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How to Overcome Failure in Your Business

How to Overcome Failure in Your Business

Have you experienced failure in your business? You’re not alone. Friend, I’ve been there and done that! Do you want to know the best way to overcome failure in your business?

Wait for it.

It’s to change your perception of how you view failure in our online business.

It’s Only Failure When You Stop

Once I learned this simple mindset trick, I was able to overcome my fear of failing. It’s only failure if you stop trying. Failure is not a bad thing. This is not a pass or a fail. It just means you need to look for a new path.

Albert Einstein once said, “You never fail until you stop trying.”

If something isn’t working. Reevaluate and look at the feedback as to why it’s not working. Find a different way. There is always another way to do something.

Proverb 16:9 NRSV
A person’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.

Look for a new path

Look for a new path forward when you come up against a roadblock. That roadblock is not meant to discourage you but challenge you to find another path.

In my NPL certification, it states there is no failure only feedback.

Step back and look at the situation. What did you not see at first? Do a mind sweep of all the possible ways you can find a new way.

When I find myself being a Negative Nancy because it’s not going according to plan, I have to stop myself and say out loud. “That’s not true.”

I reframe the situation in my mind to bring me clarity.

How to Overcome Failure in Your Business


If that doesn’t work, then I evaluate where I’m focusing my time. Is it moving towards my desired outcome or away.

If the answer is away, my next action will be to figure out how I got off the path to help regain focus and clarity.

Look for time leaks in your day that are causing you to lose focus on your outcome.

Stay in it for the long haul

You deserve to follow through on your promise to yourself. A promise to yourself is just as important as a promise to anyone else. Too often we put our promise behind the promises we give to our clients. That shouldn’t be the case.

When it gets hard look for the reason why, look for ways that you can make it easier.

Trust me I know, I’m the Queen of Complicated.

When I make a plan, I make sure I’m asking could there be an easier way. Is there a place that I could leave a t uncrossed or an i undotted to receive the same results but make it simpler.

Here is the video that goes along with the post. I think I’ve mentioned before I use the same outline for both, but I write and record them separately. Meaning it’s not the same content. Yes, I know there is a simpler way but I like doing it for now.

When you need help with your promise

Have you always struggled with keeping commitments and promises to yourself? LOTS of people do. Have you heard of Gretchen Rubin’s book The Four Tendencies? You may be an Obliger. Take the quiz to find out your personality profile. The Four Tendencies Quiz or read the book, that great too.

If this is you, and you need outside accountability to follow through get yourself an accountability bestie.

Ahem… my Clarity Muse Mentorship may be great for you. js 🥰

A business bestie will keep you going when it gets hard and you want to stop.

As I said previously, stopping only guarantees failure.

But, tell yourself that’s not who you are! You are not a person that stops and gives up. You’re a person that looks at the feedback and keeps going.

We believe whatever we tell ourselves. Make sure it’s what you want and not want you don’t want.

You’re not alone, believe me, Friend, I can get caught in the “don’t want” it’s a practice. When I find myself focusing on what I don’t want, I look at how I can reframe it into what I do want.

Simply flip the script… Just say, that’s not true and express what you want.

How to Overcome Failure in Your Business

Little Side Note

I believe you are a person that finds a way, even when it is hard.

✁ Just a Snippet
Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • Failure only when you stop trying
  • Not working, reevaluate and look at the feedback
  • That failure wants you to look for a new path
  • NPL says, There is no failure only feedback
  • Where are you focusing your time? Is it moving you toward your outcome or away?
  • Stay in it for the long haul
  • You deserve to follow through on your promise
  • When it’s hard, look for the reason why
  • Need help with your commitments? Get an accountability partner
  • Stopping will always guarantee failure
  • Tell yourself: I’m not a person that gives up

You’ve got this Friend, I believe in you.