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What has you talking to yourself in ugly ways? C’mon, friend, you know that ugly talk. What “shoulds” are you telling yourself? Is all this chatter in your mind true, or are they your thoughts?

Where is the chatter coming from? 

Begin to pay attention to the areas in your life where self-doubt comes up for you. What ugly thoughts are going on in your brain?

Additionally, are you able to pinpoint any patterns of your self-doubt? After all, overcoming self-doubt requires us to consciously become aware of the chatter going on in our minds.


Do you find yourself stuck in perfectionism? Once you notice that you’re thinking, “if I just do, it will be perfect.” 

Here’s the big secret that’s not true, perfect is only a thought. Done will beat perfect in a race every day. In other words, done is better than perfect. 

Despite the desire for perfection, a key to overcoming self-doubt is letting go and accepting that your best is good enough and done is better than perfect. 

Overcoming Self-Doubt


I can almost hear you thinking I do not like getting things wrong or failing. Here’s the bottom line it is okay to fail.

Overcoming self-doubt will require a change in mindset regarding our perception of failure. Look at failure as redirection. Failure will be your feedback to get on the right track. Think of it more are rerouting you for a change in direction.


Practice self-compassion when your thoughts take you into a spiral of self-doubt. Most important, don’t be discouraged with yourself.

When your mind begins the spiral into comparing yourself to others or your overly harsh critic begins to chime in. Seeing that thinking is how you overcome your self-doubt with self-compassion.

Ugly Self-Talk

Do you know what ugly self-talk you use? Simultaneously it seems to go hand and hand with your self-doubt? You say all those nasty things to yourself that you’d never say to anyone else. Be sure to take notice of your ugly self-talk. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Instead, write it down along with how you’ll overcome the self-doubt next time. Set a better intention for yourself. 

While it will get easier to notice your thoughts of self-doubt, it is not a one-and-done activity. Undeniably, you will have times when you’ll be disappointed. Your ugly, doubting self will be right there to make you feel crappy. Regardless, how you rebound from it is vital.

You will feel overwhelmed with life; that’s normal. We all feel that way.

Still remain focused on questioning your self-doubt. Rejoice and be proud of yourself when you notice your thoughts. This is feedback to you.

The best thing you can do is create a plan for handling these thought setbacks when they arise. They will come. When they do have a plan to manage your ugly thoughts regarding your self-doubt.

Ultimately, get an encouragement partner. The cheerful voice in your ear for when you do not have the strength to overcome your self-doubt.

In the end, self-doubt is worrying about what may or may not happen.

I’ll leave you with this verse from Matthew 6:27 NLT to ponder. Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?

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