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Work Smarter Not Harder with Canned Responses

Work Smarter Not Harder with Canned Responses

Work Smarter Not Harder by creating canned responses in Gmail to efficiently manage your inbox.

Work Smarter not harder by creating canned responses in Gmail to effectively manage your inbox and to easily delegate to a virtual executive assistant.

You know those questions that you receive repeatedly from prospects, clients and general inquires. It’s time to start working smarter my Friend by using a response you’ve already drafted and saving that in your canned responses in Gmail.

To get you started

Ideas on responses that you can write once and use again and again.

  • A list of your favorite books
  • A list of your favorite podcasts
  • A waiting list response for your group or program
  • A no to opportunities that you do not have time for or are not in alignment with your business
  • Your best advice
  • Affiliate or Joint Venture Information

Here is another pro-tip, create forms in Google Forms or Typeform for your waitlist, joint ventures, guest posting, podcast interviews. Anything that you’d want to gather information create the Google Form so that information can be added directly into a Google Sheet. By asking the same questions you’ll be able to compare data. 

Canned Responses in Gmail

Create in a Google Document First

Copy and paste emails you’ve already written into a Canned Responses Google Document. Once you have your responses they can be saved inside of Google. The reason I suggest that you create it in a google document is that you can easily see what you’ve already done. It’s easy to share if you’d like to send them to a team member.

Walk Through

Watch the video below as I walk you through how to set up your very own canned responses in Gmail.


Little Side Note

Quick Recap

  • Create canned responses to quickly and efficiently respond to repeat emails
  • Write them and update them in a Google Document
  • Watch the video for a walkthrough on how to set up your own canned responses

Ready to get Clear?

I wanted to personally invite you to join the Clarity Muse Mentorship. You know how it’s can be a struggle to read the label from inside the bottle? 

When you’re in the day-to-day of your business you can face the struggle to get a clear vision of where you want our business and personal life to be in 90-Days, One Year, and Three Years. You.

The Clarity Muse Mentorship will transform the way that you approach clarifying your vision and empower you to take messy imperfection action every step of the way. 

By joining this mentorship, you will:

  •  The mentorship will allow you to get clear on your vision and how you want to FEEL as the CEO of your business
  • The mentorship will have weekly goal setting, accountability, and Q&A sessions
  • Plus, you’ll be connected with a community of like-minded businesswomen on a new and upcoming platform. 

This mentorship is hosted on Marco Polo Channels! This is an awesome video chat platform. It is super new and so very cool. I’ve been using Marco Polo with my clients now for over three years. This is such a great way to connect. 

Clarity Muse Mentorship
What is perfect anyway?

What is perfect anyway?

What is perfect anyway?


“It’s not perfect” my daughter exclaimed to me. My response was sometimes done is better than perfect. 

Really, what is perfect?

Our idea of perfect is based on something in our heads this could be very different than the perception of what our dream client may feel is perfect. Because perfect is really a perception of the beholder. It’s different for all of us. 


This got me thinking about all the undone projects that I’ve come across when onboarding new clients. 

Really I'm not a fool


While I’m not foolish and know that this undone work could too have something to do with the shiny objects syndrome that so many visionaries have. 


But this halt in work may have been brought on because they got hung up on something that wasn’t perfect and they stopped in the messy middle and moved on before the project was brought to completion. 


In the book Big Magic Elizabeth Gilbert refers to “Done is better than good.” this is something that she heard from her mother growing up. This is solid gold. Carole Gilbert understood the importance of time and that sometimes you just need to get it done, out the door, and let it go. 


MD OBM - What is perfect anyway

Why put something out that is not what you feel is perfect? Again, I’ll ask what is perfect anyway. When a done but not a perfect course or service is put out into the world it will allow you to gather data and establish a benchmark. Oh man, I love me some benchmarks. 


This is why you’ll see online business owners putting out beta courses or services. They are asking people to come along for the ride with them. This is really a fantastic way to make sure that you’re providing your dream client with what they really want. Cus’ sometimes that vision in our head of what we think they want and what they really want are two totally different things. 


Circling back around to what is perfect anyway. If you spent all your valuable time working to achieve your perception of perfection but that perfect is off from what your dream client’s actual needs are, you’ll receive the same results from your launch. Crickets. 


Little Side Note

Are you stuck in the hamster wheel?

Read this post on procrastination, it will help.

The sound of crickets can be good

These crickets aren’t bad, they set the benchmark that you need to do some tweaking to align yourself with the actual problem that you’re trying to solve for your dream client with your course or service. 


Friend, remember that done is better than perfect and I encourage you to just launch it, tweak it, and launch it again. But with a launch plan and warming up your audience of course. Don’t forget those steps. 

Do you need an extra push? 

Do you feel stalled in your business? Are you struggling to get your big ideas out the door? Do you wish that you had a map to follow on all the action steps needed for your next launch? 

Stop wandering around your day not doing the right things! Put a little skin in the game and schedule a Breakthrough Session. 

Breakthrough Sessions are 90 minute Zoom Calls where we create a map of your next 90 Days so you know exactly what you need to do each and everyday to finish your big idea and generate more money. 


Money and Your Online Business

Money and Your Online Business

Money and Your Online Business


Let's talk money and your online business. I know scare subject right? We all would like to have more money in our lives, but we can be scared to talk about it openly mostly for fear of judgment. Or maybe you were taught it's not polite to talk about money, because I sure was. 

But Friend if you are starting out on your business journey this is one of the first things that you need to know in your business. 

It’s okay to discuss money and what you think about it

Matter of fact you really should think about money and how you view it. You’ll hear so many people talking about money mindset along your business path. 

Call it to woo if you want but, it’s a thing. If you truly believe in your heart of hearts that you have to work hard for money or it’s selfish to make more money. It will be. 

Get to work on journaling how you really feel. Don’t follow in my super resistant footstep here friend, give in early and do the work. 

I wish I could remember where this trick came from, but when I’m stuck journaling. I just write random stuff until something pops into my head that has to do about my thinking. A lot of times I will write things I’m grateful for, it helps. Another key tip here, either set a goal of journaling for three pages or set a goal of journaling for fifteen minutes. I just pulled those numbers out of thin air, feel free to pull your own numbers out that feel right to you. 

Ann Bellow, my Mastermind Girl, has a Triple Your Income Journaling mini-course and she has so kindly given us a discount code Michele for a $12 discount if you’d like to check it out! 

Ann has made money mindset a priority in her business and has had massive growth because of it. 

Here’s another doozy

Do you set your rates at the right amount? Yes, I know this is also another really difficult topic. Man, I’m hitting on all the points today. 

You’ll hear to charge your worth. Well, yes and no. You need to take into account a number of factors with this one. 

Do you know what the market is charging? 

This is a good indication of what people are willing to pay for this service. This one does take research, not everyone puts pricing out there, but some do. Start looking at the numbers. 

What is your experience? 

Do you have a ton? Just starting out? This will be a fact too. If you are able to provide a really good result in a short period of time, you can ask for more. How long will it take your client to get a return on investment from working with you? 

What are your goals? 

You can either set three goals such as good, better, best goals or you can set two numbers a bottom-line must reach this number to breakeven and dancing in the streets goal. I tend to set a good, better, best goals for myself and my clients. 

Circling back to the mindset for a second on your goals. What is in your heart of hearts do you feel you can achieve? Because if you don’t believe you won’t receive it’s that simple. You must believe you can hit your goals. 

Now that we’ve tackled the hard stuff

Let’s talk about money in your business. What makes your business a success? 

If you have a profit. 

Profit is all your expenses less than the amount of money that you make. Sounds easy peasy right? 

Are you tracking your profit? 

It may sound super simple but are you actually tracking your profit and how much you have coming into your business? 

Are you budgeting your expenses each month so you really have a forecast of what you must make to cover your expenses? 

As a business owner, your revenue will ebb and flow it is what it is. It’s important to forecast how much you will be spending each month.

In case you need this, make sure you include in those monthly expenses how much you will be paying yourself. 

It was somewhere during year two of my business that I pulled my head out of the sand and started to really look at my numbers and what I was bringing in each month. 

Where do you start? 

It starts with knowing how much you bring in to your business and how much you have gone out of your business. 

This will tell you if you can add that new application or if you can afford to invest in another course. 

I personally like to keep this information in a Google Sheet. 

Want my super simple easy-to-use money tracking template? The sign up is below. Is it time to make profit a priority in your business?