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We are in week three of this goal-setting series. And if you didn't catch the other two, go back and read them. I love helping my clients set and achieve their goals. It's funny in the past; I wasn't the greatest goal-setter; thus, I've become a student. It's the whole master what you're not great at, am I right? In other words, I continue to grow in this aspect of my life. It's one of those topics that I never get tired of researching and reading about. I'm pretty passionate about helping others to find ways they can achieve goals. At last, let's get into this week's topic, setting your smart goals.

Setting your SMART goal

Without a doubt, you've heard the buzz around setting smart goals. You must be wondering what does that actually mean?

I know that in the past, the process of setting smart goals has felt overwhelming to me! It's funny; the first time we set smart goals at conferences with our kids, it was very intimidating to me.

But here's the thing, it's like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger and easier it gets to set smart goals.

This week is all about setting your smart goals.

As a recap of the goal setting and achievement series, we've talked about how to pick your goals. Along with finding your big why. Both of those things are critical.
One, you have to have the goal you're working for. Two, you need to understand why you're passionate about achieving this goal. Your why is essential so that you can actually achieve the goal and not stop working towards it.

So again, if you've not watched the first two videos, go back and watch those and then come back to this one.

How to Set Goals For Yourself – Part One

How to achieve your goals and dreams in life – Part Two

Let’s dive into SMART goal setting

If you have the essentials, your goal, and your why, then you can set a smart goal.

It's time to break down one goal. As I have said in the previous post, if you're new to goal setting, we're only focused on achieving one goal.

S in setting your SMART goal

The S in a smart goal means that your goal is specific and simple. But that's not all you can actually see yourself doing or achieving this goal.

M in setting your SMART goal

The M in a smart goal means it's measurable and meaningful to you. In other words, the whole reason to complete your big why exercise.

Miss Task YouTube Channel Setting Smart Goals

A in setting your SMART goal

The A is this goal actually achievable. You know, in your heart, that you have the potential to actually achieve it. Now, this is important if you're wavering; this shows you a limiting belief.

What limiting belief is getting in your way of achieving that goal? A key piece is discovering where your thoughts hold you back from achieving your goals.

With this in mind, your thoughts and feelings drive your actions that create your results.

What's more, you must be on board with your goal, believe that it's achievable, and feel that you will achieve it.

Yes, you can achieve your goal; I believe it. Do you believe you can actually achieve it?

And again, I know broken record here. Yet, if you're new to goal setting or goal achievement, start with only one goal; it's so important.

R in setting your SMART goal

The R is your goal realistic? Are you able to actually achieve this goal without giving up on it? Because it's too big, ensure you're being realistic when setting your goals.

Whether it is your first time setting a goal or you set a goal and do not follow through. It's even more important the goal is realistic and that you can achieve it.

Because you want to make sure it's a small goal. Remember that small has to do with the timeframe in which you can achieve it. Small goals need only a few action steps.

The larger the goal, the more action step to complete. Right now, we want quick wins! Not a one-year goal that takes you a lot of action steps because that will be very disempowering for you.

T in setting your SMART goal

The T is your timeline. Will this smaller goal keep you on pace to hit an even bigger goal in the future?

Does it move you towards what you want in your life or business?

Your timeline is how long it will take you to reach your goal. Setting a timeline can be tricky; some underestimate, and others overestimate. If you give it too much time, it will fill that space.

Setting good, better, best goals

When setting goals, I believe in setting good, better, best goals. The good goal is what you'd be happy with, and your best goal is never in your wildest dream, imagined hitting it.

Use this real-life conversation with a client as an example of good, better, best goals. She was running a half-marathon the next day.

Client: “I'm trying to be okay with running it just to run it and not have a goal time and quiet the voices in my head that say I'll be sad if I'm not under 2 hours.”

Me: “Set good, better, best goals. Your best could be under 2:00. What do you want for the other two?

Client: “Oooookay I love that!”

Client: “Good – completing it Better – sub 2:10 (that should be faster than 10 min/mile) Best – sub 2:00 (where I think I should be but scared I won't be)”

Me: “Perfect!! Now you will hit one of your goals. 😌”

Guess what? She crushed her best goal!

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Your turn setting a SMART goal

Now, you know what to do. I want you to go ahead and take your goal and walk through the smart system. How will you know that you've achieved the goal, and how do you know you've reached that goal destination.

It's so important. You must understand what you consider to be the end. The moment you have actually achieved your goal.

Why do you need to know when you have reached the end? This gives you the starting point to create your plan.

What most people don't realize it is easier to work backward to create the plan with your action steps.

Keep this simple, how will you know you've reached your goal? What is the very last thing you'll do? So what was the step right before that?

What was the step before that? Continue asking yourself what else, what else. Until you have all the actions, you should take to get to that goal? Sound good? Think small, break down the steps, and you want to ensure that you have all kinds of sub-tasks.

Why is that? The reason for that is you want to be able to take one simple action every single day to move you toward your goal.

What if you have more time? Heck, then you can do two.

By taking little tiny actions every day, it will inch your forward. Instead of cramming all the action in one day.

You are the Little Train That Could, taking small action every single day, every single day.

And the best part is you become a person that achieves your goals. Because you know, every day, you'll work towards that goal.


Here is another way

What if you're a deer in the headlight right now without a clue how to work backward. No worries.

Another way to figure out the action steps to achieve that goal is to mind mapping. Mind mapping is a fantastic tool. If you're creative or visual, this is a great way to figure out all the actions you need to take.

Mind mapping allows you to see it on a piece of paper when you write it out. If you prefer to use software, there are so many various mind mapping software out there that you may try as well.

Here's a quick review. Put your goal in the middle of your page and draw spokes or lines off of that goal. Each line or spoke will be one action.

Then off of that action, you may have different sub-actions or subtasks that need to take place.

Let your mind wander. You will have an action with a subtask, with a subtask of the subtask.

Because there may be different things that you need to do off of that particular task to make it happen. All in all, think of all the back work you would need to do to achieve your goal.

One Final Thought

I hope that's helpful for you. One other thing I want to leave you with is being willing to accept that your plans may change. It may not work out perfectly, and you may run into obstacles along the way that require you to adjust the plan. And that's okay.

Keep focusing on the goal that you're working towards. You've got this. I know you can do it.

Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate you. I'm excited to see you back here next week when we're going to talk about how to follow through on achieving that goal.

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Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

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