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What’s your attitude towards yourself? What is your self-image? How do you approach life? Do you view things from a half-empty or half-full perspective? Do you believe that you can change your negative thinking and negative self-talk?

Would you like to become a person that views life from a positive thinking and positive self-talk perspective?

What are the benefits of overcoming negative thinking?

Are you wondering if there are any benefits to overcoming negative thinking and negative self-talk? I’m so glad you ask. According to an article from Mayo Clinic, The positive thinking that usually comes with optimism is a key part of effective stress management. And effective stress management is associated with many health benefits. I agree when they say you can learn positive thinking skills if you tend to be pessimistic, don’t despair.

Link to the article.

Sweet, I think that’s good news is you can absolutely learn positive thinking skills. 

Along with positive thinking will come positive self-talk.

You change from the inside out, which begins with shifting your negative thinking and self-talk to kinder, positive thinking and self-talk.

Your Words Matter

Words Matter – What do you say to yourself that you would not say to others. 

What words are your nemesis? Even if you’re using positive words, what is your energy with these words? Do you use positive words, but have a negative feeling while saying them. This too will shift as your self-image shifts.

Your Judgement 

Begin to pay attention to the thoughts of judgment that you have for yourself or for others. 

This will shine a light on the areas of your negative thinking. Give yourself grace, we can’t always control our first thought, but we can control all the thoughts following that. Please do not be ashamed of yourself or your thoughts.

Change Your Negative Thinking and Negative Self-Talk

Shift the Old Patterns

Shifting the old patterns of negative self-talk and thinking begins with awareness. It is a decision to no longer speak to yourself negatively. What if you drop the old pattern of negative self-talk? Look for ways to flip the script in your head from the negative to the positive. Be patient. This is a practice. 

Here are a few examples of how to do this.

  • I’m not able to change. Shift it, too I’m willing to give change a try.
  • I don’t know how to do it. Shift it to That’s okay, I may not know right now, and I’m figuring it out. The answers are coming. The answers always come.
    • I know for sure that this one works, as I use it. It was given to me by my coach and I’m giving it to you to try out. 
  • Pause and get clear about why you're speaking to yourself in a negative matter.
  • Take notice of your self-talk.
  • You’ll be more aware as you pay attention to your patterns. The things that trigger you into negative thinking and self-talk.
  • Pay attention to your repeat or nagging questions. Turn your question into a sentence. That’s your thought error. It’s essential to notice your thoughts.
  • Practice positive thinking. Begin to create a habit of positive thinking.


Little Side Note

Remember who you are. You are special. Don’t let yourself talk you out of that.

Self Love

Have you heard of Mirror Work before? If not, please let me introduce you to the late Louise Hay and Mirror Work. Lousie says that mirror work is the most effective method she found for learning to love yourself and see the world as a safe and loving place. I encourage you to read this post on What is Mirror Work?

Private Coaching

Why do I believe in the power of private coaching?

Because it is truly life-changing. When your coach asks you that mind-blowing question that suddenly allows you to see what you've been missing all along that was literally right in front of your face.

You just need someone with a different perspective to help you see it.

Are you ready to experience life from a different perspective?

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