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Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Overplanning Crushing Your Dreams?

You’ve got big dreams, a vision board full of inspiring ideas, and the determination to make it happen. But here’s the hard truth: if you spend too much time crafting the “perfect plan” and not taking action, overplanning might be holding you back and crushing your dreams. Successful people know this: the first step toward achieving your goals isn’t about creating a flawless strategy—it’s about taking action, even if it’s imperfect.

So, let me ask: Are you stuck perfecting the plan, or are you moving toward your dream life? Let’s talk about how overplanning could be crushing your progress and how to get out of your way finally.

Hello, friend. Let’s talk about something I see too often among small business owners and entrepreneurs: overplanning. It’s a habit that can feel like a great place to start, but without the action, it turns into a dream crusher, keeping you stuck instead of moving forward.

Overplanning Crushing Your Dreams: A Cautionary Tale

When the new year rolls around, we often set ambitious yearly goals. We’re full of energy, ready to tackle our big dreams, and we create a solid plan to achieve them. But here’s the cautionary tale: if you spend too much time perfecting your action plan, you might never get to the first step.

Successful people understand that the best thing you can do is take consistent, imperfect action.

Overplanning waters down your progress. Instead of focusing on one area of your life, you end up spreading yourself too thin. And the good news? There’s a powerful way to break this cycle and achieve your dreams on your own terms.


The Fear of Failure and the Cycle of Overplanning

Why do we over-plan? Often, it originates from a fear of failure. Our brain tricks us to keep us safe from the unknown; it is the best way to keep us in our comfort zone. We think we'll avoid mistakes if we create a foolproof plan. But in real life, overplanning keeps us stuck in the same place. Becoming our dream crushers.

Instead of taking the next step, we spend a lot of time running through “what if” scenarios in our heads. Attempting to work out every little bit.

Let me tell you: the first step to breaking free is recognizing that overplanning won’t get you to your long term goals. The key is to take action. Even small, daily actions can help you build momentum and accomplish amazing things over time.

The Impact of Overplanning on Your Dream Life

Overplanning doesn’t just slow you down; it can crush your dreams entirely. Imagine you’re trying to build a small business or accomplish a long time goal. You have a vision board filled with inspiring ideas and a sense of purpose guiding you. But instead of taking important steps, you’re stuck refining your plan.

The result? You’re no closer to your goals than when you started. You may feel further away. 

I’ve lived through it, and I’ve learned that the best thing you can do is take the next step, even if it’s not perfect. I still have the mantra on my chalkboard in my office: business goals are achieved with messy, imperfect action.

When you're learning to transition from employee to business owner on a mission to find your true purpose, you have a big dream. It can feel daunting when it feels like the finish line keeps moving.

I've described this as building too many bridges. Another way that I see overplanning too many important goals is trying to run more than one race at a time. Think about this again: you would not attempt to run two or three marathons simultaneously. Think of your goals as marathons. You have a training plan before you start and do the daily hard work to run the race and reach your finish line.

How to Stop Overplanning and Take Action

Here’s the good news: you don’t have to let overplanning crush your dreams. The first place to start is by narrowing your focus. Pick one big goal and break it down into actionable steps. Think about what you can realistically accomplish in the next week. Then, block out time on your calendar to work on those tasks.

If you’re juggling multiple responsibilities in your current situation, consider aligning your projects with your mental bandwidth. For example, if you’re tackling a big project in your personal life, like remodeling your house, choose a smaller, more manageable project for your business. This balance is key to staying on track. Because, friend, decision fatigue is a real thing. Be sure to look at your whole life when deciding to tackle goals.

Building Accountability and Staying Consistent

One powerful way to stay consistent is to bring in an accountability partner. Whether it’s a great friend or a coach, having someone to check in with can help you stay focused. Remember, successful people don’t go it alone. They create systems and find support to help them stay on course.

Another helpful tool is to create a project parking lot. This is a place to store your new goals and big ideas so they don’t distract you from your current priorities. You’ll get to them in time, but for now, keep your focus on one goal at a time.

Michele Duwe from Miss Task | Overplanning Crushing Your Dreams?

Overplanning vs. Taking the Next Step

Overplanning often comes from wanting to reach your full potential. But here’s the truth: you can’t get to mile two without completing mile one. Taking the next step—no matter how small—is the most important thing you can do to move forward.

Think of it this way: every small victory you achieve fuels your journey. Celebrating these wins builds momentum, giving you the energy and motivation to keep going.

Practical Tips for Achieving Your Goals

If you’re ready to stop overplanning and start achieving, here’s what I recommend:

1. Do a Mind Sweep: Write down everything you need to accomplish your goal. Get it all out of your head and onto paper.

2. Prioritize Your Tasks: Decide what’s most important and focus on that first.

3. Create an Action Plan: Block time on your calendar for each task. Remember, your timeline may take longer than expected, so give yourself grace.

4. Stay Accountable: Share your goals with a trusted accountability partner.

5. Focus on Daily Action: Consistent, small steps lead to big results.

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Your Dream Life Is Within Reach

Friend, you have everything you need to achieve every new dream your heart desires. Don’t let overplanning hold you back in your own life. Take the first step, focus on what matters, and watch your big goals become real-life accomplishments. Remember, your dream life is built one step at a time—on your own terms and in your own way.