five-dollar here or twenty dollars there. Thoughtless purchases that in the end do not add to my overall joy or happiness in my life.

Add up to overall stress

In fact, those impulsive purchases that at the moment I didn’t think much about and in the end actually add to my overall stress. Once I make that little tiny decision to buy now what other decisions will I need to make once it’s in my home? Will I truly love it or will it end up in the donation pile along with the guilt of money poorly spent. 

Do you see how little tiny decisions can add up to clutter in our homes and in our minds?

The regret lingers long after the action is done.

Little Tiny Decisions

What to do instead

As part of my self-coaching practice. I’m writing down all my negative little tiny decisions. Followed by, writing down what I will do next time instead.

Here is one of my entries, maybe you’ll be able to relate, maybe not.

I wish I hadn’t eaten the second bar. Now I feel sick. Next time, I’m going to pause. Remind me that one was so satisfying and it’s my thoughts trying to trick me. My thoughts. I’m good with just one bar. I’m proud of myself for saying no and sticking to only one.

Why write it down? 

By writing this down and what I want I’ll do next time. I'm working to reframe the way I think. In Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) this is called a pattern interrupt.

What I’m doing is interrupting my current pattern of thinking to make what I feel are better little tiny decisions.

Even as I think about making better decisions I feel lighter, happier, at peace. It’s the feeling I want to carry with me all day long, every day.

Do you have areas in your life where your little decisions are starting to add up on you?

Are they adding up for the positive or the negative?

Have you given any thought to how they make you feel?

If you need that encouraging voice in your ear, the private coach to help you interrupt your current thought patterns. I invite you to apply to work with me. Here is the link


Little Side Note

Waiting to Start? Procrastination Is Your Obstacle this is the topic for next week, be sure to mark your calendar or subscribe here to be notified.

✁ Just a Snippet 

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • The good, bad, and the ugly little decisions that you made and probably didn’t give it a second thought
  • All of those negative little tiny decisions at the moment will add up to negatively impact our lives in the long run.
  • Those little tiny decisions compound into extra weight, decreased physical health, or missing a saving goal you’ve set for yourselves.
  • Little tiny decisions can add up to clutter in our homes and in our minds
  • Write down all my negative little tiny decisions. Followed by, writing down what you will do next time instead.
  • What I’m doing is interrupting my current pattern of thinking to make what I feel are better little tiny decisions.

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

Find Balance Digital Download