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Is this ever you? It’s the end of the day you’re reflecting on the stuff that you worked on in your online business. Even though you were busy bee looking back your heart sinks as you realize that time and hard work were directed at items that will not push you into the six-figure club anytime soon. Heck, you’d be lucky if it brought you a coffee at your local coffee shop. How do you step into clarity and stop wasting time on stuff that is not moving you forward?

What is stepping into clarity?

You must be wondering, what do you need to do to actually step into clarity and why is it even important as an entrepreneur.

Stepping into clarity is getting crystal clear on your actual topic, the thing that you love to talk but it is so second nature you don't realize that you love to talk about it.

Here’s the interesting part discovering your thing that can be hard. I had a coach tell me it's really hard to read the label from inside the bottle. That one phrase has stuck with me.

Because it is really hard to read the label from inside the bottle. Sometimes you need to have somebody else to guide you through that in order to figure it out.

Figuring Out Your Thing

And now you’re thinking, what is my label? Fortunately, there’s a simple solution pay attention to the thing that people seek you out for to ask about.

What do you have so much life experience with that you could talk about it for days. Or is it the thing that you think you’re not an expert in but really you are? The thing that you love so much even though you’ve taken hundreds of online courses you can’t help yourself to sign up for 101. Is that your thing?

Step into Clarity

So what is your thing?

So instead of starting and stopping, or trying to do too many things, what is the one offer that you could focus on to actually make your business easy, and to make everything else come easy to you?

Stepping into clarity on want you want to offer allows you to put you're focused on one thing.

And the best part is, with all your time and energy focused you’ll know what is that next action to create an offer.

You have the idea

How do you know if your idea is the right offer? Stepping into clarity on your offer will be something that people want, need, and ask you about. You will feel comfortable and confident talking about it.

Stay on your path

Stay with me now, please not get discouraged if clients aren’t knocking down your door in the beginning.

Focus on one person at a time. That's a perfect place to start. Keep on putting your offer out there for prospective clients. Sales it's really just a numbers game. It is making sure that you talk to enough people to be able to find the ones that actually resonate with your message, your offer, and what you have.

It's getting clear on your path to know when you start to stray off of it. When the next shiny object starts to pull you away from your offer before you’re finished. You're creating that clear path of where you need to go in your business.

Once you have a plan in place, then you can tell when you start to get off track a little bit. That’s okay step back into that clarity.

It boils down to this, gaining that confidence and belief in yourself.

Because you can do this, you absolutely can do this.

We all have our stories

We all have our stories that we tell ourselves when stuff feels difficult in our business.

Case in point, this stepping into clarity happened during a coaching session with a client.

She’s been struggling in business for the last few years. Frustrated, stressed, and overwhelmed with all the decisions.

She was jumping from one offer to the next without taking the time to understand what makes her shine. She was only focused on finding an offer that made money.

She loves to talk about simple living, her garden, her farm but never truly stepping into clarity or confidence on her offer. Instead, she was going back and forth with what she could offer that she thought people would want to buy.

Her list of coulds was long. She had so many things, so many half-built ideas she could do and offer. Not one of those offers truly made her shine with the energy of excitement.

But what was happening is she wasn't actually stepping into her clarity.

She wasn't looking at what people were seeking her out to asking how she does that. The things that when she talked about it came naturally and you could tell she was excited to talk about it.

So what happens is, that is the intersection of clarity at that point was when she actually figured out what it was that people asked her about and what it was that she truly loved doing. Amazing, isn’t it?

When you get to the intersection of what people seek you out for and a topic that brings out your energy of excitement, That is stepping into clarity of your offer.

Once that became clear, everything else became very simple for her. Her offer became easy to create.

She knew exactly the next actions to take.

I was able to help her fill in on the few that she wasn't sure about or missing.

She finally understood business can feel really simple and easy. When you figure out what you want to offer that brings the energy of excitement, what you love to talk about, what answers your sought out, and what you feel confident doing.

When you're not continually running into self-doubt.

When you step into clarity then all the other pieces seem to fall into place seamlessly without much thought or effort on your part.

The days of wasting time and energy thinking about what you could create seems to go away when you step into clarity as an online entrepreneur.

I hope you found this post beneficial, I look forward to seeing you next week and I appreciate you.


Little Side Note

Where are you not clear in your online business? 

Spend time journaling out your thoughts to get clear on what you love to do. 

Start with a mind sweep and use those as your journaling prompt. 

✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • Stepping into clarity is getting crystal clear on your actual topic, the thing that you love to talk but it is so second nature you don't realize that you love to talk about it.
  • What is your one thing instead of starting and stopping or trying to do too many things.
  • It is getting focused on what comes easy to you.
  • Getting clear on next actions to create an offer
  • Understanding that sales are a numbers game
  • Creating a clear path when you start to stray from your path
  • That is stepping into clarity
  • Having the confidence to believe in yourself
  • One of my coaching clients had a clarity breakthrough. She has been in business for a few years and loves to talk about simple living. But never was finding the right offer for her.
  • She has so many ideas she could do and wasn't stepping into her clarity.
  • During our session, we broke down what she loved to do and what people asked her about all the time.
  • That is the intersection of clarity.