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Hey, do you look at other online businesses and think, ah, they are just lucky or I wish I would have started my business when they did? Well, friend, that is really just a thought and it's you that makes it work in your business.

Repeat Negative Thoughts

Let me guess you have that repeating thought going in your head saying, Oh, well, they're just luckier than I am. Or maybe you have that repeat negative thought, if I would have started when they did, I would be just as successful.

Here’s the interesting part, that’s just a thought, that is just something that you are telling yourself about your online business and achieving success.

What can you do to overcome negative thoughts?

Let’s go ahead and look at some of the things that you can do when you come up against that repeat negative thought, and what to do to overcome it.

Here’s the big secret, it's you. I know crazy right, here’s the thing in the long run it is you that putting in the work to make your online business successful. Friend, you put in the work, and you make it successful.

What does that take? It's simple. It takes persistent effort.

That's the importance of taking action in your business.

But not any action it's taking the right action at the right time. You must be wondering, what's the right action at the right time?

The answer? Now. Right now is the right time. How do you figure out the right action?

Overcome Negative Thoughts

Right Action

The solution is simple you can figure out what is the right action by taking a look at what it is that you want to achieve. 

You have the goal, work backward breaking that down into little tiny actions that you can do every single day. 

When you work backward think what is the last thing that will happen before you achieve this goal? What is the action right before the last action? And so on. 

It just takes that small consistent action every single day, in order to be able to move forward with it. 

Now, this is important, this small action is proving to your brain that you can do, that proof, in turn, overcomes negative thoughts.

You keep you stuck

At some point, you have to take the leap of faith and you have to believe in yourself that you can actually do what it is that you want to achieve. 

I know what you’re thinking, you need some reassurance. Here’s how to do it yourself remember a time in the past when you did something that you didn't think that you could do, but you took action and did it. 

Okay. Do you have that thought in your mind?  Great, now step into that person you were at that time. Feel what you felt, hear the words of encouragement you gave to yourself. 

Do you remember all the feelings? How did you view it at that time? Stick with me now what did you need to become to get over that mindset and that obstacle you're facing? 

Remember specifically. 

That's what you need to do right now, at this time as well. This is proof that you are the one that makes it work in your business.

What’s the difference?

One of the things that I do for myself.

When I find myself you know, doing that comparison thing, or I'm not good enough or imposter system syndrome, whatever you call it.

What is the difference? Take a step back, what’s the difference between that entrepreneur and you?

What is the difference between their business and your business?

What’s that business owner doing that you may not be doing in your business?

I have a feeling that it could come down to this. They just started. They had the belief that they could do it.

That online business owner they are taking action. But what if, instead of staying in negative thought you actually put in 1% effort every single day to make it work.

That’s the magic, that's all you need to do.

You see my point, right? To move forward do that 1% of work every single day to make it work in your online business.

I hope that you found this was beneficial and encouraging.

If you have any questions, go ahead and leave me a comment. I look forward to seeing you next week.


Little Side Note

When you find yourself in a negative thought pattern, pull out your journal and figure out why you're feeling that way. What were you doing that made you feel this way?

✁ Just a Snippet 

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • Do you look at other online businesses and think aww they are just lucky or I wish I would have started when they did. That's just your thoughts, it's YOU friend you're the one that makes it work.
  • It’s not about luck
  • You Make It Work
  • You Make it Successful
  • It’s about the persistent effort
  • That’s the importance of taking action in your online business
  • It’s not about the right timing
  • It's about small consistent actions
  • At some point, you have to take the leap of faith
  • What is the difference between you and the business owner that you admire?
  • They started. They had the belief they can do it. They put in the 1% every day to make it work.