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Whoa, What Are You Committed To?

Whoa, What Are You Committed To?

Well, I was not expecting this to come out in my morning pages. But it did. Some days my Morning Pages consist of jibberish that is circling in my head. All my to do that I’ve not captured yet on my Master Actions List in Notion and things that are distracting me. But, this little gem popped out at me. What are you committed to?

Hmm, that’s strange

And one of the things that came out in my morning pages was what are you committed to?

My first thought was, well, that's a strange thing. Why is that surfacing? Continuing to write, it all came out, my list of commitments.

My mind started listing off, are you committed to this? Are you committed to this, and a lot of it had to do with my personal health and fitness goals.

Because I'll be real, I used to lift every single day, and I got away from that I stopped doing it for some reason, I'd done it for years, years. And then just one day, I just stopped doing it. Because I’d rather be outside on a walk with the dogs than actually in the workout room lifting weights.

From that one choice from there, it just snowballed and now it’s been months since I picked up a weight.

As I sat there, you know, contemplating on all the different goals that I have for my overall health and fitness.

It came up, what are you committed to?

Whoa, What Are You Committed To? | Morning Page

The Why

Why was I not keeping up with my commitment to maintaining a strong healthy body? Well, I have lots of reason and in the end, the reason why I’m not doing matters little as to why I need to be doing it.

In order to hold true, I need to have a strong why. My why always circling back to my family. It was at that moment that I made the conscious decision to schedule lifting, along with my walks and yoga practice.

What came to me

Okay, so the thing that actually came out to me, you aren’t committed when things are hard, or you don't know the outcome or how it's going to be?

I'm committed to my health and fitness. But it felt really hard to actually just start again, which is weird because it's something I enjoy and love to do.

If you’ve ever been in my shoes before and stopped working out. The thought of starting again felt really hard to me.

I didn't want to be sore, and I didn't want to struggle because it would be hard.

But I had to change that thinking. And really ask but what are you committed to, do you want to be healthy? How are you going to do that if you're not willing to commit to anything?

So that was one of the ways that I flipped it. I also write out specifically, what's my why.

So why am I doing this? What's the purpose? And why do I want to be committed to this? And all of that came pouring out of me, so I could actually take a look.

Yeah, so now I've started lifting and I'm happy that I started. Was it hard that first day, heck ya, was I sore for two days and could hardly move? Yes, but I kept going, and within a few days, it felt better. The starting is all done and now it’s on to the progress. I can see every single day that I'm increasing, that it’s easier and it's getting better.

Limiting Belief

But it all had to start with that shift. It all had to start with me taking time to look at my limiting belief that I have. And realize that that's what it was, it was just a limiting belief.

And honestly, my desk is full of post-it notes of all of my different limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs has really become more apparent to me, as I've worked my way through my NLP training, that really, these thoughts that I have repeatedly in my head is just a limiting belief that I've gathered someplace and haven’t processed yet and replaced it with a new thought.

These limiting beliefs may be with me from my youth and are truly ingrained in my thought patterns.

I have to figure out ways in order to debunk these beliefs. Yeah, I worked so hard, I got that one debunk, I have to figure out ways to debunk my thinking. So, if I'm not willing to commit to something, what is the reason why I'm not committing to it?

Is it because my why isn’t strong enough? Is it because I haven't really sat down to let myself mentally think about why I need to be doing it.

What am I committed to, if I'm not committed is having a fit and healthy body then what truly is my goal if I'm not willing to commit to it?

So that is just the thought process in which I go through in order to try and look at how to make sure that I'm successfully moving forward towards my goals. Thank you so much for reading, and I appreciate you. Enjoy your day.


Little Side Note

Our limiting beliefs can be the thing that holds us back. Writing is one of the best ways to uncover them.

While this is a video from a few years ago, it's still relevant on Morning Pages. 


✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • This little gem popped out at me in my morning pages. What are you committed to?
  • My first thought was, well, that's a strange thing. Why is that surfacing?
  • From that one choice there, it just snowballed I sat contemplating on all the different goals
  • So why am I doing this? What's the purpose? And why do I want to be committed to this?
  • I have to figure out ways in order to debunk these beliefs.
  • What am I committed to, if I'm not committed is having a fit and healthy body then what truly is my goal if I'm not willing to commit to it?
Digital Declutter of Google Drive

Digital Declutter of Google Drive

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Tapping into success (EFT)

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Goals Are Reached In the Daily Doing

Goals Are Reached In the Daily Doing

Years ago the Vice President of Sales asked the sales team at a retreat, “How do we reach our quota?”. He paused and listened to our responses, and went on to say, the same way you eat an elephant. Bite by Bite. Whether it is launching a new product, staying consistent with marketing, reaching a financial goal, or whatever else you’re trying to achieve it will be reached in the daily doing.

Miss Task

I love the name that I gave my business when I started out in 2016. When I was naming my business I wanted something short and sweet, easy to remember, and simple to Google.

But, what it means to me is something more, I see it as do not miss a task. If we are going to reach the goal we need to not skip over or miss the necessary tasks that need to be done. This is the daily doing. The daily doing doesn’t need to be done by the online entrepreneur, but it needs to be done by someone on the team.

In fact, I would encourage you to hire that part-time VA for just a few hours a week, it is a mindset shift that feels very empowering.

Easy Road

How do we stop ourselves from taking the easy road? While my mantra this year is “Business is easy when I take messy imperfect action” to me that doesn’t mean taking the easy road and skipping the daily doing.

It means that I will do the job to the best of my abilities for who I am right now. How you do one thing is how you do everything.

As online entrepreneurs, if we are so busy that we feel we need to cut corners to get everything done, is the corner-cutting setting your business up for future success?

I’m going to tell you, it will not. You’ll get to a point that you’ll regret that corner-cutting because something will break. And it will be a time monster to find and fix the issue.


As an Online Business Manager, a key piece of my role in an online business is managing the team. My areas of expertise that I bring to my clients are leadership, metrics, planning, and organization. These are skills that I commit to cultivating.

Skill development is a daily doing that is a non-negotiable in my schedule. It is part of my morning routine. Gathering knowledge.

Goals Are Reached In the Daily Doing

Recently, during my morning knowledge-gathering, I came upon this article on self-leadership by Jenni Carton, here is the link if you’re interested in reading it: Lead Yourself Well to Lead Others Better by Jenni Catron.

This is one key piece that stuck out to me in the article. “Self-leadership is the hard work behind the scenes that prepares you for great leadership. Understanding who you are, cultivating your character, committing to lifelong learning, and developing discipline provide the framework for fostering the leadership of self.”

This little nugget landed a spot in my Words + Wisdom gallery inside of Notion.

It is the hard work behind the scenes, our daily doing that makes us great.

Focus on the daily doing

Friend, I love to look towards the future what I’m going to do. But, thinking about your goals and what you want to do will not make them happen.

It takes action. It takes daily doing to get to your goals. Without taking action we stay stuck and stagnant.

It is the daily doing that forms the habits and gives us confidence that we can reach our goals.

Mind Mapping To Plan Your Goals

Little Side Note

If you have no idea what to do. A fantastic way to figure it out is mind mapping. I’ve talked about this before in a post. Check it out.


✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • Whether it is launching a new product, staying consistent with marketing, reaching a financial goal, or whatever else you’re trying to achieve it will be reached in the daily doing.
  • If we are going to reach the goal we need to not skip over or miss the necessary tasks that need to be done.
  • Doing the job to the best of your abilities for who you are right now, is not taking the easy road.
  • Skill development is a daily doing that is a non-negotiable in my schedule. Is skill development part of your daily doing?
  • It takes daily doing to get to your goals.
  • What goal are you working towards and do you know the daily doing that needs to happen to accomplish your goal?
Imposter Syndrome, that feeling of who am I to…

Imposter Syndrome, that feeling of who am I to…

Imposter Syndrome, oh the irony of it all. This was the plan topic for the week. Oh boy, writing this blog post I’ve experienced first hand, imposter syndrome. The feeling of who am I to talk about it. The little voice that chatters away in your head, that sparks the self-doubt. I’m guessing you know what I’m talking about.

Recognize that I’m doing it

This is the biggest thing for me. I need to recognize that I’m doing it. On the days that I film the YouTube video that goes along with my blog post, I like to be with my own thoughts in the morning when I’m getting ready.

But today, I started listening to a podcast on the subject of imposter syndrome. Oh, and I found a wonderful podcast, As a Woman Podcast with Dr. Natalie Crawford. She covered Imposter Syndrome. Here is the link if you'd like to listen yourself.

It’s good, so listen to it. After I finished with this podcast I found myself looking for another one. But, I was heading out on my morning walk with the dogs and after reading the book Get Your Life Back by John Eldredge.

While reading this book, I made the commitment to myself that is my morning pause. This is the time to simply let it go, along with the prayer. “Jesus – I give everyone and everything to you.” Mr. Eldredge recommends that you repeat this until it feels like you’re actually releasing and detaching.

Imposter Syndrome, that feeling of who am I to...

Guess What?

Well, I’m not really going to make you guess but if you did tell me in the comments below or send me a DM on Instagram. That little voice the chatter in my head that I quieted on my super quick as fast as I could walk because it 7 degrees outside pause.

Stopped me in my tracks. It said Michele you’re doing it right now. You’re doubting that you can talk about imposter syndrome. Girl, you can talk about it. You can talk about your own experience and it will be enough for someONE.

Thank you

It was at that moment that, I reframed my thoughts. Thanked me for bringing this to the surface and gave me grace.

That’s not true

Then I began the process of that’s not true. All the limiting beliefs began to string into my head. And as quickly as they popped into my head, I combatted them with “That’s not true. Thanks for keeping me safe through.”

It was in the moment that I had the choice to not hold myself back.

Why can I speak on mindset blocks and entrepreneurship, because Friend, I’ve tried them all and I have the P&L statements to show for it.

Cause when things get going really well in my business. Some limiting beliefs trying to keep me small.

It tries to make me feel like a fraud, that I’m not good enough, that I’m not the right person for the role, or causes me to feel unsure of my own abilities.

That’s not true I am good enough. Somewhere out there is someONE that needs to hear that too.

That’s not true, I am the right person for the role.

That’s not true, I have more than enough knowledge and experience to figure out a solution. And if I get stuck I ask my community of Online Business Managers. Someone will have an idea for me.

This is what I have to say about imposter syndrome. 

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✁ Just a Snippet

Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪

  • The feeling of who am I to talk about it. The little voice that chatters away in your head, that sparks the self-doubt
  • I need to recognize that I’m doing it.
  • It said Michele you’re doing it right now. You’re doubting that you can talk about imposter syndrome
  • It was in the moment that I had the choice to not hold myself back.
  • When that chatter starts to creep in, talkback to yourself.
  • We have to be our own best cheerleader.
    You can do it for yourself.
Quarterly Planning For Your Online Business post by Miss Task

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