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When I started my business in 2016, one of the first things I did was research how do I turn my idea into an online business? My idea was to work from home as a virtual assistant. I researched all the things such as; writing a business plan, figure out your niche, who is your ideal client, what services you want to provide, the list goes on and on. All the information can be overwhelming. How do you turn your idea into an online business?

My struggle

As a newbie to the online world and entrepreneurship, I thought that I had a really good idea for my work-from-home business I went out and did all the hard stuff that turns out was the way easy stuff.

I did all the research on the competitors that were offering similar services.

I spent extensive time building a business plan. I invested in online learning. I thought I had everything figured out logistically such as contracts, invoices, proposals, software all the things like that I needed to onboard the clients and make an impact.

Don’t get me wrong, those pieces are essential when you turn an idea into an online business. As it turns out, I also believe those are the easy part of starting your online business.

Yes, I do know that sounds crazy. But stay with me here, the actual hard part is getting out of your own way. That was my struggle when it came to turning my idea into an online business.

I can almost hear you thinking what the heck is she even talking about. The problem was as a new online entrepreneur I let my monkey minds get in the way of the things that I wanted to achieve in my online business.

No Stones Coming From Here

If you are experiencing the monkey mind, let me assure you that no stones will be coming from this direction, LOL. You see it takes one to know one, am I right?

This was me when I started out going from an employee to an entrepreneur. I did all those things, all those easy things. Thinking they were the hard things.

Here’s the main issue with that, doesn’t matter how fabulous your business plan is or your onboarding process if you do not have the confidence to put yourself out there and find clients that need the services you are offering.

Turn An Idea Into An Online Business

All the things

If you take months to get everything on the back end figured out, you have zero money coming into the business. That’s the problem.

How do you even know if people want what you have to offer?

The solution is simple, start with a beta test for your idea.

When you start with a beta, it allows you to figure out if there is actual interest in your offer.

Here’s why it’s important to validate your offer, you will bring money in the door and it builds your confidence to actually provide that service or create that course.

With a beta, you’ll figure out if you’re on the right track. Are you giving people what they actually want versus what you think they want? Because they are truly two different things.

Stops the Worry

Because the thing is when you build that confidence piece of what you have to offer, your idea is desirable for people.

This my Friend, in turn, helps you to not worry.

Worry about saying the wrong thing, worry about putting the wrong social posts out on social media, worrying about all those things that come along when you aren't confident in what you're doing, what you’re saying, and putting out there in the world.

The hard part to Turn An Idea Into An Online Business

The hard part is when you're just getting started and you do not have that confidence to getting out there and tell others about your offer.

The hard part is staying focused when you hear no to your idea.

It feels so personal. But, it is not. It is the feedback to tweak how you are presenting your idea to others.

It's having the confidence to keep going even when you do not get the yes.

Fortunately for me, as a former sales rep, I understood that you have to get a lot of no before you hear a yes.

As long as you have the confidence that you have a solution to a problem. You don't have to worry about any of the other things.

The result of worry will get you absolutely nowhere to turn an idea into an online business. It will only keep you stuck in worry and questioning if you're doing the right thing or not.

Say You Can

Guess what, I believe in you, I know that you can go out and have the confidence to turn an idea into an online business.


Little Side Note

I have a mean girl, how about you?
I can hear her whisper to me anytime that I’m having doubts in regards to my ability. She is attempting to keep me safe, really she only keeps me stuck.
Because I know that I’m a mean girl, I’m able to do the work need to shut her down to change my thinking about myself. If you’re a new online entrepreneur, this work is essential to your success.

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • I researched all the things such as; writing a business plan, figure out your niche, who is your ideal client, what services you want to provide, the list goes on and on.
  • I found out that the actual hard part is getting out of your own way.
  • It doesn’t matter how fabulous your business plan is or your onboarding process if you do not have the confidence to put yourself out there and find clients that need the services you are offering.
  • If you take months to get everything on the back end figured out, you have zero money coming into the business. That’s the problem.
  • How do you even know if people want what you have to offer?
  • Because the thing is when you build that confidence piece of what you have to offer, your idea is desirable for people.
  • The hard part is when you're just getting started and you do not have that confidence to getting out there and tell others about your offer.
  • The hard part is staying focused when you hear no to your idea.
  • Get your offer out there!