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Miss Task-Content Systems Improve Productivity for Online Business Owners

​Hey, friends; welcome to this week’s blog, where we will explore the strategy that allowed me to stop dreading creating content for my business. While I love planning and organization, for some reason, when it came to creating my content, I just could not wrap my brain around it. It felt neverending and a waste of my time. Mostly because it involved a lot of tears after the kids went to bed trying to figure out what the heck to write and post; that would be helpful and that someone would actually want to read! While I’ll save the mindset and believe talk for another day, I first had to figure out a system. I had to have the ah-ha moment that my blog post is the core of all of my marketing. Implementing content systems is the big secret to improve productivity in content creation. 

Just what i need!


I struggle with organizing and time management. Having someone walk me through the steps of building a systems to keep me on track is exactly what i need. Thanks!

aloreainer via Apple Podcasts ·United States of America ·04/05/2023

Lack of a Content Routine and Planning

It’s funny how planning can be one of my favorite things to do, but when it came to content, I had all the resistance and excuses. I’d tell myself that I didn’t have time. I’m busy and still am busy, but now I know what to do and when. I’m only guessing if you’re searching for a solution to inconsistent content creation, you’re beyond frustrated with yourself that you can’t seem to figure this one out. If you only knew the secret to productivity in content creation. 

Please give yourself some grace, Mama; you’re juggling a lot with running your busy family and keeping up with your growing online coaching business. 

Do you find yourself wondering how to make it simple and easy? 

There have been plenty of times in running my tiny team and business that I’ve dropped to my knees and prayed to the LORD; please help me figure this out and let it be simple and easy. 

I did, and it started with a checklist. Nothing fancy, a checklist that I put into Teamwork, the very first project management system that I started with as a virtual assistant. I moved away for Teamwork for one reason; at the time, they didn’t have the ability to move between a list and a board view. Of course, they have that ability now, plus many other views you can toggle between. Teamwork is a really good task management software.

Stress and Inconsistency in Publishing Content

Let me ask, do systems, processes, and workflows make your head hurt and leave you confused as to what they actually are and how they will make content creation simple, easy, and better yet consistent? 

I know what you’re thinking, Michele. Did you miss the part about struggling to keep the wheels on the bus, let alone add another project to my plate, to set up a project management software? If you’re like so many online coaches I’ve worked with in the past, they fall into one of two buckets. One, they started to use project management software and stopped, or two, they instantly felt overwhelmed at the mere mention of implementing anything techie. 

Which bucket do you fall into, Mama? If you’re in either of these buckets, don’t worry, friend; I encourage you to book a mini-session with me.

In 30 minutes, we will pick the best project management software that will not have you overwhelmed, and I’ll get you started with a template for your core content creation. 

Content Systems for Growth Podcast Ep 25 improve productivity in content creation

How I visualize the system structure. 

This is how I look at it or visualize it in my mind the structure of a system. I’m guessing you’re familiar with an organization chart, right? 

The system sits at the top of the organization, kind of like the CEO; the process is like the manager, and the workflow is all the worker bees. 

Does that help to explain it? 


What are Content Systems?

If you struggle with productivity and procrastination as an online business owner, content systems might be your key to success. They are a productivity superpower because when they are set up correctly,  you know exactly what to work on and when in your business.

In simple terms, a content system is a straightforward and efficient approach to managing and creating content for your business. It's all about finding a process that works for you, allowing you to streamline your content creation from start to finish. By implementing a content system, you can bring order to your content strategy, save time, and achieve your business goals without feeling overwhelmed.

If you’re like many of my clients, a content system can be a game-changer for your productivity.

Because it provides you with a clear framework and guidelines to follow, making your content creation journey easier and more manageable. 

With a content system in place, you can plan your content in advance, ensuring consistency and not just throwing something up at the last minute to check it off the list. 

Your content is the first impression of working with you. You want it to either bring people to you or send them away to a different coach. 

With a process, you can efficiently produce and distribute your content, maximizing your limited resources. 

A content system gives you the time to focus on what you do best: connecting and coaching your ideal client. 

Creating valuable content that connects with your audience and drives your business forward must be simple and easy. 


Don't underestimate the value of the time invested into creating content systems, even for a one-person operation. 

These systems will make it easy for you to bring on a Content VA in the future. Does that sound fun? 

I know from firsthand experience the more you build out beforehand, the less overwhelming it is when you bring on your first virtual assistant. 

I can laugh about it now, I thought my systems were decent when I brought on my first virtual assistant. Let’s just say they were lacking in the workflow piece. This made it stressful for me and her both. She wasn’t sure what to do, and I felt under the gun to keep her busy. No one is productive in that atmosphere. 

When you’re workflows are built out really well, you do not lose track of the little things. 

This week I encourage you to set aside 30 minutes or one Pomodoro and identify your biggest content creation challenges. 

What will the first process and workflow you build out in your content system be? Will it be for your core content like your blog, social media, or email newsletters? 

Book A 1-Hour Virtual Session

Discover the Secret to Effortless Content Creation –

From Overwhelmed to Thriving: Your Content Creation Simplified Journey Starts Here!

Final Last Words Before We Wrap This Up

Start simple and expand on your system. Pick one workflow that brings you the most pain and capture your process as you’re doing it with a Chrome plugin like Tango. 

Do not dismiss the power that valuable content has on attracting the right people to your coaching business.  

Allowing you to pour your heart into the value packet content that will gain you a loyal following and grow your coaching business exponentially. A simple and easy content system can propel you toward your business goals, help you stand out in the crowd and best of all improve your productivity in content creation.