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Feel The Disappointment In Yourself

Feel The Disappointment In Yourself

Disappointment in yourselves, right? We've all been there. Some of us a little bit more than others. What if you choose to feel the disappointment and look for what it shows you. 

What are you talking about, Michele?

Now I get your confusion around “feeling” disappointment. Heck, pretty sure up until I deep-dived into thoughts and feelings that caused my actions that created results, I walked around ignoring what I was truly thinking and feeling. You’re preaching to the choir. It’s okay because this took me a little bit myself to get.

What the heck does that mean?

Yeah. Right? What does that mean? When I’m feeling disappointed in myself, this tends to come up when I'm dwelling on the past.

When I’m disappointed and stuck in the past, dwelling on something that I have zero ability to change, where does that show up in my body? Trust me; once you focus your attention like actually pay attention to your body, you’ll begin to notice the physical sensation of how disappointment feels in your body.

As you’re paying attention, the physical feeling comes up. Sit with it; let it be there. Take notice, say, Hey Disappointment, I see you.

Feel the Disappointment

Here’s the thing I was constantly thinking about the next thing, never pausing to sit and acknowledge that I was disappointed. 

Here’s the interesting part, you'll physically feel it somewhere in your body. It’s the quiet, muted feel. You must be wondering what I mean; it’s the feeling of butterflies when you are nervous. Or that pit you feel in your stomach. That’s what I mean. 

Here’s why that's important when you do take notice, that will be how it shows up again. 

Then, you’ll be like oh hey, disappointment. Let’s go ahead and feel you. Let’s go ahead and honor that you’re feeling disappointed. You’ll feel it in your body, let the feeling run entirely through you, and then dissipate. 

I know what you’re thinking; yes, you'll know exactly what I mean when you pay attention to how it shows up and feels in your body. 

All from a different angle 

When that's showing up for you, what if you choose to look at things from a different perspective? Yeah. What if you decide to look at disappointment from giving feedback rather than as failure. 

Personally, disappointment in myself comes when I'm impatient and I feel that things should happen faster instead of actually accepting that things happen when they're supposed to happen.

Not when I think I’m ready for them to come in, but when my higher self knows it’s ready for me. 

Here's what happens when we've got all the learnings that we need to receive, then we're better equipped to handle it. 

Get out the Journal

If you’ve been around here a hot minute, you know how I feel about journaling and its importance to your mental wellbeing. 

It allows me to get all those thoughts out of my head and onto paper to examine them and see what's going on. Like literally, when you're writing it down on a piece of paper, you can see your thoughts. As I write across the page and hold that pen to that paper, I can let go of what I hold too tightly. So tightly that's no longer serving me and who I want to become or what I want to do as I'm writing it out.

I'm also visualizing what I'm holding onto so very tightly. I can see what I'm holding onto so tightly in my mind.

Feel The Disappointment In Yourself

Now, let it go

As you visualize your disappointment, watch as you slowly let it go until the last tiny thread is released from your hands. Watch it float gently away from you. Can you see that? 

Are you seeing it float away from you in your mind? 

That's how I vision when I'm letting go of something, how that floats gently away as if it’s a piece of fabric in the wind. Feel the disappointment in your body and let it flow through you like a sheer piece of fabric, visualize and let that float beautifully away from you. 

As you're watching that fabric float gently away from you next, write out what you are choosing to feel instead of disappointment in yourself. 

Examine Your Disappointment

Where have you been disappointed with yourself? Step back into that time. I want you to feel what you are feeling.

I want you to hear what you heard, was somebody speaking with you? Were you talking out loud to yourself? Were you just talking to yourself in your brain? 

What were your thoughts and your feelings, and what did you hear? 

I'm only guessing your self-talk was not bright and cheery when you were disappointed in yourselves. It’s never is bright and cheerful self-talk. Let me guess; it was negative and mean. Words that you would never speak to your sister, friends, or daughter. 

When you’re disappointed in yourself, it may be because you have an exceptionally high standard for yourselves. I don't know about you, but I know I fall into that trap. Don’t get me wrong; high standards are a good thing. The problem is those exceptionally high standards are shooting for the moon. When you do not land on the moon, you choose to feel disappointment in yourself versus celebrating the small successes. 

It all boils down to this disappointment is only a thought that you have about yourself. Rather than holding onto that thought of disappointment. What if you let that emotion wash through you, let the disappointment be fleeting. Let it be a fleeting thought that goes away. As quickly as it comes, look at why you're thinking and feeling disappointed. Is it because you expect perfection, so aim for what you perceive as perfection and be happy with excellence. 

Above all, look at disappointment as a redirection for where you need to go. If you find you're stuck in disappointment, do a mind sweep of all of the thoughts and feelings you have that are causing you to feel disappointed in yourself. 

What is one small action you can take to put you on the right path to a better thought and a better feeling? Look at your disappointment from a neutral place.

Pat on the Back, Self Praise

Remove the label

What is the label? Is it good, or is it bad? Good and bad, those are labels. Labels you put on things are either good or bad. 

It's just someone stating the news to you. Although this may be true, remove your own emotional biased; you were created with free will. You can use your free will to move you out of disappointment, or you can use it to keep you stuck in the thoughts of disappointment. Know that you get to choose what you think and your following action. 

Suppose you need that person in your corner to help you work through your disappointment and the things you have going on in your life and someone to be there to help you move forward to the next best action.I invite you to apply for my private coaching. Here is the link. 

I appreciate you. Thank you so much for your time, and I'll see you back here next week.

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

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Not Doing Enough

Not Doing Enough

Do you know that feeling when your brain is stuck, spinning in the thoughts of I'm not doing enough, I should be doing so much more. Oh, if you are not familiar with those thoughts, please talk to me in the comments below because I would love to hear your secret and how you’ve overcome this thought pattern. 

How you show up

That nagging feeling that you should be doing more? You are triggering your thoughts and feelings of not doing enough. Do you wonder how that causes you to show up? 

As an example, are you showing up in a hurry? Is it causing you to show up distracted? Consequently, is it causing you to show up distant and preoccupied with the long list of other things you should be doing more of?

As a result, you're not fully present at that moment. 

Where is your mind trap? 

I want you to go ahead and take a step back and look at your thoughts. What areas in your life do you feel as if you are not doing enough and you should be doing more? 

Undoubtedly, we get into the mind trap of I'm not doing enough. I should be doing more—all of those guilty thoughts spin in your mind. 

Meanwhile, you're thinking I'm not spending enough time with my spouse, partner, or significant other, whoever that is for you. Questioning, am I spending enough time with my children? Maybe you’re holding onto the guilt of not spending enough time with your parents? 

You’re likely an adult child with a very busy family of your own, but still, you hold onto that guilt that you are not doing enough. Nevertheless, those thoughts cycle through your brain on repeat.

Recycling the thought of Not Doing Enough

They're constantly recycling. I can guarantee when you do that; you are not feeling all warm and fuzzy inside.


When you recycle those beliefs, when you have them on repeat in your head, they will leave you feeling stressed and probably guilty. 

Why, for what purpose do those negative thoughts and feelings serve you? What if, instead of circling the drain question, am I doing enough. What if you decide to believe that it is enough for who you are right now and at this time in your life. It is okay, give yourself permission and decide you are doing enough. 

Maybe in the future, you'll be able to give more. However, you are completely tapped out at this time in your life.

You have nothing else to give to anyone else. Trying to give and give is causing you to attempt to pour from an empty cup.

The Guilt of Not Doing Enough

And we all know that we can't do that. 

We can't pour from an empty cup. We need to take care of ourselves first before taking care of others. 

And it never turns out well, as it's impossible to keep that up for the long term, you may be able to do it for a little while, but in the end, at some point, you have to decide it is enough. 

And let me tell you, once that decision is made, yes, this is enough. 

This is enough. I don't need to do anymore. 

We show up differently. We feel lighter, happier, and more present. Think about how much better you'll feel when spending time with your family, spouse, children, or parents.


Little Side Note

Really take a look at your life. Where else do you need to decide that you’re doing enough? ​

Fully Present

You will be fully present for them because you know in your heart that you are doing enough for who you are right now this moment. Because now when you show up and spend time with them fully present. 

Rather than guilt, you come at it from the feeling of pure happiness and joy because now you are allowing yourself to truly, genuinely enjoy those precious moments with your loved ones. 

So the next time, friends, you find your brain begins to swim, swim in the thoughts that I'm not doing enough. I want you to pause and step back. Instead of thinking of how you are not doing enough, I want you to give yourself grace. 

And I want you to decide that what you’re doing right now is enough. 

If your life feels like it's spinning entirely out of control and you're in that constant cycle of I'm not doing enough, I should be doing more. I get it. I got you. So together, in six months, we can talk about all of these things and stop that endless spinning for you. Yes, your life is meant to be enjoyed. I invite you to apply for my private coaching. The link is down below. I'll see you back here next week. Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate you, and you have a great week.

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

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Change Your Negative Thinking

Change Your Negative Thinking

What’s your attitude towards yourself? What is your self-image? How do you approach life? Do you view things from a half-empty or half-full perspective? Do you believe that you can change your negative thinking and negative self-talk?

Would you like to become a person that views life from a positive thinking and positive self-talk perspective?

What are the benefits of overcoming negative thinking?

Are you wondering if there are any benefits to overcoming negative thinking and negative self-talk? I’m so glad you ask. According to an article from Mayo Clinic, The positive thinking that usually comes with optimism is a key part of effective stress management. And effective stress management is associated with many health benefits. I agree when they say you can learn positive thinking skills if you tend to be pessimistic, don’t despair.

Link to the article.

Sweet, I think that’s good news is you can absolutely learn positive thinking skills. 

Along with positive thinking will come positive self-talk.

You change from the inside out, which begins with shifting your negative thinking and self-talk to kinder, positive thinking and self-talk.

Your Words Matter

Words Matter – What do you say to yourself that you would not say to others. 

What words are your nemesis? Even if you’re using positive words, what is your energy with these words? Do you use positive words, but have a negative feeling while saying them. This too will shift as your self-image shifts.

Your Judgement 

Begin to pay attention to the thoughts of judgment that you have for yourself or for others. 

This will shine a light on the areas of your negative thinking. Give yourself grace, we can’t always control our first thought, but we can control all the thoughts following that. Please do not be ashamed of yourself or your thoughts.

Change Your Negative Thinking and Negative Self-Talk

Shift the Old Patterns

Shifting the old patterns of negative self-talk and thinking begins with awareness. It is a decision to no longer speak to yourself negatively. What if you drop the old pattern of negative self-talk? Look for ways to flip the script in your head from the negative to the positive. Be patient. This is a practice. 

Here are a few examples of how to do this.

  • I’m not able to change. Shift it, too I’m willing to give change a try.
  • I don’t know how to do it. Shift it to That’s okay, I may not know right now, and I’m figuring it out. The answers are coming. The answers always come.
    • I know for sure that this one works, as I use it. It was given to me by my coach and I’m giving it to you to try out. 
  • Pause and get clear about why you're speaking to yourself in a negative matter.
  • Take notice of your self-talk.
  • You’ll be more aware as you pay attention to your patterns. The things that trigger you into negative thinking and self-talk.
  • Pay attention to your repeat or nagging questions. Turn your question into a sentence. That’s your thought error. It’s essential to notice your thoughts.
  • Practice positive thinking. Begin to create a habit of positive thinking.


Little Side Note

Remember who you are. You are special. Don’t let yourself talk you out of that.

Self Love

Have you heard of Mirror Work before? If not, please let me introduce you to the late Louise Hay and Mirror Work. Lousie says that mirror work is the most effective method she found for learning to love yourself and see the world as a safe and loving place. I encourage you to read this post on What is Mirror Work?

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

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