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In the world of digital marketing, building lasting connections with your audience is crucial for success. But how do you go about creating those connections? That's where the relationship funnel comes in. Starting from the moment they discover your content, it helps you build strong relationships with your ideal clients. From awareness to conversion, the relationship funnel provides a framework for creating meaningful interactions with your ideal client. Your long-term success will come from building trust and providing value throughout the funnel. For those who are looking to take their digital marketing to the next level, now is the time to start building those lasting connections in the relationship funnel.


As with everything in life, it’s all about connection.

Marketing your business is all about connection and building relationships with your clients. A relationship funnel is a powerful tool that can help you do just that. From awareness to loyalty, this funnel maps out the stages your client goes through as they interact with you and your online business.

By truly understanding each stage, you can tailor your content marketing efforts to meet your ideal client's needs, build trust, and ultimately drive conversions.

Are you ready to dive deep into the relationship funnel and explore how it can be used to create successful marketing campaigns? I'll discuss the key elements of each stage, share best practices for moving clients from one stage to the next, and offer tips for measuring your success along the way. So whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting out, buckle up, Friend, and get ready to learn how to take your marketing efforts to the next level with the relationship funnel.

What is the relationship funnel?

I know all the techie marketing jargon. In essence, the relationship funnel is a marketing model that outlines the process of building and nurturing relationships with your ideal clients. It's a framework for creating meaningful content for your ideal clients, giving them a glimpse into what it is like to work with you. In order to have a business and not just a hobby, the ultimate goal of your content is to convert your ideal client into a loyal one.

The relationship funnel is based on the idea that clients are likelier to do business with people they know, like, and trust. 

I'd do it here if I could sound like a drum roll. 

The relationship funnel is made up of five stages: awareness, interest, desire, action, and loyalty. Each stage represents a different level of engagement with your ideal client, and each stage requires a little different approach. The relationship funnel is not a one-size-fits-all solution but a guide that can be adapted to fit your business needs.

The Five Different Stages of the Relationship Funnel

One Awareness Stage: Attracting Potential Clients

The awareness stage is the first step in the relationship funnel, where you're trying to attract potential clients to your online business. At this stage, your audience likely has not come in contact with you; they are actively searching for a solution to a problem they have. This is where your content needs to shine, make a strong first impression, and grab their attention. C’mon, I can not be the only one who binges on information when I find someone truly speaking to me. 

You must create content that hits on their needs and interests to attract potential clients. This could be in the form of blog posts, podcasts, social media updates, or video content.

The key is to create content that is valuable, informative, and engaging. You want to give your audience a reason to care about your solutions and what you have to offer.

In addition to creating great content, you also need to ensure that your online business is visible where your ideal client spends their time. 

This could mean creating your content so that it can be consumed in a few different ways, such as a podcast turned into a blog post or vice versa. The goal is to get your online business in front of as many potential clients as possible and make a strong first impression. Build those connections, Friend. 

Two Interest Stage: Capturing the Attention of Your Ideal Client

Once you've attracted potential clients to your online business, the next step is to pique their interest. This is where you must provide more detailed information about your business and what you offer. You want to help your audience understand how your business can help them solve their problems or meet their needs.

To capture the interest of potential clients, you need to create content that goes deeper than what you created in the awareness stage. This could be in the form of a free master class, email challenge, or live webinar. The goal is to provide valuable, informative information that helps your ideal clients see the value in what you have to offer and work with you.

In addition to providing valuable content, you also need to make sure that your business is consistent across all of your marketing channels. 

This includes your website, social media profiles, and any other online presence you have. You want to make sure that your online business is easily recognizable and that your audience knows what to expect when they interact with your online business.

Three Consideration Stage: Connect With Potential Clients to Choose Your Online Business

Once you've captured a client's interest, it's time to connect with them so they choose to work with you. This is where you need to differentiate your online business and show your ideal client why you get their current business struggle.

You must create content that showcases your unique skills. This could be in the form of testimonials, case studies, or even discovery calls. The key is to provide social proof that shows your ideal client that your online business is trustworthy and that you deliver on your promises.

In addition to providing social proof, you must also ensure your client understands you get it. Because you do, you’ve walked in their shoes, and you know exactly the struggling and pain points they are trying to solve. Creating content that speaks directly to the exact problem that you solved. The bottom line is you want to help your ideal client. It’s not any fun to watch other business owners struggle when you know you have the exact solution they have been trying to solve.


Quote by Robert Rose-Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content Marketing is showing the world you are one. — Robert Rose

Four Conversion Stage: Turning Ideal Clients into Your Clients

The conversion stage is where you turn potential clients into your clients. This is where you need to make it as easy as possible for your prospective client to take action and purchase your services. 

To convert potential clients into paying clients, you need to create a seamless user experience that makes it super easy for your prospective client to take action. This could mean optimizing your website for conversions, streamlining your booking process, or having a mini offer to test out working with you.

In addition to creating a seamless buying experience, you must ensure that your ideal client understands the value of what they're purchasing. This means creating content that showcases the benefits of your services and helps them see why your offer is the exact solution they have been searching for.

Five Loyalty Stage: Turning Clients into Repeat Buyers and Online Business Cheerleaders

The final stage of the relationship funnel is the loyalty stage. This is where you turn clients into repeat buyers and online business cheerleaders. The goal is to create a loyal client base that will continue to support your online business and spread the word about your services.

To turn clients into repeat buyers and online business champions, you must create a positive client experience that makes your client want to return for more. This could mean providing exceptional client service, offering additional services or courses, or creating a community around your online business. I think Jasmine Star does an amazing job at this with her Social Curator Subscription. 

In addition to creating a positive client experience, you also need to ensure that your online business consistently delivers value. This means continuing to create content that speaks to your client’s needs and struggles by guiding them to get the most out of your courses or services.

Strategies for Each Stage of the Relationship Funnel

Now that we've covered the different stages of the relationship funnel let's take a closer look at some strategies for each stage.

Awareness Stage: Attracting Potential Clients

  • Create valuable content that speaks to your ideal client’s needs and interests.
  • Use social media platforms and influencer partnerships to increase your online business's visibility.
  • Offer free resources or incentives to encourage engagement with your online business.

Interest Stage: Capturing the Attention of Potential Clients

  • Provide more detailed information about your online business and what you have to offer.
  • Create content that is informative, valuable, and engaging.
  • Make sure your online business is consistent across all of your marketing channels.

Consideration Stage: Connect With Potential Clients.

  • Showcase your unique selling proposition through social proof.
  • Position your online business as the best choice for your audience's needs.
  • Create content that speaks directly to your audience's pain points and needs.

Conversion Stage: Turning Potential Clients into Your Clients

  • Create a seamless user experience that makes it easy for your audience to take action.
  • Offer discounts or incentives to encourage purchases.
  • Showcase the benefits of your products or services and help your audience see the value.

Loyalty Stage: Turning Clients into Repeat Buyers and Online Business Champions

  • Provide exceptional client service, and go above and beyond to care for your client.
  • Offer additional services or courses to allow them to continue to work with you.
  • Create a community around your online business and create online business champions or cheerleaders.

Tools and Resources for Implementing Relationship Funnel Marketing

Now that you understand the relationship funnel better and some strategies for each stage, let's look at some tools and resources that can help you implement relationship funnel marketing. By the way, I love technology, I find so much joy in checking out different solutions.

  • Marketing automation software: This software can help you automate your marketing efforts and segment your audience based on where they are in the relationship funnel. Find an email marketing automation solution. I use FloDesk. It is simple and easy to use. 
  • Client relationship management (CRM) software: This software can help you track client interactions and provide personalized experiences based on their needs and interests. I use Honeybook as my CRM. I manage my lead forms, contracts, and invoice from this one system. 
  • Social media management tools: These tools can help you manage your social media presence and engage with your audience across multiple platforms. Oh my goodness, so many options for this one. I use Metricool for my social media scheduler. 


Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue. — Quote by Andrew Davis

Measuring and Analyzing the Success of Your Relationship Funnel

Finally, it's important to measure and analyze the success of your relationship funnel to see what's working and what's not. If you’re not already, here are some metrics I want you to start tracking at each stage:

  • Awareness stage: Traffic to your website, social media engagement, and number of new followers, for podcasts new ratings and reviews, YouTube views, watch time, subscribers
  • Interest stage: Time spent on your website, number of downloads of your podcast, and email open rates
  • Consideration stage: Click-through rates on the links in your emails, discovery calls scheduled, and number of leads generated
  • Conversion stage: Conversion rates, average order value, and client acquisition cost
  • Loyalty stage: Client retention rates, repeat purchase rates, and client satisfaction scores

By tracking these metrics, you can better understand how your marketing efforts impact each stage of the relationship funnel and make adjustments as needed.

If you’ve not implemented metric tracking, I invite you to sign up and download my Google Sheet to get you started.

Get started tracking your results today with our free Know Thy Numbers resource! Simply click the link below to access the Google Sheet and make it your own. Don't miss out on this valuable tool for analyzing and measuring the success of your content marketing efforts. 

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I’ve blabbed enough; it’s time to wrap this up! 

Your content has a big job with all the noise competing for our attention. It is key to building strong relationships with your clients is more important than ever. A relationship funnel is a powerful tool that can help you do just that. By understanding each stage of the funnel and tailoring your marketing efforts to meet the needs of your audience, you can build trust, drive conversions, and create a loyal client base. Watch your content marketing efforts pay off in a big way when you implement relationship funnel marketing.

Thank you so much for reading this, I appreciate you, and I hope you have a wonderful week. 

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