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Hey there! Do you ever feel like creating content is a total rollercoaster? It's tough to keep things consistent. But don't worry, I've got some awesome tips for you! By using the right systems, you can make sure your content creation process is smooth sailing. Do you want to dive into some super helpful ways to stay consistent with your content creation goals? These tips allow you to create amazing content regularly – even when life gets crazy! So buckle up and get ready for some seriously useful advice!

What is the point of the content? 

Are you looking to create content that really packs a punch for your online business? Well, first things first, you need to understand your content goals! Setting clear goals is super important for ensuring your content is effective and aligned with your overall business dreams. 

But how can you do this? It's all about determining the intent of each piece of content. Are you trying to educate potential clients? Build brand awareness? Increase website traffic? Grow your email list? Narrowing down the goal of each piece will help you figure out how it should be structured and what topics to cover that your ideal client will find helpful.

Another important factor to consider is your ideal client. Who are you trying to reach? Knowing who you’re talking to will help you tailor your content to their interests and the problems they are trying to solve. You’re organic content should not be created with the thought of only checking a box off the list; make sure your ideal client will find value in what you’re providing to them. 

What is the right amount of content for you? 

This is essential, how much organic content are you able to create without finding yourself overwhelmed? Friend, this question is so very important. I’ll touch on it more next week but I discovered really quickly that putting out three podcasts a week, while doable, was causing me to say “no” to things that I wanted to say “yes” to. Grr, my ambition gets the best of me sometimes. 

Know what is the right amount of content that you’re able to create consistently. For years, YEARS, I’ve known that one piece of organic content is the right amount of consistent content creation for me, my business, and my family. I ignored this when setting my goal of 100 episodes before the end of 2023.

I thought no big deal, I’ll batch record and have my VA handle everything else. Well, until something happened to the recordings, eight episodes of batch work were gone. One may think that my first thought would be to record them again; no big deal, right? 

Instead of recording them again, I asked myself what is the lesson here? What is the message that God is sending me? I stepped back to look for my message; everything happens for a reason, am I right?  

This reflection made me understand I set a goal not for the greater good of my family, God, or my ideal clients. I set a goal for myself, a vanity number of having over 100 episodes. 

Moving forward, for this time in my life, the right amount of content for me to be able to serve my clients and be present for my family is one piece of content each week.

Establish A Doable Schedule is Tip One

Once you know the right amount of content, set yourself up for success by establishing a schedule. For me, I’m sticking with Wednesdays when my new content will release each week. What is your consistent schedule for your content? 

You see, once you know the right amount of content and what day you’ll release your long-form content, create a content calendar. This is a great way to stay organized and keep track of deadlines. 

This helps ensure that everyone on the team, including yourself knows what needs to happen next. 

Using a content calendar and a project management tool eliminates the decision of what you need to work on today. It also eliminates that decision for your team. The best way to do this is to create a template workflow of all the steps from idea to publication in your project management software. If you do not have project management software or have tried to implement one in the past and have failed, please schedule a 30-minute mini-session. We will figure out which one to use, and I’ll set you up with a template to get started.


Tip Two Planning Ahead Is A Key To Consistent Content Creation

Planning ahead is essential for consistent content creation success. In fact, it allows you to be purposeful with your content so that it aligns with your goals. By doing this, you'll be able to stay organized with your launch schedule and cover the right topics at the right time with an effective plan.

Moreover, at either the end of last year or the beginning of this year, did you sketch out a plan for where you'd want to be by the end of the year? While I'm a big believer in 90-day planning, there is a huge benefit when you stretch out or create a rough draft of when you'll be in growth mode versus nurture mode. This way, even if you work one on one with clients, it is nice to onboard new clients simultaneously. 

By doing this, you'll know the right topics to cover at the right time based on what mode you're in. For example, if you have a group program or a mastermind alongside your one-on-one practice, you'll likely not promote these at the same time. Or perhaps you have a few different online courses. These, as well, you're probably not promoting at the same time.

To help with this, create a high-level overview of your year. By doing this, you'll want to be specifically making content that is attracting the right people leading up to those launches. Ashlyn Write does an amazing job of this inside her business, and it's a great example to follow.

If you’ve not done this, no worries, Friend now is the perfect time to schedule time on your calendar and sketch out until the end of the year. 

Taking the necessary steps to plan ahead, such as determining what topics must be covered and when will ensure success. 

Laying out your weekly topics in your project management app is a great way to look at the road ahead. It can also map out a template that can be duplicated from start to finish when creating content so that everything runs smoothly. No missing steps! 

It's also important not to forget about promotion; make sure there are slots in your schedule dedicated solely to marketing activities like social media posting or email campaigns once the piece has been published.

Setting a schedule for content creation is essential to staying consistent and organized. Planning ahead can help ensure that you are creating the best possible content in an efficient manner.

Track Your Progress is Tip Three

By tracking progress, you can identify areas for improvement and gain insight into how well certain pieces of content have performed over time. Our numbers give us clues and valuable insights into what content works and which topics aren’t doing so hot. 

It's also important to observe how viewers are receiving your content. Are they clicking through to other pages? Sharing it with their network? Taking action based on what you wrote? These insights can help you determine which topics resonate most strongly with your audience and focus more energy on those areas going forward.

Monitoring statistics such as visits to your site, page views, and conversions can assist in discerning which content is more successful than others so that future changes may be made. If your primary long-form content is a podcast or YouTube, be certain you’re checking those numbers! 

In addition to your website stats, pay attention to your social media. Are you getting people clicking through to your website, saving and sharing your content? 

For this, I have a great resource for you. “Know Thy Numbers” is my free resource for tracking profit, metrics, email stats, sales calls, ads, and last but not least, price for profit.


As a quick recap, we’ve covered three key tips for creating content consistently. Firstly, understanding your content goals is essential for ensuring your content is effective and aligned with your overall business objectives. This means determining the intent of each piece of content and considering your ideal client to tailor your content to their interests and problems. Secondly, planning ahead is crucial and involves establishing a doable schedule, creating a content calendar, and mapping out a high-level overview of the year. Finally, tracking progress is important to identify areas for improvement, gain insight into the performance of content, and monitor statistics such as website visits and social media engagement. Following these tips, you can create amazing content regularly and stay consistent even when life gets crazy. 

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