Welcome back to my four-part series on goal setting and goal achievement. Have you watched the other three? If you haven't watched the other three, go back and watch them. Week One helps you pick your next goal. Week Two helps you to define your why or the purpose for the goal. Week three is how to set goals SMART, plus developing your plan. This week my friend is about How to set goals and achieve them! You guessed it; if you're the type of person that doesn't follow through on your goals, this one is for you.
Do you actually follow through on your goals?
I'm curious, do you have no problems setting your goals? It's the actual follow-through that gets you?
One Simple Solution
You must be wondering what's a simple solution for you.
Here is a simple solution on how to actually follow through on your goals. The trick is to get yourself an accountability business bestie.
This solution will work for someone that does anything for anybody else but falls short of themselves. It boils down to this time and time again; you fall short of achieving all your goals.
Let me elaborate, if a friend were to ask you to do something, you would do it in a heartbeat. If you're nodding your head in agreeing, this simple solution is right for you. Because friend, you need to find yourself a coach, a mentor, or an accountability bestie.
Have Compassion
Give yourself grace if you get behind on your plan to achieve all your goals. As a matter of fact, revisit your why. In week two, we discuss creating your why. You see, setting your why is so important to know why you are passionate about accomplishing this goal.
Hey friend, you've got this! Make sure you have that positive self-talk. Even if you catch your first words as ugly, self-talk it is not a big deal. Instead, pause, give yourself grace, and question that ugly self-talk. Rather than derailing your progress, hit the reset button.
The Key to Setting Goals You’ll Actually Follow Through On
You must be wondering about the key to setting goals you'll actually follow through on.
The solution is simple; it is one teeny tiny action you can take today. This tiny action will put you back on track toward achieving your goal.
What most people don't realize when you get off track, don't worry about it. You can always start again. Trust me. It's okay.
How do you start again? It's easy, make sure it is the first doable action you have on your calendar or your to-do list in the morning.
When you sit at your desk, you must ensure you're eating your frogs first thing in the morning. I've done a previous post and a YouTube video on eating your frogs. Here is the link to that post. Guess what? You're not alone; lots of people procrastinate on achieving their goals.
As a matter of fact, this is one of the biggest obstacles that I see my clients struggle with. It seems there is no difference between a multiple six-figure OBM client or a coaching client.
It is something that people struggle with actually to do the hard things first thing in the morning. But I know you've got this. You can do it for yourself.

You're looking too far down the road.
Let me guess, even though this goal inspires you, you're beginning to feel overwhelmed!
If this is the case, it may be because you're looking too far down the road. What I mean is you’re looking over there to the end when you've achieved your goal. As a result, it feels like it's far off, and you have so many things to do to achieve it. Consequently, it begins to feel overwhelming for you.
These are thoughts. They are feelings causing you to procrastinate out of fear. All of a sudden, it brings up your old story going on in your mind of how you're not a person that achieves goals.
Stop it, yes you are. You are a person that achieves your goals. You are a person that works for your goals. Change your story, too; I am a person that achieves my goals.
For the love, get off the hamster wheel.
Now, this is important. You do not need to stay on the hamster wheel of procrastination on things that matter. The things that are important to you. Or things that you are passionate about because doing the task feels overwhelming.
Do it right in the morning, get it done with, and you will feel proud of yourself.
Guess what happens each time you do the hard task? You are building that confidence that you are a person that achieves your goals. I know you can do this.
If you struggle to follow through on achieving your goals, begin to document what got you off track. Do you see any patterns that triggered you?
Stop overthinking and start doing. Start today and follow through on the hard things. Tell yourself I've got this. I can do hard things.
Little Side Quote
Stick with me here, because…
Stick with me here because if you did a full-on belly laughed at me and said, oh yeah, that's not true. Rarely do I do hard things. It's time to change that mindset.
As the famous quote goes from Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't guess what you're right.”
You can change that mindset. Change that thought; yes, you can do hard things. And it starts today. Today you do hard things because you do not quit. You are not a quitter, and you continue striving to achieve your goals. When you start overthinking, remember it's a reset or a redirection. Should you get off track at all, come back to it again.
You guessed it because you can. Because you are a person that achieves their goals.
If you need to have that coach in your corner to help you achieve those goals, I have a very special offer for you below.
Thank you. I appreciate you. Have a wonderful week.
Applications Open!
Get them while they last.
At the end of each month, only 3 SMART Goal Coaching Sessions are opened up.
Early-bird gets the sessions.
This is set at a heck ya price of $297
(but not for long)

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