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Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Streamline Your Wellness Podcast Production in Four Steps

Creating content for your wellness podcast can feel overwhelming, especially when juggling everything else as the chief doer and decision-maker in your online business. But having a solid system to organize your content is a game changer for your productivity. A structured approach to your podcast episodes and accompanying content is also essential. This simplifies managing your online presence and ensures you reach the people who desperately need your wellness tips and guidance. Let’s discuss how to streamline your wellness podcast process to create quality episodes that connect with your ideal client. This is key to building lasting relationships and trust with your potential clients.

Today, we will discuss four steps to integrate into your routine.

We'll cover four essential steps to integrate into your routine. By establishing a consistent podcast content process, brainstorming session topics regularly, crafting high-quality episodes, and publishing consistently, you'll engage your listeners with content that reflects your unique approach to wellness, making it a simple choice for anyone interested in improving their health and wellbeing.

Streamline Your Wellness Podcast Process

Setting up a content creation process may sound daunting.

I've heard it before. But trust me, it's absolutely vital.

You see, when you set up a streamlined content creation process for your podcast, it sets you up for success. 

Here’s how you can keep it simple and effective: Start by planning your episode topics. Think about subjects or themes you can talk about extensively that are related to your specific coaching niche and dive deep into. Map out the major pillars of content or categories you want to cover in your podcast, ideally no more than six. If your goal is to increase listener engagement or grow your audience, choose topics that are relevant and deeply interesting to your listeners. You want these topics to resonate with them on their wellness journey.

Give them those juicy little tips that you know work. I'm currently into plant-based eating, and I've been listening to many wellness shows about it. This way of eating is new to me, and I don't understand it. 

For example, a friend recommended the book Fiber Fueled. I read it in three days and have recommended it to at least three people. I want to learn more. Where was the next place I turned to receive knowledge and insights? Podcasts. 

I’m always looking for new podcasts with deeply interesting topics. Guess what? So is your ideal client. Podcasts are a great way to connect with a broader audience and the right people. Understand your listeners and the problem they are actively searching to solve. This begins by creating content about their specific wellness interests and challenges. What are they dealing with? Diet? Fitness? Mindset?

Are they making an overall lifestyle change like I am right now?

You really want to hone in on these themes when you're creating those episode topics or categories.

Step One: Create Your Content Calendar and Schedule Your Recordings.

A well-organized content calendar for your podcast episodes is essential to avoid the pitfalls of random publishing, which plagues many podcasts. If you're new to podcasting, a pro tip is to have at least ten episodes ready to go before you even publish your first one, ensuring you're ahead of the curve. 

Maintain a consistent routine of scheduling and recording episodes in alignment with your promotional calendar.

If you need help finding a project management tool that works best for you, just pick one, try it, and go. Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t overthink it. I’ve overthought my project management tool for so long. I'm with Asana, and I landed on Asana because it worked best for my team.

Keep that in mind as well because if you're planning to grow and have a Content VA on your team, you want something simple and easy for you and for them to use. There's no one right system. There's only the system that you'll actually use.

Step Two: Brainstorming Your Wellness Topics

For wellness podcasters, brainstorming is vital to keep your content fresh and engaging.

Be curious about the different things that your audience cares about. If you are completely at a standstill with your ideas, go to social media. Look at what questions people have asked you in your posts. Create a story asking their burning questions about your wellness coaching topic.

If you're not getting a lot of engagement, where else is your ideal client hanging out?

Are they in a Facebook group where you can look at some of the questions people ask? That can help you with your idea generation because you want it to be something you can talk about endlessly when doing this.

Make sure that you're keeping your ideas organized.

You always want to keep track of those great episode ideas. Organize all your thoughts neatly so that you can find something interesting to discuss. You can call it a catalog of your ideas. But you just want to ensure you have one central location for your ideas.

Listen to Episode 055 | Effortless Idea Capture: 3 Tech Tools for Busy Online Business Owners This is a great episode to revisit so you can find a way to capture your ideas that work for you.

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | 3 Ways To Capture Your Ideas For Online Business Owners

Step Three: Developing Engaging Podcast Episodes

If you want your listeners to stay to the end of your podcast, keep it exciting. Provide valuable content and information that is easy for them to implement, as well as tips and tricks that make their wellness journey simple and easy. 

Not only that, know your audience's attention span when creating your outline or script. Personally, I like short podcasts that are 10-20 minutes long. My husband, on the other hand, loves long podcasts. He does a lot of driving for his job, and he wants to be able to put on a four-hour podcast and listen to one topic for the whole day. What does your ideal listener want?

What are the episode titles intriguing to your potential listeners?

Although, I don't know if I've gotten this one down pat yet, but your content should deliver that valuable insight into their wellness that keep them coming back episode after episode after episode.

Engaging titles should be clear and concise. Then, you should let them know the actual problem that you're solving because you want to pique their curiosity and ensure that they hit the play.

I do find when I say four tips, three tips, five tips, whatever. Those titles seem to do a little bit better.

I'm a huge fan of Stephanie Gass's Online Business for Christian Women's podcast. In episode 699, she covers four podcast title hacks you need to use to attract more listeners. Here is the link. I encourage you to listen to that one because she has brilliant ideas in it.

You need to streamline your wellness podcast process, including developing engaging episodes. This one is your magic sauce. When you speak about topics that you’re passionate about, your episode will be naturally engaging.

Each episode should offer actionable wellness insight. Make sure that you're using welcoming, understandable language for the newcomers to your podcast and really inviting them into your world. But you also want to make sure that you're holding enough value in there so that the people who have been with you for a while are still finding value in what you have to offer along their wellness journey.

Publishing and Promoting Your Episode is Step Four

The final step is publishing and promoting your episode effectively. Because friends, what's the point of creating awesome content if it doesn’t get the ears it deserves? You want people to be able to find your podcast so you can boost your reach and impact to more of your ideal clients or your target audience, whatever you want to call them.

How do you ensure that your episodes make that impact?

Besides putting your podcast on all the big platforms, like Spotify and Apple Podcast, you also want to promote it on social media so people know about it. I love Pinterest, which is a search engine rather than a social media platform. Part of my promotion strategies is to create pins for my podcast episodes and blog posts on Pinterest. I know Pinterest works because I see it as a traffic source in my Google Analytics.

Remember that you can use ChatGPT to easily and without effort repurpose your podcast transcript into an SEO-friendly blog post. You just need to give it a once-over because sometimes it throws things in there that are fluffy and flowery. If you’re curious, this is the prompt that I use for this post:

Here is the transcript from Episode 79 of the Content Systems for Growth podcast. Please edit this for me. Keep my words and tone. Please optimize this to be readable and SEO-friendly for the keyword “Streamline Your Wellness Podcast Process.” Do not add in any fluffy or flowery language. 

You can also ask ChatGPT to summarize the podcast as a beginning caption for your social media posts.

Once it's been published, you want to make sure that you are tracking your performance.

Your numbers tell a story about the topics that resonate the most with your listeners. You can see your top downloaded episodes and listen to episodes. So, if you're hitting a sweet spot with your audience, make sure you're coming back to that same topic and discussing it in a different way. We all understand things differently, and we need to hear it more than once. It’s been a while, but I read research that we must listen to the same message over ten times before it sticks with us.

You never know what will resonate with one person over another.

Of course, I touched on it before, but you want to repurpose your content. Make sure that your podcast episodes are being turned into blog posts. Recently, Google Podcasts began directing everything to YouTube. You’ll want to have YouTube as part of your distribution channel because YouTube is the second most used search engine behind Google. Boost your reach by ensuring you're getting your content in the right places to be easily searchable.

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From Overwhelmed to Thriving: Your Content Creation Simplified Journey Starts Here!

Okay, friends, it's Time To Wrap This Up. 

Streamline your wellness podcast process, and you simplify content creation, making it both rewarding and effective. You can ensure that your message reaches and resonates with the right people. 

Let’s simplify your content creation process together and make it as rewarding and effective as possible. I have private coaching spots available if you’re interested in taking this further. 

Thank you so much for reading. I appreciate you, and I hope you have a wonderful week, friend.