So you want to make an impact
So you want to make an impact, easy right? Where do you need to get out of your own way to make that impact? Is it the story that you’re telling yourself?
We teach what we most need to learn
I started my business in 2016, with the desire in my heart to actually start making an impact in businesses, in lives. As a sales rep, while I work in an industry that was always making an impact, I never personally felt like I was making a difference. It’s one of my values to make an impact and to make people feel appreciated.
Prior to our sale reorganization that gave me the freedom to start my business, I already had made the decision to start a business, when and if something happened to my job. Heck, I even told my husband about it, but I didn’t do anything I was way too comfortable.
Our Mind Likes Comfortable
Are you like I was in the beginning? You have big dreams to start an online business or you’ve started a side hustle but you’re not making the impact you imagined in your mind. Do you find yourself wondering why is this so easy for others and to you feels as if you’re just getting off and on the struggle bus?
Our minds like us to feel comfortable and safe. It takes courage to step out of our comfort zone to become an entrepreneur.
It’s our mind clutter that makes us uncomfortable. Take time to quiet the mind clutter and get comfortable with the uncomfortable.
Challenge yourself
This is exactly what I had to do at the beginning of my journey, every day I had to challenge myself to get out of my comfort zone. To take the risk and know I’ll be okay.
Heck, I’m still doing it every single time I record a YouTube video. I questioned myself how could you sell hundreds of thousands of dollars in software, but you can’t sell your services?
It became clear to me one day, it was easy to be told no selling software, I didn’t create that but it was my own sweat and tears that they were saying no too and that felt like a personal rejection.
Now what? I had a good idea of what was holding me back from making an impact.
Do the inner work
This is where I had to go deep and do the inner work, I had to figure out where these feelings were coming from. If I wasn’t able to get over the feeling of personal rejection, I’d be stuck in the same place not making a true impact.
A simple shh, to yourself, when your mind starts to fire off at you; alert, alert danger ahead you’re stepping into the feelings of unsure and uncomfortable.
It’s our mind clutter that makes us uncomfortable.
You know the Albert Einstein quote:
“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
This is truer than true.
It’s our thoughts that get us in trouble
Think about the reason why you do not want to do it, whatever “it” maybe, what is the reason why you want to do it? What is the purpose?
Still, struggling?
No problem, let’s change the story. I want you to think about a time when you stepped out of your comfort zone to make an impact.
Got it? Good.
How did you feel? What did you do differently to get out of your head?
I’ve got you if you’re still struggling to change that story. What if, you do nothing and stay not ready?
That doesn’t feel good.
You may not be ready, but you need to be willing.
Start small when you’re not ready to give it your all.
Final Thought
You have to lead yourself before you can make an impact on others.
This is one that I wish I would have discovered a lot earlier in my online business journey, oh well I discovered it when I was ready to embrace it.
You have to lead yourself first. You have to be the shining example for others.
In your mind, do you see yourself as a leader, if not why? How can you change that story?
We hear, lead by example. Do that, be the example so that others can feel your impact.
Little Side Note
Albert Einstein quote:
“We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”
✁ Just a Snippet
Here is just a snippet of the important points, you know for the skimmer in you. 🤪
- Your stuck and small is not making an impact, it’s only dimming your sparkle.
- It’s one of my values to make an impact and to make people feel appreciated.
- Do you find yourself wondering why is this so easy for others and to you feels as if you’re just getting off and on the struggle bus?
- It’s our mind clutter that makes us uncomfortable.
- Get out of the comfort zone, take the risk, and know you’ll be okay.
- If you’re not able to get over the feeling of personal rejection, you’ll be stuck in the same place not making a true impact.
- Shh yourself, when your mind starts to fire off at you; alert, alert danger ahead you’re stepping into the feelings of unsure and uncomfortable.
- Think about your reason and what is your purpose?
- Still, struggling? Think about a time when you stepped out of your comfort zone to make an impact. What did you do and how did you feel afterward?
- I’ve got you if you’re still struggling to change that story. What if, you do nothing and stay not ready?
- Start small when you’re not ready to give it your all.
- You have to lead yourself first. You have to be the shining example for others.
- Find a coach, mentor, or accountability partner.