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How to Use Asana to Manage Your Website Wellness

How to Use Asana to Manage Your Website Wellness

How to Use Asana to Manage Your Website Wellness

How to Use Asana to Manage Your Website Wellness

Hey! I’ve created a quick tutorial on How to use Asana to manage your Website Wellness.

Not familiar with website wellness? Here is a link to a previous post. 

In this tutorial, I go through putting this checklist into Asana as repeatable or recurring tasks.

Asana will remind me of the items that need to be completed on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis to keep my website wellness up to date.

I’m going to walk you through how I would set this up as a project in Asana.

No worries if you use another project management system, the same principles apply.

Here are the steps:

  • Click on the new button in the upper right corner of Asana
  • Click add a project
  • Select blank project
  • Select either a list or board view (I like board view)

First Column

  • Rename the first column to Monthly
  • Begin to add the monthly tasks to complete
    • Check Backup is working properly or backup the website
    • Update Theme
    • Update Plugins
    • Update WordPress
    • Check Comments & Spam Comments
    • Fix any broken links
    • Check your security plugin
    • Check Website KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) aka Google Analytics
    • New Content – At a minimum once per month

Little Side Note

Fridays are my operations days, so I want to set this to weekly on a Friday every four weeks.

Repeat This

  • Click the Assign button and assign to either yourself or a team member.
  • Click on the date and select the due date
  • Set the date as repeatable

With this set up, the task will keep reoccurring

Second Column

  • Rename to quarterly or as needed
  • Add the quarterly or as needed tasks
  • Delete old unused images
    • Do you have any images on your website that you're not using anymore? Delete images that are no longer used so they're not taking up any space on your website.
  • Delete unused themes
    • Did you download ten themes searching for the perfect one? Go ahead and delete them, I generally have two themes installed. Obviously, the active theme and I leave the latest WordPress as my backup in case something were to happen and I needed to fall back to a different theme.
  • Remove any old revision
    • Anytime you make a revision to a page or a post a revision is saved, you can install a plugin to delete old revisions. This could be included in your optimization plugin.

Third Column

  • Rename to yearly
  • Add the yearly tasks
  • Change copyright year in the footer

There you go. That is a nice checklist of how to use Asana to manage your website wellness that I can set up and have automatically reminded me what tasks need to be done on which day.

Please go ahead and let me know if you have any questions.s.

OMG, Why do I have so much stuff | Time to Declutter

OMG, Why do I have so much stuff | Time to Declutter

OMG, Why do i have so much stuff?

OMG, Why do I have so much stuff?

Do you find yourself in the repeated pattern of OMG, Why do I have so much stuff?

I'm putting my hand in the air on this one. While I'm getting better about all of this I'm still a work in progress.

I'm at home a lot, obviously, I run a business out of my home so it plays double duty.

I am beginning to feel overwhelmed with all the stuff I have gathered over the years. A few years back, I read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing by Marie Kondo. I happened to have a free weekend and started with purging my closet. That was pretty much where it ended.


Let me tell you a little bit about my husband and oldest child. They do not like any type of clutter. Clear counters and knick-knack feel zones. A few pictures here and there will past the test.



I cried

My Goodness, why and where did I end up with so much stuff around my house? Do you feel as if the clutter is taking over? Plus, read about my little decluttering oops.[/caption]

About six months ago with a heavy and sad heart, who am I kidding, I cried as I put all my knick-knacks into a box and into the storage room. I was testing to see if I actually missed these items.


 I bet this will come as a shocker, yup I did not miss any of these pieces. I'll admit this too, the room actually felt open and not as closed in when I would enter it. Crazy that a room could feel more inviting.


 Did you see it, did you see it?

But, do you know what put me over the top? The Tidying Up with Marie Kondo on Netflix. Girl, I was just like the kids and binge watched this show in two days. For a person that doesn't turn on the TV that was a big deal. That little lady is amazing.

Remember the box

Remember the box that I packed up about six months back? Well, that was donated along with a number of other boxes. Although, I'll give you this advice. Go through the box before you give it away. Ya, so I kinda didn't do that and donated the picture frames with all our pictures in them. Really I have no clue what else ended up in the box. Oops.


Would you like other resources about tidying? I tend to go into research mode. Lucky for me, the internet is an endless vault for a research enthusiast. Let me share a bit of my research.

This is what I found interesting

Time Management Ninja has hit the nail on the head with his article 10 Reasons You Have Too Much Clutter. I keep things because I may need it someday or I have some emotional attachment. But, the big one for me is I may find a use for it in the future.

The Small Things talks about organization versus clutter. I could totally relate because she has the same mindset for 2017. Purge, purge, purge

I Heart Frugal gives Useful Tips To Decluttering Your Home. She said “Having a clean house helps you have a clean mind.” I agree with this 100%.

Dr. Christiane Northrup has a great article on Heal Your Life. She also refers to Marie Kondo book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying. Here are a few of my favorite points:

  • Possessions carry emotional energy and constantly talk to you, so you want to let go of objects that you don’t love, even if they’re practical.
  • In addition, piles of stuff in your home are one of the greatest stress triggers. Clutter literally increases your cortisol level!
  • Take in how good you feel. When you’ve finished throwing out what you no longer love.

I read a number of other articles. Can you say total procrastination to writing this blog?

Please feel free to leave your so much stuff struggles below in the comments!

A Few Of My Favorite WordPress Plugins

A Few Of My Favorite WordPress Plugins

A Few Of My Favorite WordPress Plugins

A Few Of My Favorite WordPress Plugins

I’d like to share with you a few of my favorite WordPress Plugins. Currently, the count for WordPress Plugins is over 54,000. That’s a lot of added functionality!  

WordPress is my Content Management System (CMS) of choice, it has been for years. Why you may ask with so many CMS options? The main reason for this is the ability to add in all these different bits of functionality to get what you want from your website.

What are WordPress Plugins?

WordPress Plugins are add on options. Everyone starts with the same foundation in WordPress. That is the structure. Your theme gives you the look and feels, but the plugins they add the easy and flair. 

If you would like a little more information, check out this article. 

Here are a few of my favorite WordPress Plugins

Updraft Backup: This is my plugin of choice for backing up websites. It is easy to set up they have the option for a freemium or paid plugin with additional features. With the free version, you have the option to send a backup off-site.

Wordfence Security or All In One WP Security: Security is a must and is the first plugin that is installed and set up on any WordPress site that I create. It is that important.

Yoast SEO: Umm, because if you’re going to have a website you need to make sure that you can get traffic to it. Plus, they have excellent documentation and learning.

Google Analytics by Monster: Because ya need to know where the traffic is coming from to your site. Love tracking the numbers.

TablePress: Do you have a number of tables that need to be displayed on your site? This is a great plugin for this. It allows you to import a CSV file and add a bit of shortcode to the page and it displays! It’s quick and simple.

Plugin for your ESP (Email Service Provider) ie Mailchimp, Active Campaign, ConvertKit you want to build your list so that you find the people that connect with you. The best way to do this is with your email list. Add a pop up to your site. I know you’re like annoying – but they really do work.

Instagram Feed: Show all that beautiful imagery that you have on your Instagram feed on your website.

Broken Link Checker: Do you have a number of links on your site? Well, this is the plugin for you, as it will keep track of all the links and if they are still actually functional.

Dubsado Is A Game Changer a blog from Miss Task OBM

A Little Side Note

When setting up Admin users do not use Admin, Administrator or anything similar! Find something creative to use. To create my usernames I go to LastPass User Name Generator.

Well, that’s a pretty healthy list of a few of my favorite WordPress Plugins. If you will please allow me to get up on my soapbox for just a couple minutes – I promise.

It is important to keep your plugin update and your website up to date!

While it may be tempting to go through and just update the plugin all at once, I would ask you to take your time.

Block time on your calendar EVERY month.

You need to update them one at a time and then check your website to make sure it did not cause any issues!

Plugins and updates can break your website if they do not get along with WordPress or your current theme.

Would you like more information on updating the software on your WordPress website?

This easy to follow checklist, guides you through all the tasks that you should be completed each month to keep your website running smoothly.

Download my WordPress Wellness Checklist today and I’ll send you a reminder email every month with a little information, tip or trick!